

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-06-01

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由于之前你已经听过很多次讲座了,不妨从听众的角度来考虑一下。作为一名观众,当有人给你朗读时,你有什么感觉?你可能会想,“若是我的话,可以自己读!” 这有点单调乏味,很难与演讲者交流。有时候,你可能会因为感觉到说话者的紧张而感到紧张。


当我在华尔街的宝维斯(Paul Weiss)律师事务所工作时,有一次合伙人把一项新的任务交给我去完成——那是一件我从未处理过的事情。我必须起草一份文件并在第二天交给合伙人和客户。他只是交代我说:“成为这方面的专家。”所以我极度周全的做了准备,当我成为一名“专家”时,做陈述时就不那么焦虑了。



对我而言,即使我不再需要准备发言稿来演讲,我还是会准备一个大纲,其中包含了我希望讲到的要点和想法。如果我使用Power Point,我会提前把它发给组织者,让他们在我演讲的房间里检查一下。我有时会在演讲的时候放视频,所以也会提前检查一下视听系统。


Dorothy Lee

“做好准备”是需要谨记的要旨。桃乐茜·李(Dorothy Lee)是天普大学法学院(Temple Law School)特别活动的一名负责人,负责许多容易出错的活动。她知道需要做的每件事——以及可能出错的地方。她总是有备而来,遵循她的座右铭:“拥有它而不需要它好过需要它而不拥有它。”




我曾在费城四校春晚和清华法学院学生节上配合着音乐和视频朗诵“我的茶之旅“。然而,在我上台之前,我邀请了我的天普大学中国学生朋友、魔术师Sinbad Max来观看我的排练。由于马克斯常常登台表演,所以他给了我一些非常有用的建议。






















6 ways to overcome your fear

of public speaking

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Have you ever had to get up in front of a group of people to speak? It may be to give a talk to your classmates, present an annual report to your colleagues, or just give a celebratory toast at a dinner. You know the feeling: your heart starts racing, your palms get sweaty, your hands and voice may quiver, and you may even become a little dizzy.

You are not alone. In a recent survey of Americans, 25% said they were afraid of public speaking—which came in higher than any other fear (heights and bugs/snakes/animals came in second and third place). In another survey, our fear of standing up in front of a group and talking is so great that we fear it more than death.

Over the years, I have done a lot of public speaking: giving lectures to classes and large audiences, reciting “My Tea Journey” in auditoriums, toasting at dinners, presiding at weddings, and even doing videos or my blog. I have studied a number of tips to try to improve my public speaking, and today I’ll share a few with you.  

First off, know that fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety. It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing panic. However, this isn’t reason to avoid pubic speaking. With proper preparation and persistence, you can overcome your fear. Here’s how:


When I started speaking before audiences, I used to just read a script. This way, I thought, I wouldn’t make any mistakes. But I found that having a script didn’t alleviate my anxiety. It just made it worse. I then worried: what happens if I lose my place? What happens if I drop the pages and they get out of order? And will I sound too robotic as I read?

Think of it from the audience’s perspective, as you have sat through many lectures before. How do you feel as a member of the audience when somebody just reads to you? You think, “I could just read it myself!” It’s kind of flat and boring, and it’s hard to engage with the speaker. And then sometimes, you may get nervous as you feel the speaker’s nervousness.

One of the best ways to prepare for your speaking event is to know your topic well. It’s very similar to taking a test. As being over-prepared for a test is the best way to reduce test taking anxiety, so is it for public speaking. As you become more familiar with the topic, you will naturally feel more comfortable in front of an audience—even if you go off script.

When I worked for the Wall Street law firm Paul Weiss, a partner once gave me a new matter to handle—on a topic I knew nothing about. I had to draft a document and present it to the partner and client the next day. He simply said, “Become an expert on it.” So I over-prepared, and as I became an “expert,” I had less anxiety in making the presentation.


Before your talk, prepare all the information you want to present, including any props, audio, or visual aids. When possible, visit the place where you'll be speaking and review available equipment before your presentation.

In my case, as I no longer speak from scripts, I also prepare an outline with bullet points with the ideas I plan to cover. If I’m using Power Point, I’ll send it to the organizers in advance and ask them to check it in the room where I’ll be giving the talk. I sometimes show videos with my talk, and I’ll check out the audio-video system beforehand as well.

More often than not, there have been problems with the technology before I have given a talk—many of which were resolved beforehand with proper preparation. But sometimes the IT issues can’t be resolved, so I’m always prepared for the worst. This is why I only use Power Point or videos to supplement my talks.

“Be prepared” are great words to live by. Dorothy Lee, Director of Special Events at Temple Law School, is responsible for many events where a lot can go wrong. She is aware of everything that needs to be done—and what can go wrong. She always comes prepared, following her motto: “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”


We all know the expression “practice makes perfect.” This is true for public speaking. I recommend practicing your complete presentation several times before actually giving it. You can also take a video of yourself and then watch it, observing your body language and finding ways to improve your overall performance.

Then, you can practice your talk in front of some friends. This practice will help you build your confidence. Then, when you give your talk on the big day, you can say, “This is a piece of cake! I already gave this talk.”

My “My Tea Journey” recitation at the Philadelphia Four College Chinese New Year’s Gala and the Tsinghua Law School Student Festival was coordinated with music and video. Yet before I got on stage, I invited my friend, Temple Chinese student and magician Sinbad Max to watch me rehearse. As Max is used to performing, he gave me some really helpful feedback.


When we are anxious, we can exaggerate in our minds the likelihood of bad things happening. Rather than give into that anxiety, write down your specific concerns. Then challenge each one, considering objective evidence and identifying more probable outcomes.

For example, you may be thinking, “I’ll mess up and lose face.” Well, none of us have crystal balls, so we can’t predict how we’ll do. And even if you do make some mistakes, how do you know what other people will think of you? My sense is that people will always appreciate your sincerity and the information you convey, no matter how your talk goes. 

You can also be aware that even with great preparation, your talk will never go exactly as planned. Sometimes it’s better, sometimes it’s about the same, and sometimes it may turn out worse. That’s just how it goes with public speaking. Just tell yourself that you’ll do your best, and this will help you set your expectations.


You may feel the most anxious in the few moments before you get up in front of the group. As your name is being announced, you may start wringing your hands and lamenting, “Oh no, the time has come!” This happens to many of us. I think the best way to handle this is to take some deep breaths. As your heart is pounding, the deep breathing can help calm you down. 


When I have to give a lecture, I always arrive early and talk to some of the people in the room—especially those who are seated in the front. This meet-and-greet reduces distance and helps me build a connection with those who are there.

If this is not possible, I ask the organizers to give me a sense of who will be in the audience and what their backgrounds are. If I’m out in the countryside and speaking to people with limited education, for example, I may add more background information to my talk. But if everyone is a college graduate, then I’ll adjust my content accordingly.

And very often, I’ll ask some questions of the audience when I start speaking, as this will break the ice and help me further get to know who is in the room. It may seem like a waste of time to some, but it helps me to adjust the content as I speak to make it more relevant to everybody.

I have some other tips on public speaking, such as focus on your material and less on the audience; don’t fear a moment of silence to pause or drink some water; engage with your audience; visualize your success; and get support—like joining a group like Toastmasters.

My friend, public speaking is a common anxiety, but you can overcome it. By knowing your topic, being organized, rehearsing, facing your fears, deep breathing, and engaging your audience, you’ll be setting yourself up for success. Good luck with it—and please share any of your public speaking tips and stories in the comments below!

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Quiver \ ˈkwi-vər \

a)含义:v. 颤抖;抖动


i.You know the feeling: your heart starts racing, your palms get sweaty, your hands and voice may quiver, and you may even become a little dizzy.


ii.Leaves quiver in the cold winter wind. When a person is frightened or very cold or very nervous, he may shake like a leaf.


c)近义词:shiver, shudder, tremble

2.Paralyze \ ˈper-ə-ˌlīz \

a)含义: v. 麻痹


i.It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing panic.


ii.You let uncertainty paralyze you.


c)近义词:cripple, disable, incapacitate

3.Beforehand \ bi-ˈfȯr-ˌhand \

a)含义:adj. 提前的


i.More often than not, there have been problems with the technology before I have given a talk—many of which were resolved beforehand with proper preparation.


ii.I should have called you beforehand.


c)近义词:before, earlier, previously

4.Sincerity \ sin-ˈser-ə-tē \

a)含义:n. 真实;诚挚


i.My sense is that people will always appreciate your sincerity and the information you convey, no matter how your talk goes.


ii.What impresses me most is his sincerity and diligence.


c)近义词:authenticity, credibility, genuineness

5.Wring \ ˈriŋ \

a)含义:v. 拧;绞


i.As your name is being announced, you may start wringing your hands and lamenting, “Oh no, the time has come!”


ii.When you've washed the clothes, wring them out.


c)近义词:twist, wrench, wrest

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


