

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-04-11

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」

老桑在Bendini, Lambert & Locke律所拍摄地点



现如今的法律惊悚小说之王是作家约翰·格里沙姆。他写了近40部这样的小说,其中许多已被改编为电影和电视剧。他最著名的两部作品是《杀戮时刻》(A Time to Kill, 1989)和《糖衣陷阱》(The Firm, 1991)。他的书在全球售出超过3.5亿册,这也让他与斯蒂芬·金和亚历山大·普希金齐名。



在电影《糖衣陷阱》中,米奇·麦克迪尔(汤姆·克鲁斯饰演)以班上第一名的成绩毕业于哈佛法学院,但他来自一个贫穷而关系失常的家庭。孟菲斯一家名为Bendini, Lambert & Locke的小型税务律师事务所向他提供了一份工作,付给他的薪水比他同学在华尔街的律师事务所开出的最高工资还要高出20%。米奇接受了这份工作,并和妻子搬到了孟菲斯。

电影里的Bendini, Lambert & Locke

最近我来到孟菲斯大学的法学院做演讲,它正对着那座一街之隔的被用来影射电影中Bendini, Lambert & Locke律所的办公楼。当我从法学院往窗外看的时候,我感觉自己正在见证电影的历史。

Bendini, Lambert & Locke律所拍摄地点


































The Firm: legal thriller gone too far

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Bendini, Lambert & Locke

University of Memphis law school

We all enjoy a good story, and legal thrillers seem to always please us. A legal thriller is a subgenre of thriller and crime fiction in which the major characters are lawyers, and there is often a dramatic courtroom scene as part of the story. To Kill A Mockingbird (1960), for example, is considered by many to be an early legal thriller. 

Today, the king of contemporary legal thrillers is author John Grisham. He has written nearly 40 such novels, many of which have become movies and TV series. He is best known for his first two: A Time to Kill (1989) and The Firm (1991). His books have sold over 350 million copies around the world, putting him in the same league as Stephen King and Alexander Pushkin.

Legal thrillers are fiction stories that are not necessarily legally accurate. Or if they were accurate when written, the law may have changed since then. These stories are great ways to pick up some Legal English vocabulary and concepts, but it’s important to view the legal themes critically and make an independent judgment on their accuracy.

Southern roots

Three of Grisham’s novels, including The Firm, are set in Memphis, Tennessee—a major city in the American South. The 1993 movie adaptation, starting Tom Cruise, was also filmed in Memphis. As Grisham himself is from the South, his novels have influenced how America views the legal profession and its place in the South.

In The Firm, Mitch McDeere (played by Tom Cruise) graduated at the top of his class at Harvard Law School, but comes from a poor and dysfunctional family. He receives a job offer from a small tax law firm in Memphis called Bendini, Lambert & Locke, paying him 20% more than the highest salaries his classmates are earning at Wall Street law firms. Mitch accepts, and he and his wife move to Memphis.

Bendini, Lambert & Locke (filming location)

I recently spoke at the University of Memphis law school, which is located right across the street from the office building used to portray Bendini, Lambert & Locke in the film. As I looked out the window from the law school, I felt like I was witnessing movie history. 

Bendini, Lambert & Locke

Shortly after arriving at the firm, some things cause Mitch to become suspicious. As the story progresses, we learn that the firm is controlled by the Mafia, overbills its clients, and is engaged in many nefarious transactions. Mitch ultimately collaborates with the FBI to provide evidence to be used to bring the firm down for mail fraud.

Yet this work takes its toll on Mitch. As his house and office are bugged, he knows the firm is watching his every move. The firm is affiliated with organized crime, so they also have goons follow Mitch around. There are times he nearly loses his sanity, and his marriage suffers as well. He and his wife quickly regret the decision to accept the firm’s job offer.

Too good to be true

The adage “it’s too good to be true” is used to say that something cannot be as good as it seems to be. In this case, in addition to a high salary, the firm also offered Mitch a number of other benefits, including a low-interest mortgage, a Mercedes, and a check to pay off his student loans. With dollar signs in his eyes, Mitch became blinded to the potential pitfalls.

Mitch should have been aware that there was something wrong with this offer. In fact, we often say, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” And indeed, it turns out there was plenty wrong with this whole setup.

Lapse of judgment

A frequent theme on my blog is to follow your dreams, set goals, and implement a plan to get there. Yet it is important to take personal responsibility and have pure motives. While seeking a high salary and acquiring wealth is an important part of the process, it should not be the only motive. Mitch fell into this trap.

Mitch came from a poor family, but married a wife from a wealthier background. Mitch constantly carried this chip on his shoulder, and he saw the firm’s generous offer as a way of redeeming himself, of commanding respect, and a way to get “a seat at the table” to make decisions that would determine his and other’s futures. He felt like he earned face.

In fact, Mitch was so enthralled by this offer that he didn’t conduct any due diligence on the firm, he dismissed his wife’s concerns about the suspicious offer, and shunned other good job offers he had. The compensation became his sole criterion, and he suspended judgment about everything else. Yet this lapse of judgment led to much greater problems down the line.

Tom Cruise

A more prudent approach would have been for Mitch to give a balanced assessment to all of his offers. When you have to make an important decision, make a list and identify the pros and cons of each opportunity. Stay level-headed and treat each opportunity fairly. This reduces the chances that problems may surface later.

Had Mitch done this, he may have discovered that the firm’s offer was problematic. He could have used the offer to bargain for greater compensation at other firms—making even more money. He might also have taken a long-term view, thinking that a few years of “grit and grind” on Wall Street could open up opportunities unavailable to Memphians.

Yet Mitch was too hasty, being romanced by the offer and blinded by the money. This ultimately put his and his wife’s lives in danger. He would certainly agree that the job wasn’t worth the price.

Balancing money and life

The idea of building wealth just to have wealth leads to an unfulfilled life. We have all heard stories of “stealth wealth,” about people who work hard, scrimp and save, amass millions, and then die before having the chance to enjoy it. Even before Mitch knew the dark side of his firm, his around-the-clock hours at the firm had already started to take a toll on his personal life.

What’s more important, I think, is “why” you are pursuing your dream. What is it that keeps you motivated when the going gets tough and you’re ready to give up? If your sole motivation is money, then you may be forgetting to live your life in the process. Life is also about relationships, spending time with each other, creating experiences, and making memories.

I think a better “why” you pursue your dream is to leave a deposit for the next generation, to make the world a better place. These ideals are not inconsistent with making money. But they may influence certain choices you make for your life, your job, and your family.

Here are some questions you can ask when money is part of a decision you are making:


Will this make me happy? Consider whether the decision will set you up for long-term happiness, and not a fleeting short-term gain.


How does this fit with my “why”? If you are like me and are driven to make the world a better place, how does the decision align with that goal?


How will this influence my long-term goals? Your long-term goals are not only financial goals, but include your family and substantive areas of professional growth. Make sure you are making a balanced assessment of each opportunity.


How much will this delay my financial goals? If the decision requires too high a financial commitment or sacrifice of your time, it may not be worth it. In the end, Mitch would have been well-served to accept the Wall Street offers that were 20% less, which over the long-term would not have delayed his goal to acquire wealth.

As you ask these questions, you will see how money can complement, rather than drive, your life.

The Firm is not without its faults. For example, the lawyers are the firm are all white men, thus ignoring the greater diversity of American legal practice today. Even though we may enjoy the story, it’s important to be critical of themes that deserve to be challenged.

My friend, The Firm is a reminder that a life in pursuit of the almighty dollar is destined to end in trouble. A healthier approach is to balance life and money, seeking ways for them to work together for the common good. And remember, when making a life decision, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ȯ-ˈspi-shəs \

a)含义:adj. 吉祥的;吉兆的


i.Indeed, I also wish you an auspicious beginning for the goals you are planning to achieve this year.


ii.This Chinese lunar new year, which starts on February 18, is believed to be an especially auspicious “golden year of the pig,” which only comes around every 60 years.  

2月18日将迎来中国农历新年。 有说法认为,这一年是60年不遇的“金猪年”,是个难得的吉利年份。

c)近义词:  hopeful, promising, propitious 


\ ˈfra-zəld \

a)含义: adj. 疲惫的


i.If you start your day off rushed and frazzled, you could be starting off the whole day on the wrong foot.


ii.When you eat mindlessly, while multitasking and in a frazzled state of mind, your digestive process is sluggish and results in poor uptake, indigestion, and improper elimination.  


c)近义词: burned out, exhausted, fatigued

3.Scroll \ ˈskrōl \

a)含义:v. 滚屏;滚动


i.If you’re on break or scrolling through social media, set a timer to remind you to get back to work.


ii.When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.  


c)近义词: move, slide, swipe


\ ˌä-pər-ˈtün \

a)含义:adj. 恰当的;恰好的


i.And if you are running late due to circumstances beyond your control, rather than stress about the consequences, say to yourself, “I visualize arriving at the most opportune moment.”


ii.Recent moves by several cities to bring in higher tariffs have shown how prickly water-users can be about rising prices, even at what seemed an opportune time. 


c)近义词: seasonable, timely, well-timed


\ kən-ˈtin-jən(t)-sē \

a)含义:n. 意外事件


i.If you are often running behind, take a good look at when you are late, be proactive in making your daily schedule, use a timer to instill discipline, and plan for unknown contingencies.


ii.As a manager, you must ensure that all test plans have contingency plans for dealing with problems.  


c)近义词: contingence, eventuality, possibility

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


