

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-04-06

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」





Good Will Hunting

《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)是1997年的一部电影,它探讨的正是这个主题。这部获得奥斯卡金像奖的电影在《好莱坞报道》杂志的“100部最受欢迎电影”榜单中排名第53位。这部电影经久不衰的原因之一是它所揭示的自我谴责和自我厌恶的负担,让我们中的许多人产生了共鸣。

在这部电影中,马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)饰演威尔·亨特,他有着天才般的智商,但却仅仅在麻省理工学院做janitor(清洁工)。威尔记忆力很强,能轻而易举地解决复杂的数学问题。他也有一段困扰他的过去。他没有充分利用自己的天赋,而是和叛逆的朋友们一起出去玩,抽烟喝酒,还多次触犯法律。

因参加帮派斗殴被捕后,法官命令威尔与麻省理工学院的一名教授学习数学并接受治疗。他嘲笑最初的几个治疗师,直到他遇到了桑恩·马奎尔医生(罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)饰)。马奎尔并没有试图让威尔看到自己的错误,而是运用了相反的心理和挑战威尔的防御机制,让他敞开心扉。




马奎尔明白,尽管威尔试图表现得坚强,但鉴于他痛苦的过去,他内心实际上非常脆弱。在一次治疗中,当威尔对他喃喃自语时,马奎尔告诉他,他是一个“自大又胆小的孩子”。他看到威尔保护自己的“面具”,就用一些经过深思熟虑的技巧让他明白过来。他的方法都是源于他想让威尔快乐幸福的无私的渴望 。


“This is not your fault.”







A play on words


其次,这意味着威尔在追求善意。“善意”(good will)意味着有一种温和的兴趣、一种善意的感觉或认可。威尔早先被抛弃的经历使他在别人身上找到了这种“善意”。这种追求将他引领到了马奎尔那里,马奎尔的支持最终使威尔有了更高层次的自我发现。




It's not your fault

如果你在为他人的错误而自己承担责任,试着把自己当作威尔代入到与马奎尔的谈话中 。当马奎尔对你说“这不是你的错”时,你会怎样回应呢?停下来想一想。你可能会像威尔一样表面上同意。但当马奎尔看着你重复这句话时,他最终会和你心灵相通吗?













Good Will Hunting: it's not your fault

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Many of us play the blame game. When something goes wrong, we either blame ourselves or blame others. If it’s our fault, then it’s important to take ownership of our mistake. When someone else is wrong, we can correct them or be tolerant, depending on the circumstances. 

However, sometimes we get it backwards: blaming others when we are at fault, or, blaming ourselves when others are at fault. In the first case, we shirk responsibility, making someone else look bad to try to protect ourselves or avoid shame. Often, this scheme unravels when the truth becomes known, and we gain a reputation of being untrustworthy or unreliable.

In today’s blog post, though, I’d like to discuss when we blame ourselves for something someone else did. Many of these wrongs may have happened in our early childhood. But over the years, we come to blame ourselves, saying we “deserved” it or were otherwise unworthy of the love and affection rightfully due to children.

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting is a 1997 movie that explores this very theme. This Academy Award winning movie ranks #53 in The Hollywood Reporter's "100 Favorite Films" list. One of the reasons for the enduring popularity of this movie is because the burden of self-blame and self-loathing resonates with so many of us.

In this film, Matt Damon plays Will Hunting, who has a genius-level IQ but works as a janitor at MIT. Will has a photographic memory and can solve complicated math problems with little effort. He also has a troubled past that holds him back. Rather than make the most of his gifts, he hangs out with rebel friends, smokes and drinks, and has many brushes with the law.

After being arrested for joining a gang fight, a judge orders Will to study mathematics with a MIT professor and go for therapy. He mocks the first few therapists until he meets Dr. Sean Maguire (played by Robin Williams). Rather than try to get Will to see his wrongs, Maguire uses reverse psychology and challenges Will’s defense mechanisms, causing him to open up.

”Some people can never believe in themselves, until someone believes in them first.” This quote by Maguire embodies his approach to dealing with others. 

Will had a troubled childhood and endured many hardships. He was abandoned at an early age and lived life as an orphan. His foster father abused him for no reason, making Will choose between a wrench, stick, and belt for that evening’s beatings. Will later hung out with the wrong crowd and got involved in many fights, for which he was ultimately jailed.

Will was also a loner deep inside, even though he had friends. He experienced so much rejection growing up that he later breaks up relationships before people can leave him. For example, he met a Harvard student at a bar who fell head over heels in love with him, but he wouldn’t let her get too close, and broke up despite her profession that she truly loves him.

Maguire understood that although Will tried to look strong, he is really scared inside given his painful past. In one session when Will was mouthing off to him, Maguire tells him that he is a “cocky scared kid.” He saw the mask Will was wearing and used some thoughtful techniques to get through to him. His methods were grounded in a selfless desire for Will to be happy. 

“This is not your fault.”

Will’s years of emotional turmoil caused him to fall into self-loathing. He blamed himself for every wrong that happened to him—even though it was not his fault or mistake. In order to bring Will out of this self-blaming mindset and prompt him to share his feelings, Maguire closes Will’s medical file and simply tells him, "This is not your fault."

Will coolly casts aside this assertion. But Maguire repeats it. “It’s not your fault.” And he kept repeating it, eight more times, after which Will finally broke down, cried, and hugged Maguire. Will finally realized that his past is not his mistake. This epiphany caused Will to release a lifetime of emotions that were buried deep within.

Will’s alcoholic and abusive foster father was largely at fault, as he did not accept the responsibility of raising his son properly. Rather than love and nurture Will, his foster father scorned and beat him. Over time, Will internalized this rejection, wrongly believing it was all his fault. Children from abusive homes often blame themselves for their abuse.

Will was very sensitive to being exploited. The MIT professor entrusted by the judge to teach him math wants to use Will to benefit his own reputation. Will’s crude friends want to use him to boost their own confidence. It was Maguire, however, who wanted Will to be happy for who he was, to appreciate his worth as a human being, and to then find himself from there.

Good Will Hunting is a movie of self-discovery. Despite his considerable intellectual gifts and capacity for book learning, he was not able to fully reach his potential until he aligned these gifts with his own emotional healing and appreciation of his intrinsic self-worth.

A play on words

The movie title is a play on words and has two meanings. First, it means that Will Hunting is indeed “good.” Deep down, he is a good person, a victim of a horrible upbringing. His later peccadilloes stem from his earlier abandonment and abuse. Even though much of his behavior was “bad,” deep down he was really a “good” child who was never properly cultivated.

Second, it means that Will is hunting for good will. “Good will” means having a benevolent interest or a kindly feeling or approval. Will’s earlier abandonment caused him to search out this “good will” in others. This hunt brought him to Maguire, whose support ultimately brought Will to a higher level of self-discovery.

In the end, Maguire’s unconditional care and support caused Will to “forgive” himself, accept that others were to blame for his past, and to pursue his own passions. Will gave himself permission to live his own life, and in the end set off for California to find love and adventure.

A child is not deemed to be morally responsible for their actions until they reach the “age of reason.” Although there are different standards to determine this age, Canon Law defines the age of reason to be seven years old. Using this standard, Will certainly could not blame himself for anything that occurred earlier on. And even so, abuse is never acceptable.

It's not your fault

If you are carrying around the burden for a wrong someone else committed, substitute yourself for Will in that conversation with Maguire. How do you react when Maguire says to you, “It’s not your fault?” Take pause and think about it. You may be like Will and agree on the surface. But when Maguire looks at you and repeats it, will he finally get through to you?

The first step to dealing with the pain is to stop blaming yourself.

You need not blame yourself for your emotions, your reaction to your emotions, and another person’s rejection. You need not blame yourself for your failures, but rather, use them as a learning experience to move forward. If you’re simply not good at something, that’s OK too, and just play the hand you’re dealt and focus on your strengths.

And as we learned from Good Will Hunting, do not blame yourself for anything that happened in the past. You have the power to make the choice on how to live now. Any negative event belongs in the period when it occurred, and it does not benefit you to drag it along with you. And besides, you can’t return to the past. All you can do is move forward.

And to make this choice, you have to forgive. When you forgive others, you may not change them, but you’ll change yourself. When you forgive yourself, especially for the things that are not your fault, you set yourself free. Just as Will Hunting let loose his potential when he accepted this truth, so you can you. 

My friend, Good Will Hunting is a powerful reminder that we must not take the blame for the wrongs others have inflicted upon us, especially from when we were young children. It is natural to feel self-loathing when we were abused or bullied, but as we grow, we can forgive others and accept ourselves. Give it a try and see your potential soar. It’s not your fault.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Shirk \ ˈshərk \

a)含义:v. 逃避;推卸


i.In the first case, we shirk responsibility, making someone else look bad to try to protect ourselves or avoid shame.


ii.Unless the person being psychologically profiled wants to shirk criminal responsibility or can see themselves as a danger to themselves or others, it makes sense to want to establish "normality".  


c)近义词:avoid, escape, shun

2.Janitor \ ˈja-nə-tər \

a)含义: n. 清洁工


i.In this film, Matt Damon plays Will Hunting, who has a genius-level IQ but works as a janitor at MIT. 


ii."As to that," said the janitor, "I am sorry to hurt your feelings, but what you're saying is news to me.  


c)近义词: caretaker, custodian, keeper

3.Turmoil \ ˈtər-ˌmȯi(-ə)l \

a)含义:n. 混乱;骚动


i.Will’s years of emotional turmoil caused him to fall into self-loathing. 


ii.Yet turmoil in journalism threatens our ability oversee the people who act on our behalf.  


c)近义词: disquiet, ferment, unrest

4.Epiphany \ i-ˈpi-fə-nē \

a)含义:n. 顿悟


i.This epiphany caused Will to release a lifetime of emotions that were buried deep within.


ii.This change might manifest itself as an epiphany at some point during the project, or it might seep in as a gradual change.  


c)近义词: enlightenment, revelation, understanding

5.Peccadillo \ ˌpe-kə-ˈdi-(ˌ)lō \

a)含义:n. 轻罪;小过失


i.His later peccadilloes stem from his earlier abandonment and abuse. 


ii.In actual operation, there are so many factors which could influence the reliability of high-strength bolts that one peccadillo could endanger the safety of wind turbines.  


c)近义词: fault, foible, misdemeanor

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


