

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-03-27

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“Will tea help me lose weight?”


我的回答是…这取决于你自己(“It depends on you”),原因是这样的:



























Can tea help you lose weight?

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

On my recent visit to Philadelphia, I spoke on Chinese tea at the Temple University Confucius Institute. Over 50 students, faculty, and staff attended the event, called White, green, oolong, black: come discover your favorite tea. Participants learned about the different varieties of teas, brewing techniques, and Chinese tea culture. 


When I speak to foreign audiences about Chinese tea, I always get this one question:

“Will tea help me lose weight?”

And my answer is…it depends on you. Here's why:

The science behind weight loss

To lose weight, you should consume fewer calories than you burn. In general, an average woman needs to eat about 2,000 calories per day to maintain, and 1,500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. An average man needs 2,500 calories to maintain, and 2,000 to lose one pound of weight per week.

This translates into a reduction of 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound in a week, or 1,000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds in a week. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, you must burn off 3,500 calories more than you consume to lose 1 pound. Anything beyond this may be unsafe.

There are two measurements for the amount of energy in a food product. Americans are most familiar with the calorie, which measures the amount of energy stored in food. The other measurement for energy, the one used for food labels in China, is the kilojoule. One calorie equals 4.2 kilojoules (kJ) .

Weight loss can be achieved, then, by eating fewer calories or using up more calories through physical activity. Experts say a combination of both is best.

There are many different diet books and programs on the market. Each has a different theme, such as low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, low-salt, low-fat, and vegetarian. Some diets are very restrictive. For example, Steve Jobs was a fruitarian for a period of time. In many ways, most of these diets have a similar feature, in that you consume fewer calories than you burn.

Note: Weight loss results depend on numerous factors. Consult your doctor for more detailed information.

How tea fits in

Drinking tea each day isn't likely to cause you drop many pounds. Some research suggests that tea can help you lose a small amount of weight—but generally when you pair it with a sensible diet and exercise. Again, it’s about creating a negative calorie balance.

One of the reasons people struggle with weight loss is because they have a hard time staving off hunger pangs. One easy method to suppressing hunger while dieting is to consume adequate amounts of fluid. Much of the time, hunger is actually thirst.

As tea has a negligible number of calories, it makes for an ideal beverage, regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight. For example, if you substitute a cup of tea for a 500 mL bottle of soda, you will have saved 200 calories; a bottle of orange juice, 235 calories; a bottle of beer, 220 calories.

Not all tea beverages are low calorie, though, as they are often mixed with milk, sugar, and other high-calorie additives. For example, a 150 mL bottle of a sweetened, bottled black tea beverage can be 150 calories. Hong Kong-style milk tea is 320 calories. Pearl milk tea is 300 calories. The hidden calories in these seemingly “healthy” beverages can quickly add up.

And for the coffee drinkers out there, if you swap out your morning mocha latte for a cup of tea, you'll trim almost 300 calories from your daily total.

Although it is common to add milk and sugar to tea in Western countries, fortunately in China, hot tea is generally consumed plain. That certainly is an advantage in the weight loss race!

Even after you lose the weight, or if you already are at your ideal weight, tea can help you stay on track. By regularly drinking tea instead of higher-calorie beverages, you’ll be on a better path to weight maintenance.

Which tea should 

I drink to lose weight?

It really doesn’t matter. Studies have shown that white, green, oolong, black, and dark teas may all assist weight loss and fat loss. But they also caution real weight loss requires a whole lifestyle approach that includes diet changes and activity.

In my view, all varieties of tea have certain health benefits, so I drink many kinds of teas as opposed to too much of just one. In my article A tea for all seasons, I share some thoughts on which teas to drink when

Teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may boost metabolism and help your body break down fats more quickly. The caffeine in tea increases your energy use, causing your body to burn more calories. These two compounds probably work best together to aid, but not directly cause, weight and fat loss.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, or otherwise find that tea doesn’t agree with you, you can consider herbal infusions. Chrysanthemum, osmanthus, rose, and other decaffeinated herbal brews are widely available and can add variety to your diet.

By now I think you can understand that when people ask me if tea can help them lose weight, I can only reply, “It depends.” Perhaps the better question is, “Can drinking tea be part of a healthy lifestyle?” In this case, the answer more easily becomes “Yes!”

Other variables can influence weight loss. Before you begin a dieting, weight loss, or exercise program, be sure to see your doctor.  Your doctor can help determine if there are any health issues you should take into consideration when changing your eating or activity habits.

My friend, there's no “magic bullet” for weight loss, but I think you already knew that. It’s generally a matter of eating less and exercising more. To help you along, tea can be a great part of your lifestyle. Even after you lose weight, tea can help you keep it off. So, if you’re trying to lose weight, why not brew a cup of tea to get you off to a good start?


1.Consume:\ kən-ˈsüm \ 

a)含义:v. 消耗;消费


i.To lose weight, you should consume fewer calories than you burn. In general, an average woman needs to eat about 2,000 calories per day to maintain, and 1,500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week.


ii.How does what you do, what you consume, and how you live, impact the environment? 


c)近义词:eat, ingest, utilize

2.Pang:\ ˈpaŋ \ 

a)含义: n. 剧痛;痛苦


i.One of the reasons people struggle with weight loss is because they have a hard time staving off hunger pangs.


ii.I remember the pang I felt when they shouldered their backpacks and stepped on the bus.  


c)近义词:ache, pain, twinge

3.Trim:\ ˈtrim \  

a)含义:v. 减少;削减


i.And for the coffee drinkers out there, if you swap out your morning mocha latte for a cup of tea, you'll trim almost 300 calories from your daily total.


ii.We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.  


c)近义词:cut, decrease, reduce


\ ˈmānt-nən(t)s  \

a)含义:n. 保持;维护


i.By regularly drinking tea instead of higher-calorie beverages, you’ll be on a better path to weight maintenance.


ii.They are happy with their existing applications and could cut their maintenance costs in half.  


c)近义词: conservation, preservation, upkeep

5.Approach:\ ə-ˈprōch \ 

a)含义:n. 方法; 途径


i.But they also caution real weight loss requires a whole lifestyle approach that includes diet changes and activity. 


ii.This approach also frees up half the compute nodes at each step.  


c)近义词: method, strategy, tactics

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.




John Smagula


