
CCH Eps#3 Ally Mona - My 2018-2019 Monologue

Susanna M 喻美与共

Welcome to the Creative Chamber of Happiness! ❤️

欢迎来到 CCH 的幸福空间!

For this episode, we have no interview but a monologue, it was originally published under the umbrella of Limitless Laowai, hosted by my podcast idol, Ally Mona.

本集的播客比较特殊,没有面对面的采访,而是来自我的 podcast 偶像 Ally Mona 的一段独白,本集播客于 Ally 创立的 Limitless Laowai 平台首发。

As a fan of Limitless Laowai podcast, I can't hide my excitement when I saw the latest episode being published especially when I've been yearning to see an update for over a year. Ally used to have that super power to update her podcast on average 3 times a week, that's the frequency other audience (coming from over 100 nations globally) and I had been spoiled by. It has been gone for a while that I missed of so much.

作为 Limitless Laowai 播客多年的超级粉丝,在它停更了一年多以后终于出了最新一集的那一天,我无法掩饰我激动的心情。主播 Ally 之前每周更新三集都是小菜一碟,我和来自其他100多个国家的听众们都被她的高频率更新给惯坏了,真的好想念 Ally 高质量的播客!

While I clicked and listened into it, I was hearing something unexpected, something so real happening in our lives, something quite unfamiliar since nobody talks about it. Until that day, Ally was bold enough to tell, to share, to bare her soul, and her emotion.

当我点进去开始听之后,和我的预期真的不是太一样,Ally 讲的都是发生在我们每个人身上的真实的故事,但是听起来又非常陌生,因为周围没有人敢这样讲。直到 Ally 勇敢地分享出了她的故事,把心窝子都掏出来了,“好情绪”、“坏情绪”(真实的情绪)也都一并展现给了大家。

I got to know the wildly positive Ally three and half years ago, on the stage of the last EPWS Gala, she was bright, caring, authentic with incredible empathy. Today on this episode, despite the fact that we are not on the same stage, even not in the same city any more, I feel the same bright, caring, authentic Ally Mona with incredible empathy is with us.

三年半前我在 EPWS 最后一届年度庆典的舞台上认识了 Ally ,当时的她温暖明亮、体贴周到、真实又平易近人,还带有异于常人的同理心(共情的能力)。虽然今天我们不再同一个舞台上了,连所在城市也相隔千里,但在这集播客当中,我能感受到的那个 Ally 还是那样温暖明亮、体贴周到、真实又平易近人。真开心你们也能通过收听感受到!

If you are not familiar we the Limitless Community Ally created, that's fine, just 3 minutes, you will feel what it is about, what Ally is about, what her happiness is about.

如果你之前没听说过 Ally 创立的 Limitless Laowai,没关系,听几分钟的时间你就能立刻感受到她真实鲜活的形象,她正在做的事情,以及她的幸福感都来自哪里。


 Some tearful moments, hard changes here 

 本集包含了许多 Ally 表露真实情绪的时刻,心路历程不是随便说说 

▼ In this episode, Ally will share her journey 

本集中你能够听到的一些心路历程,包括 ▼

from a honey honey moon to being crashed

from burning out to reborn

from the loss of a community to recreating a community

from being known to attracting unknown cool people

from personal development to the heart to serve

from being ordinary to extraordinary







▼ Besides the challenges, Ally also shared with us what do these mean to her 

除了困难与挑战,Ally 还与我们分享了她对于以下关键词的定义 ▼



Healthy Eating

Sustainable Food

Ally gave everything she had experienced to us through this episode, I invite you to give a 30-minute attention to yourself to resonate with and why she's talking about you and your own life as well.

Ally 倾注了她的真心和真实的经历,把它们都通过这集播客分享给了我们,我邀请大家在听这集播客的时候也给予自身一些关注,看看她分享的能否和我们引起共鸣,她经历的是否也是我们正在经历的。

▾  Click To Listen  ▾

Ally runs a 6-people family with 4 lovely daughters in Shenzhen, as busy as you could imagine, she has committed to continue producing her podcast through Limitless LIFE, I will keep everyone updated here once her new platform gets released.

Ally 和她的丈夫还有4个可爱的女儿目前住在深圳,日常的忙碌可想而知,尽管如此,她还是保证会继续制作新的播客,只要她的新平台 Limitless LIFE 一出来,我就在下方评论区及时和大家汇报。

Check out other episodes on the Creative Chamber of Happiness:

CCH 往期回顾 🍀🍀

CCH Eps#2 Guillaume-Harry - This Clown is a Mind Traveler

CCH Eps#1 Mahdi Gilbert - Dream & Magic

Thank you for being here, for being YOU. I look forward to seeing you again in 2019. 

谢谢你在这里和我们相遇,谢谢你做最真实的自己。2019,期待再次见到你。 ❤️

We are so glad to have you, thank you for witnessing my personal transformation journey. Share with your friends if you think this is fun, and please reach out if you want to share your story with us. 


we are also looking for the talented you to join us! If you are good at or want to be good at interview, audio editing, video editing, content editing, are passionate about promoting happiness regardless, so please...

我们正在寻找棒棒的你加入我们,如果你擅长或者【想】擅长采访、音频剪辑、视频剪辑、内容编辑,愿意为了提升广大人民群众的幸福感而奋斗,那么请 👇

 Contact us 联系我们 


If you are interested in the Artgym Academy’s Advanced Diploma in Facilitating Creative Collaboration, please visit http://artgym.com/courses/landing-creative-collaboration/ directly for more information.

The Shanghai II Hub accepts members for our core team on an annual basis in January of every year, with the recruiting cycle starting in October. If you're committed to making a difference in the world who also meet the under-30 age requirement, please visit https://www.shanghaiglobalshapers.org/#become-a-shaper to apply.

Please click "Read more" below if you want to poke into the next episode, it may give you a hint. Happy New Year!

如果想提前打探我们下期的播客内容,可以点击下方“阅读原文”,说不定你就找到了一点线索,期待下一期吧! 新年快乐 ❤️


