
光艺术|Seeing Stars, 还城市一片灿烂星空

Roosegaarde 意大利Luce e design 2023-03-15

在你自己生活的地方会看到灿烂星空么?在城市森林中的我们是否觉得很不可思议?荷兰艺术家Daan Roosegaarde和联合国教科文组织共同合作在荷兰小镇弗兰衲克Franeker进行了这样的艺术实践。

Seeing the stars in your own street. It may sound like a fairytale, but the Dutch city of Franeker is achieving this by switching off its lights in the project Seeing Stars.


By doing so, Daan Roosegaarde and Unesco Netherlands bring the stars back to create a sense of connection between people, something we are still missing in this COVID-19 pandemic.

Seeing Stars 倡导世界各地行动起来;联合国教科文组织旨在通过这一活动让人们意识到星空也是我们共同守护的世界遗产。

Seeing Stars encourages cities worldwide to follow; Unesco Netherlands aims to recognise seeing stars as a form of universal heritage.

全球超过 80% 的人口生活在光污染的天空下;这成了我们体验和欣赏宇宙之美的一大阻碍。我们需要寻求一个解决方案。

More than 80% of the world’s population lives under light-polluted skies; a barrier preventing us from experiencing the beauty of the universe. But there is a solution.

“每个人都有权利在未受污染的夜空中看到星星。看着星星会让人感觉彼此相连,因为我们都是浩瀚宇宙的一部分。这是我们努力争取的公共和世界遗产。看到星星是向前迈出的重要一步。”- Kathleen Ferrier,联合国教科文组织荷兰委员会主席。

“Everybody should have the right to see the stars through an unpolluted night sky. Looking at the stars makes you feel connected to each other, we are all part of the immense cosmos. This is the communal and universal heritage I strive for. Seeing Stars is an important step forward.” 

- Kathleen Ferrier, Chairperson of the Netherlands Commission for Unesco.

“现在每个人都封闭在自己的小世界里,彼此脱节。我意识到,每个夜晚,我们的天空中都隐藏着令人惊叹的灯光表演。如果我们关掉一个城市的所有灯,我们可以一起欣赏星星呢?Seeing Stars 让您在街上看到星星。星星只有一个开关。 ”- Daan Roosegaarde,艺术家。

“Everyone is now in their own little bubble, disconnected from each other. I realised that every night, there is an amazing light performance hidden up high in our sky. What if we switch off all the lights in a city, so we can enjoy the stars together? Seeing Stars brings back the stars in your street. The stars are only one switch away.” - Daan Roosegaarde, artist.

Seeing Stars 是荷兰教科文组织与Studio Roosegaarde和荷兰小镇弗兰衲克的居民共同合作完成的,关闭所有非必要的家用照明、广告牌和路灯。

Seeing Stars is a collaboration between the residents, government, and businesses of Franeker, Unesco Netherlands and Studio Roosegaarde to switch off all non-essential household lights, billboards, and street lights. 

全镇范围内消除光污染,Seeing Stars 旨在让每个人重建与宇宙的联系,再次体验星光的魅力。这项活动是在与当地政府密切合作下完成的,确保公共安全。

By removing this light pollution on a city-wide scale, Seeing Stars enables everyone to reconnect with the universe and experience the magic of starlight again. Public safety is ensured in close collaboration with the local government.

Seeing Stars 从荷兰小镇弗拉衲克开始,在全球不同城市如荷兰莱顿、悉尼、威尼斯、斯德哥尔摩和雷克雅未克等城市巡回。

Seeing Stars begins in Franeker and aims to travel to cities such as Leiden, Sydney, Venice, Stockholm, and Reykjavik.

“我很自豪能关掉我们城市的所有灯,看到星星,感受彼此之间的联系。” - Marga Waanders,Franeker Unesco 市长。

“I am so proud to switch off all the lights in our city, to see the stars and feel connected with each other.” - Marga Waanders, mayor of Franeker.

之前一些组织Nacht van het Wad、Earth Hour、Nacht van de Nacht 和国际黑暗天空协会也都倡导黑暗时刻可以增加人类的福祉。Seeing Stars 是这场运动的一部分,它是一场激进的首映式,专注于在你的城市中观赏星星。

Nacht van het Wad, Earth Hour, Nacht van de Nacht, and the International Dark-Sky Association have all previously advocated moments of darkness to increase human and animal well-being. Seeing Stars is part of this movement and acts as a radical premiere which is focussed on viewing the stars in your city.

 images courtesy: Studio Roosegaarde 







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