
展讯 | 刘国栋:聚·变(潜行者计划 No.5)


联系电话:+86 10 89575180

Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive Potential Actor Project No. 5

Liu Guodong: Gathering and Changing
Curator: Wu Hong
Producer: Hu Jiebao
Organizer: Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive
Dates: September 20-November 25, 2019
Location: 3F, Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive
Address: Museum Road, Songzhuang Art District, Songzhuang Village, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Tel: +86 10 89575180

Elementary particles are the most basic unit of matter, and the magnificent universe we are in is also composed of elementary particles with a large base but not many types. Gathering and Changing uses ready-made pine wood cube blocks as "elementary particle" to generate different shapes through different sorting and combination methods. The original intention of these forms, some involve the arithmetic progression, some are intended to the seamless pattern, some simulate the architectural form, and some discuss the dialectical relationship between reality and emptiness. The arrangement and superposition of these "elementary particles" construct the "world" of a certain dimension, that is, "gathering and changing".

Gathering and ChangingPine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and ChangingPine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and ChangingPine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and Changing, Pine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
Gathering and ChangingPine wood cube blocks, U shaped nails, 30~60cm each piece, Overall dimensions variable, 2019
刘国栋,1987年生于河南,2009年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院雕塑专业,获学士学位;2013年毕业于汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院公共艺术专业,获硕士学位;中国雕塑学会会员; 北京叙述空间公共艺术事务所联合创始人;现工作生活于北京。
2017 “重新阐释——宋庄青年艺术家群体现象研究展” 宋庄美术馆
2016 “10年(2006-2016)——宋庄美术馆建馆十周年特展” 宋庄美术馆
2015 “端午——刘国栋个人作品展” 北京
2013 “动画——刘国栋装置雕塑展” 汕头大学美术馆
2012 “第二届公共艺术节” 汕头大学
2011“KHORA3中德日艺术交流联展” 汕头大学美术馆
2019 《螺旋桨与骑士》入选2019年宁波北仑公共艺术·雕塑征集活动获优秀奖作品
2018 《火炬》入选“第二届深圳‘琵鹭杯’公共艺术精英赛”获“琵鹭杯”优秀奖
2018 《骑士》入选“中国(巴中)巴国巴人·巴山巴水雕塑征集活动”获优秀奖
2013 《骑士》入选“第三届刘开渠国际雕塑大展”获“刘开渠奖评委奖”
2012 《汤圆怪兽》获“满记甜品怪兽征集”获优秀奖
Liu Guodong,born in 1987, in Henan province,Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute 2009,Academic Master of Fine Arts in Public Art Cheung Kong School of Art & Design, Shantou University 2013,Member of Chinese sculpture society,Currently living in Beijing.
2017 "Reinterpretation:A study on the group phenomenon of young artists in songzhuang", Songzhuang Art Museum
2016 "10 years (2006-2016):The Exhibition on the 10th Anniversary of Songzhuang Art Museum", Songzhuang Art Museum
2015 "Duanwu:Liu Guodong solo exhibition", Beijing, 2015
2013 "Animation:Liu Guodong installation sculpture exhibition", Shantou University Art Museum
2012 "The Second Public Art Festival", Shantou University
2011 "KHORA3 China-Germany-Japan art communication exhibition", Shantou University Art Museum
2019 Propeller and rider was selected into the 2019 public art and sculpture collection activity of Beilun, Ningbo, Excellence Award
2018 Torch was selected into the 2nd "2018 Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Awards for Public Art" , Excellence Award
2018 The Knight was selected into the "China (Bazhong) bashan bashui sculpture collection" , Excellence Award, 2018
2013 The Knight was selected into "The Third Liu Kaiqu Sculpture Award", Judge Award
2012 Dumpling Monster won the "Manji dessert monster contest" Excellence Award

访谈 | SCAA“潜行者计划”的初衷及目的
现场 | 刘水洋:“物质不灭”艺术实验项目
展讯 | 朱离子格:北京6.5环(潜行者计划 No.2)
展讯 | 窦付坤:中间态(潜行者计划 No.3)
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