

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-03-28

For English, please scroll to the bottom. 




  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」










自2011年来到美国上高中以来,他就一直在接受专业的健身训练,并在上海松江大学城开设了自己叫做艾氪健身(Echo Fitness)的健身工作室。我想不出还有谁能比他更适合来被邀请参与这次健身话题的博客讨论:关于如何健身减肥——给中国学生具体的建议。非常感谢薛康与我们分享他的经验。




大家好,我叫薛康(Dominic),现在是天普大学机械工程系的一名学生。我曾毕业于费城郊区福吉谷军事学院(Valley Forge Military Academy & College),有着三年的军事训练基础以及多年的运动经历,参加了多项运动,例如健身、古典式摔跤、柔道等等。就读天普大学后,通过与世界各地的健身爱好者以及职业运动员的交流后,我对于运动和健身有了更深层次的认知,并且积累了丰富的理论知识和实践经验。






在如今的时代里,随着生活水平的不断提高大家对于健康这个话题也是越发的关注。 由于来自生活、工作、学习以及各方面的压力,大家的身体健康也面临着很多的挑战。最近被问到的最多的问题就是怎么才能减掉体重和身上赘肉。导致这些问题的出现主要是由于我们长时间的sedentary(久坐),缺乏运动,以及饮食和作息的不规律而导致的。下面我给大家推荐几个小贴士来帮助大家减掉体重获得好身材。



在这里我给大家一个建议。早上7:00~7:30起床,因为一天的第一顿饭尤为的重要,所以保证在工作或学习开始之前用完早餐。在早午餐之间可进行加餐,如水果,坚果等。在12:00 左右食用午餐。

下午根据大家的自由时间来安排运动。建议在运动前四十分钟摄入适量的优质碳水化合物,如红薯和香蕉等,这样既能够保证在运动当中有足够的能量,又可避免低血糖。此外,尽量在晚餐前一个小时完成训练计划。晚上12:00 前保证入睡,这样能保证7小时左右的睡眠时间。所以合理安排每天的工作和学习时间保证高质量的睡眠显得尤为重要。









如果有时间去健身房,那么无氧运动也就是力量训练也是非常必要的。“举铁”不仅能够燃烧掉体内的大量热量,还能让身体更加有线条感。 肌肉的训练顺序主要按照胸、背、腿、肩和手臂这几个部分。在这几个主要的训练日当中可以隔天加入核心训练,也就是abdominal(腹部的)训练。



对于初级者建议的时间就是30-40分钟的力量训练,再加上30-60 分钟的有氧训练。这样一算其实每天只要抽出一个到一个半小时左右的时间去运动就能给你带来健康和正能量。


俗话说得好,身体才是革命的本钱 。有健康的体魄才能创造更高的价值。只要适当的改变个人生活习惯,例如制定正常的作息时间,安排合理的饮食方法,以及坚持每周的健身计划,减掉身上的赘肉得想要的身材是唾手可得的事。荀子曰:“锲而不舍,金石可engrave(镂)。”










Get ready for the new year:

3 tips to lose weight and get fit

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

As we approach the end of 2018, we have the opportunity to reflect on our past year and make plans for the year ahead. Last year at this time, I taught you how to make a new year’s resolution, and then helped you carry out your resolution by providing monthly support based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (see menu below).

One of the most common new year's resolutions is to lose weight and get fit. So this year, I will provide you with some expert advice to help you get your fitness plan on track.

Many students ask me how I stay fit…or at least appear to be fit! I don’t think there’s any big secret, as for me, it’s just a matter of controlling my food portions and staying active. If I burn fewer calories than I consume, I lose weight. If I eat as much as I burn (in my case, 2,500 calories per day), then I stay the same. If I eat more, well, you know what will happen.

To guide you in the process, I have invited Temple junior and engineering major Xue Kang (Dominic) to give you some guidance. I have been friends with Xue Kang’s father for the better part of 20 years, and we have seen Xue Kang transform from the thin and lanky to the big and buff over the last seven years.

Xue Kang (before)

Xue Kang (after)

Echo Fitness

Since his arrival in the United States in 2011 to attend high school, he has undergone expert fitness training and plans to open a fitness studio, Echo Fitness, in Shanghai. I could think of no better person to invite to guest blog on this topic: how to lose weight and get fit, with specific advice to Chinese students. Many thanks to Xue Kang for sharing his experience with us.

Fitness will not fail you

Guest Blogger:Xue Kang


engineering major,

Temple University

Hi, I’m Xue Kang, and my English name is Dominic. I’m a mechanical engineering major at Temple University. I first came to the United States to attend Valley Forge Military Academy & College, where I went through rigorous military training and took part in various sports, such as Greco-Roman wrestling and judo. After coming to Temple University, I trained with various fitness experts from around the world, giving me deeper insights into the theory and practice of health and fitness.

Temple Track 

Temple Basketball Court 

Temple University Fitness 

Temple University Fitness 

In modern society, we are becoming more aware of health issues. The pressures of life, work, and study can really put a strain on our health. As we now lead sedentary lifestyles and exercise less, coupled with poor eating and sleeping habits, weight gain is becoming epidemic. As a result, I am regularly asked how to slim down. Here, I will share 3 tips to help you lose weight and get fit.


Maintain a strict sleep schedule

Many people stay up late or pull all-nighters. But lack of sleep is one of the greatest causes of weight gain. Sleep deprivation causes a change to hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, causing us to eat more and pack on pounds.

I suggest getting up between 7:00 and 7:30 am each morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so be sure to make time for a healthy breakfast before starting work or school. Have lunch at 12:00 pm, and snack on fruit and nuts in between when you’re hungry.

Try to exercise in the afternoon or evening, and eat some high-quality carbohydrates, such as sweet potato and bananas, about 40 minutes before your workout. This will help you maintain your energy and blood sugar levels throughout the workout. If you work out later in the evening, be sure to finish up at least one hour before you go to sleep. Then, try to get to sleep before midnight and get at least seven hours of sleep. 


Improve your eating habits

We all enjoy good food, and late-night dinners and midnight snacks are now a part of life. But very often, we are more likely to reach for junk food as the night goes on. So how can we maintain healthy eating habits and stick to high-quality foods?

First, we should avoid sugary and high-carb foods, such as soft drinks, sweets, rice, noodles, potatoes, and corn. When eaten in large quantity, these foods can reduce our insulin levels, which is a key culprit for weight gain.

It’s better to stick to healthy fats, proteins, and vegetables. Even though you may want to lose weight, your body still needs healthy fats. I recommend olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and low-fat butter paired with high-protein foods such as eggs, beef, chicken, pork loin, salmon, tilapia, tuna, trout, and shrimp.

There are many options for vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, squash, and kale.

If you eat at your office or school cafeteria, I suggest you select green vegetables and high-protein foods listed above, and then avoid greasy, deep-fried, pickled, and stuffed foods. Stick to the “rule of three:” low fat, low salt, and low sugar.


Exercise more

Exercise 3-4 times per week to keep up your metabolism and burn excess fat. Moreover, exercise can give us energy and reduce stress. There are two kinds of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic. You can do aerobic exercise at the gym or outside, such as power walking, jogging, biking, and swimming. It’s best to keep up the pace for 40-60 minutes.

If you have time to go to the gym, anaerobic exercise, such as strength training, is really helpful. “Pumping iron” will help you tone up and melt fat. Maintain a well-rounded weight lifting routine, working your chest, back, leg, shoulder, and arm muscles. Be sure to include some core training every other day, strengthening your abdominal muscles.

You don’t need to lift weights every day, as your body needs time to rest and recover between workouts. And for best results, try to blend both aerobic and anaerobic exercise into each workout.

Xue Kang's workout

If you’re just beginning, I suggest you start with 30-40 minutes of strength training, followed by 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise. I recommend 60-90 minutes of exercise to maximize the health benefits and increase your positive energy.

I know everybody is really busy at work and school, so it may be hard to find time to exercise. In these cases, try blocking your time. In my case, I reserve 1-2 hours to go to the school gym. But if I don’t have that much time, I’ll do my aerobic workout in the morning, and then go lift weights later in the afternoon. By putting in the time, my body still reaps the benefits.

Health is the foundation of all things in life. A healthy body increases your quality of life. If you maintain a regular sleep schedule, eat healthy, and stick to a workout schedule, you’ll see that the body you desire is well within reach. As said by the ancients, “If you start carving and do not give up, then you can engrave even metal and stone.”

Xue Kang advises us to get rest, eat healthy, and exercise. Now, it's up to you to make a plan to get there. To get started, visualize your ideal self. How much weight do you want to lose and how do you want to look? Begin with the end in mind, and then follow the three tips above to make and execute your plan: set a schedule, commit to eat better, and schedule exercise time 3-4 times per week. 

My friend, losing weight and getting fit don’t require a magic formula. There are no shortcuts, and hard work and discipline will pay dividends over time. If you follow through with Xue Kang’s common-sense suggestions, I’m confident you’ll be on your way to a new you. Go for it!

Get ready for the new year

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Lanky \ˈlaŋ-kē \

a)含义:adj. 瘦长的


i.I have been friends with Xue Kang’s father for the better part of 20 years, and we have seen Xue Kang transform from the thin and lanky to the big and buff over the last seven years.


ii.He rolled over once at the age of four months and then never again until he was nine months old; I realize, in retrospect, that his big head and long, lanky limbs must have taken a lot to coordinate. 

他在四个月的时候翻过一次身然后就再也没有过,直到九个月大的时候才又会翻身。 回想起来,我意识到他的大脑袋和他瘦长的胳臂在协调上一定比较费劲。


\ˈse-dᵊn-ˌter-ē \

a)含义: adj. 久坐的;坐惯的


i.As we now lead sedentary lifestyles and exercise less, coupled with poor eating and sleeping habits, weight gain is becoming epidemic.


ii.The average person may feel a disconnect from elite athletes, he said, while the most sedentary might be put off by perceived pressure to lose weight and become more active. 


c)近义词: desk-bound, sitting, stationary


\ˈkəl-prət \

a)含义:n. 犯人;罪犯


i.When eaten in large quantity, these foods can reduce our insulin levels, which is a key culprit for weight gain.


ii.The main culprit, LDL (low-density lipoprotein), is the body's oil truck, circulating in the blood, delivering fat and cholesterol to the cells. 


c)近义词: criminal, offender, perpetrator


\ ab-ˈdä-mə-nᵊl \

a)含义:adj. 腹部的


i.Be sure to include some core training every other day, strengthening your abdominal muscles.


ii.Excessive amounts of abdominal fat increase your risk for high blood sugar and other health problems.


c)近义词: gastric, intestinal, stomach


\ˈdi-və-ˌdend \

a)含义:n. 股息;奖金


i.There are no shortcuts, and hard work and discipline will pay dividends over time.


ii.And to punctuate that guidance, the company raised its dividend by 8%. 


c)近义词: award, bonus, prize

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula



