
Why Essay怎么写才能打动招生官的心?

2017-10-16 InsightEducation

到了每年的申请季,很多人都会对同一个supplement essay头疼——Why School,这是一个很明显中规中矩的题目,但是有时候杀伤力里更胜于问你兴趣爱好以及社会经历的问题。

Why Essay究竟怎么写,才能紧紧抓住招生官的心呢?想必大家烦恼不少,面对空空如也word一个字也敲不出来,今天睿智小编教大家如何写出打动人心的文书,助你收获梦校园录取一臂之力。

How to Answer “Why This College?” Essay

What schools want?

“Dear Student,

Please respond to this question: ‘Why do you want to go to OUR GREAT SCHOOL U?’" How do you answer this question? First

This is an important essay. Don’t save it for last. Give it some time and thought. Your Goal

Use specific examples to show that you understand what makes the college special and why it’s a good fit for you. Once Again

Be Specific. Details and examples matter.

Schools Want to know

1. That you “get them.” This means that you understand what makes them different from other schools. Take into consideration academic philosophy, traditions, student life, etc.

2. Why you’re a good match for them. How will you fit in? How will you contribute? How will you take advantage of what they have to offer? Tell them why their school matters to you.

School don't like

1. Vague answers such as “Your school really inspires me”… “I like cold weather”…“The campus is amazing”… “I can really see myself going there.” (You probably won’t.) 

2. Hearing information they already know. For example: “I’m looking forward to going to OUR GREAT SCHOOL U because it has a Division I Soccer Team.”They already know that. Personalize it instead: “I’ve been following Division I soccer for years and was psyched when OUR GREAT SCHOOL U made it to the NCAA Soccer finals last December. I’ll be in the stands cheering when I get to campus next fall.”

Don't use the same essay for different schools

Some students use the same first one or two sentences as an introduction, but this shouldn’t be a “fill in the blank” essay where you plug in the name of a dorm or professor. The admissions committee will catch that.


The more specific you can be the more successful you’ll be. How to Answer “Why This College?” pt.2: 5 Steps to a Great Essay Now it’s time to buckle down and start writing.

Here are 5 steps to a great why essay

1. Before You Start Writing, Understand What Makes This School Different From Other Schools

Read the website thoroughly (not just the home page). Watch videos. Connect on Facebook and get regular updates in your newsfeed. Learn about the school’s educational philosophy and traditions.

Pay attention when you visit. When something interests you, ask questions.

Think about how you’d be a good match for that school.

Find something that gets you excited about attending.

2. Don’t Be A Lightweight

It’s okay to mention after-school activities and dorm life in your essay, but they shouldn’t be your main focus. Show that you know about substantial things like courses, instructors, academic opportunities and educational philosophy.

3. Say How You’ll Fit In

Visualize yourself as a freshman on campus: What classes are you taking? Why do you love being there? How are you contributing to the campus community? Why are you a good match? Write about it.

4. If You’ve Talked to People, Say So

Whether it’s a tour guide, admissions counselor, coach or professor, making personal connections shows initiative and enthusiasm. So if you’ve talked to someone, write about it!

Mention what you learned from the people you talked to, and be specific about how it pertains to you. For instance, “My tour guide was totally excited about the classes he was taking” is too general. But, “My tour told me how accessible all my bio profs will be,” is specific.

5. It’s Almost Never Too Late to Make a Personal Connection

Even if your deadline’s looming you can probably get in touch with a student, alum, or coach.

Start by finding emails and phone numbers online or through the admissions office. Google the local alumni association. Or use your own connections — if you have a friend with a relative or friend who went to the school you’re writing about, give them a call.

Introduce yourself and ask questions – For instance, what kind of college experience they had, what professors they recommend, where you should live, what kind of majors you might enjoy, etc. Keep asking questions until you find something that gets you excited about going there!

Everyone who’s writing a “Why This School” essay should try to make at least one personal connection.

Go Ahead! Discover what excites you and write about it. You’ll have a great “Why This School” essay.

How to answer "Why this college?" Essay Samples

So you have to answer the essay question, “Why Do You Want to Go To This School?” Here’s the good news (yup, there’s good news). This college essay doesn’t have to be a killer, if you know what schools are looking for and where to begin. (Part 1 and Part 2 — check them out.) Now, take a look at some essays in action. Here are 3 essay samples; I tell you if they work or not, and why.(

Example #1

I like Bowdoin College because it’s close to the Canadian border.” Doesn’t Work. Why: The student is telling the school what it already knows. (“It’s close to the Canadian border.”) Instead, tell the school why this piece of information is important, and how you’ll take advantage of it. New Version: “I like Bowdoin’s proximity to Canada because my family is French Canadian. I’m excited about being close enough to learn more about my heritage and practice my language skills.” Works Why: The answer is specific. This student clearly states why this school is a good match for her.

Example #2

“Your school really inspires me. The students were friendly and the campus is amazing. Plus, I like cold weather. I can really see myself going there.” Doesn’t Work Why: Generic – almost any campus can be inspiring, and lots of students are friendly. It’s also impersonal – there’s no feeling the student connects with this school.0 New Version: “I introduced myself to some of the students who were on their way to Dr. Gruber’s psych class. As we walked across the quad they told me how exciting his lectures were and how much they liked him as a teacher. My high school psych course really made me want to learn more about psychology, and if I’m admitted, the first class I’m signing up for is Dr. Gruber’s.” Works Why: The student has made her answer personal. By referencing an instructor and a course that interests her, she’s able to give the school a clear picture of how she sees herself fitting in.

Example #3

“During the campus tour, my guide gave me a great inside view of the University. He told me about the school culture, and I knew this was the place for me.” Doesn’t Work

Why: 1. Vague. It doesn’t mean anything to say you have an “inside view” or that “this is the place for me.” You need specifics to back it up. New Version: “After I got home, I remembered my tour guide played cello in the orchestra, so I shot him an email asking what it was like. He replied right away and told me he’d definitely recommend it, especially because of the great friendships he’d made. That’s the kind of experience and camaraderie I’m looking for.” Works Why: Personal connection. This is an excellent revision. When the student realized his essay wasn’t specific enough, he remembered that his tour guide played in the orchestra, and that he had the guide’s email. So they chatted, and the end result was an essay that showed initiative, enthusiasm, and connection. The student understood why he wanted to go to this college. Is Your Essay Specific Enough? Use this Test: If 100 other students can say the same thing, it’s time to either dig deeper or start over. Your essay needs to be unique to you. Remember Every school wants to see two basic things: that you know something specific about what they offer and that you understand how you’ll fit in.

为了帮助大家写出优秀的文书,每年睿智都会开展“睿智文书工作坊”。我们通过文书素材梳理,头脑风暴,遣词造句,篇章段落,修辞润色等,以及各种文书 (个人简历,个人陈述,Why文书,推荐信) 及其案例分析,帮助学生提升文书写作能力,助力申请季!



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