
里昂La Part Dieu购物中心|光与立面,打造购物焕新体验

MVRDV 意大利Luce e design 2023-03-15

©les éclaireurs

位于法国里昂的La Part Dieu城市购物中心日前完成了改造。将这座20世纪70年代的原始建筑,赋予了“重新社交”的功能,并改写了里昂市中心的定义。

MVRDV has completed the transformation of La Part-Dieu urban shopping centre in Lyon, France. The project has transformed the original building from the 1970s, “re-socialising” the shopping centre and transforming Lyon’s city centre.

© Ossip van Duivenbode

建筑设计来自 MVRDV 。改造可持续利用大量原有建筑材料的同时,重新规划了内部结构,增加了更多空间,取消了多余的停车场。另外,在建筑新增大面积开窗,刷新了原有旧混凝土立面,打造极具标识性的建筑立面。并增加了一个新的屋顶公园,由一部巨大的楼梯与之相连。

While sustainably reusing a significant amount of the existing building’s materials, the design rearranges internal programmes, adds more space, replaces a redundant car park, inserts large windows, refreshes the characteristic old concrete façade, and adds an expansive rooftop park connected to the city by monumental stairs.

© Ossip van Duivenbode


With this extensive transformation, a building that was once an obstruction to Lyon’s vitality is poised to begin a new chapter as a vibrant city centre attraction.

© Ossip van Duivenbode

La Part Dieu购物中心当初设计时,正是汽车主导城市规划的时代,当时的理念是打造一个内向的庞然大物--它是欧洲最大的城市购物中心之一,但与周围的街道几乎没有联系。此次改造取消了原有的停车场,并重新规划了大楼内部空间,以合理化流通动线,同时新的扩建也在现有13万平方米的基础上增加了32000平方米的可租赁空间。

Designed in an era when cars ruled city planning, the original design of La Part-Dieu was an introverted behemoth – it was among the largest urban shopping centres in Europe, yet had little connection to the streets around it. The transformation replaces the old car park and rearranges the building’s interior spaces to rationalise circulation, while new extensions also add an extra 32,000 square metres of leasable space to the existing 130,000 square metres.

© Ossip van Duivenbode




Despite the dramatic transformation, the design retains the history of the building. The concrete panels that composed the distinctive original façade have been preserved and reused in line with circular economy principles, retaining the pattern of interlocking rectangles that characterised the original building’s striking visual identity.

© Ossip van Duivenbode

© Ossip van Duivenbode

© Ossip van Duivenbode


These concrete panels, which previously were a dull beige, are now fresh and white. They are also replicated on the extensions, with a modern twist; at the entrances and other key locations, the façade ‘evaporates’ to reveal large windows, reinforcing the building’s openness, creating a physical and symbolic gesture heralding the gateway to a revitalised Lyon Part-Dieu.

© Ossip van Duivenbode

© Ossip van Duivenbode

© Ossip van Duivenbode

MVRDV创始合伙人Winy Maas表示:新立面的乐趣在于人们看到它时会想到很多不同的东西。” “也许是蕾丝花边,烧毁的边缘,或是是溶解的糖;也可能是雪花,它们开始融化了。所有这些令人回味的图像都与建筑原来的沉重、不友好形成了鲜明对比。它将一个古老的怪兽变成了一位优雅的贵妇。

“The joy of this new façade is the many different things people think of when they see it”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “Perhaps it’s fabric lace, and the edges have burned off; maybe it’s sugar that has dissolved; it could be snowflakes, and they are beginning to melt. All of these evocative images are in stark contrast to the heavy, unfriendly mass that characterised the building before. It turns the old monster into a gracious Grande Dame.”

© Ossip van Duivenbode

改造的另一个重要元素是屋顶:巨大的楼梯延伸到购物中心的主要入口,通向连接大楼三面的多层屋顶花园。屋顶和露台成为了城市的一部分,连接城市各个地方,包括曾经与城市分隔的Part Dieu火车站。

Another significant element of the transformation is found on the roof: grand staircases rise next to the shopping centre’s main entrances, leading to a multi-level rooftop garden that connects three sides of the building. With restaurants and cafés as well as green spaces, comfortable seating, and play areas for children, this rooftop and terraces become a true piece of the city, connecting parts of the city – including the city’s main Part-Dieu train station – that were previously detached from one another. 

© Ossip van Duivenbode


People can now take multiple routes through or over the building to cross the vast site; the shopping centre becomes a kind of public plateau, a vantage point that allows people to orient themselves within the city.

建筑师Maas 表示,“Lyon Part-Dieu现在更加透明,更具现代感,并将日常生活渗透其中。在充满绿色的公共屋顶花园里,你可以放松身心,与人碰面,欣赏美景,远离繁华的街道,寻找心灵的慰藉。”

“Lyon Part-Dieu is now more porous and contemporary, permeated by daily life. From its green public roof garden, you can relax, meet people, take in the views, and find solace away from the bustling streets below.”



该项目照明设计来自les éclaireurs设计事务所。新的照明设计也将现代的购物体验提升到一个新的高度。

The Part-Dieu shopping centre is getting a new look with the rehabilitation, transformation and extension proposed by MVRDV and SUD architects. Lighting design is from les éclaireurs.

©les éclaireurs


The stamped concrete panels, signature of the original building, become a pattern that deconstructs and evaporates at the entrances. 

©les éclaireurs

©les éclaireurs

©les éclaireurs


Huge glass façades mark the entrances, while the Lantern on the west side becomes a new access door facing the city centre. At night, the massiveness of the building is set off by silvery flight, while the interior volumes radiate a golden glow. We design the illumination of the facades, the exterior spaces, the signage, in close interface with the interior lighting.

Programme© MVRDV

Facade Regeneration© MVRDV

Project Name: Lyon Part-Dieu Location: Lyon, France

Year: 2022

Client: URW Unibail Rodamco Westfield 

Size and Programme: 180,000 m2 shopping centre (161,000 m2 leasable space) 

Architect: MVRDV 

Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas

Partner: Bertrand Schippan, Frans de Witte

Design Team: Marion Rabec, Pierre-Emmanuel Escoffier, Catherine Drieux, Antoine Muller, Daniel Diez, Maxime Cunin, Clara Cahez, Jean-Rémy Houel, Leo Stuckardt, Saskia Kok, Boris Tikvarski, Paul Mas, Paul Sanders, Julius Kirchert, Andrei Pedrescu, Karolina Szóstkiewicz, Ana Melgarejo Lopez, Clémentine Artru, Clementine Bory, Davide Salamino, Séverine Bogers, Marie Saladin, Francesco Barone, Pierre des Courtis, Michael Labory, Solène de Bouteiller, Jordanne Alaimo, Bastien Legros, Camille Ghielmetti, Mariana López Reyes, Javier Cuenca Solana, Miriam Gallerani, Irene Todero, Pauline Dupont Lhotelain, Sanne van der Burgh, Jill Pichon, Edgar Gervason, Wael Borghol, Sylvain Totaro, Manon Vajou

Director MVRDV France: Nicolas Land 

Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries


Co-architect: Sud Architectes 

Project coordination: ARTELIA

Landscape architect: BASE 

Structural engineer: IGREC Ingénierie; WSP 

Facade engineer: VP&Green 

Contractor: Groupement LEON GROSSE; GCC 

Cost calculation: ARTELIA; CYPRIUM 

Interior architect: Saguez & Partners; Alberto Cattani

Lighting design: Les Eclaireurs 

Photography: © Ossip van Duivenbode,©Les Eclaireurs 







Fort Victoria Chica城堡|灯光讲述历史的故事

Luce e design

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