

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-06-21

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The early bird catches the worm




不像那些把闹钟设置在最可能晚的时间并且在最终爬下床之前还要按几次贪睡按钮的,以及需要用咖啡来振作起来的人,看起来早起者可以享受他们的一天。 这个健康的开始为身心愉悦的一天奠定了基础。



Early to bed, early to rise



这种智慧可以追溯到古代。希腊哲学家亚里士多德(公元前384-322年)说:“天亮之前起床很好,因为这种习惯有助于健康、财富和智慧。”美国开国元老、发明家本杰明 富兰克林(1706-1790)曾说过:“早睡早起,使人健康、富有和聪明。”












早起的一个关键动机是早起要为了某些事情。那些CEO早起是因为他们有很多责任和长长的待办事项清单。 一定要将这种习惯与你的目标保持一致,例如锻炼、考试准备、做一些副业,或者只是完成读超过1000页的《红楼梦》。





建立时间discipline(纪律)就像锻炼肌肉一样。你练的越多,就能够变得越强大。如果你决定早起,这可能很有挑战性。 但是一点一点地,坚持不懈,你的身体就可以适应这种状态。

你可以从创建睡眠时间计划开始,甚至尝试以10分钟为increment(增量)。如果你通常在晚上11点之前睡觉,请在晚上10:50关灯。然后把你的叫醒时间提前10分钟。 然后保持这种状态,直到达到新的平衡。











One way to set yourself up for success: 

wake up early

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

I recently returned to Beijing to attend a three-day weekend meeting. With the 12-hour jetlag, I woke up at around 5 am those days. This is not my normal waking time, but I sure wish it was. To pass the time before my 9 am meeting, I went outside and took a walk around my hotel’s Zhongguancun neighborhood.

There were quite a few people already out and about at the crack of dawn. They seemed unhurried. People of all ages were walking their dogs, doing exercises, using hand massage balls, or just watching the sun rise. There was a very different feel outside when I left my hotel later that morning for my meetings, as the whole pace outside had really picked up.

That Saturday morning, I got in a taxi at 8 am to head to a meeting. The taxi driver, Driver Huo, commended me for being up so early on a weekend. I explained how I had a class to get to. He said he had been already been driving since 4:30 am, having made two trips to the airport already and earning 300 yuan even before many other drivers had even gotten out of bed.

The early bird catches the worm

Driver Huo said he always takes the early shift, even on weekends, as there are more opportunities then. Later that day, I mentioned this to the participants at the meeting I was attending, many of whom are successful business people in China. When I asked them to share some of their habits of success, many agreed and said, “We get up early every day.”

”The early bird catches the worm” is an idiom meaning that the person who takes the earliest opportunity to do something will gain an advantage over others.

Unlike those who set their alarm clocks for the latest possible time and hit the snooze button a few times before finally crawling out of bed, needing to jolt themselves with coffee just to get going, it seems like the early risers have the luxury of easing into their day. This healthy beginning sets the stage for a great day, both mentally and physically.

The early risers would also be on their way to school or the office long before rush hour began, being productive in a quiet environment while their colleagues were stuck in traffic or crammed into crowded subways. Unlike an early start, a hurried start to a day sets a rushed and stressed tone for the entire day.

President Obama prided himself on his punctuality. He once said that his greatest strength is, “Probably that I am always early. Whether I’m headed to a meeting or about to give a big speech, I like to know I’m running early.” He continued, “When you’re early, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish.” 

Early to bed, early to rise

Waking up early is a time-honored productivity method recommended by a number of personal development gurus. They say that rising early and consistently enables us to accomplish more during the day and creates a mindset that positions us for success.

This wisdom goes back into antiquity. Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) said, “It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom." American Founding Father and inventor Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is quoted to have said: "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

So, if you get in the habit of waking up at 5 am every day, what benefits might you expect?


Cultivating habits that make you feel better about yourself builds your confidence. When you’re up early working on your business, exercising, or planning your day, you will feel like you are one step ahead of the rest of the world. And then when everyone else wakes up, which for most people is between 6:00 and 7:30 am, you’ll feel on track to get more done than the average person.


Are you not getting enough sleep? Are you watching videos late into the night just trying to make yourself tired? One of the biggest benefits of waking up early is the ability to go to sleep early. When you wake up early and stay productive through the day, you’ll be more tired at night, making it easier to sleep. And experts have shown that sleep is important for your health.

Are you having problems getting enough sleep? Check out my 8 Tips for Better Sleep.


When you’re up early, you can often do what you want. You tend not to get phone calls or messages at that hour, so there are fewer distractions. If you have children or roommates, then you know how they can influence how you spend your time in the morning. You’ll appreciate the silence, which is a time to meditate, plan, exercise, or anything else you want.


Studies have shown that people are most productive in the morning, especially with respect to achieving personal goals. For example, those who exercise in the morning are often more successful at maintaining their fitness program than those who attempt to go after school or work. The same is true for starting a side business or engaging in creative pursuits.

Many people are dissatisfied with their jobs, and by the end of the day, they simply want to have dinner, unwind, and be entertained. When you free up your time earlier in the morning, you’re giving yourself a better chance at succeeding in your personal and professional goals.

A key motivation to waking up early is having something to wake up early for. CEOs wake up early because they have a lot of responsibility and long to-do lists. Be sure to align this habit with your goals, such as exercising, test preparation, a side business, or maybe just finishing 1000+ page Dream of the Red Chamber.


We often bemoan how we frequently are running late or how little time we have to complete our tasks. I found that having been up by 5 am this week, the day just seemed longer. By squeezing out a few extra hours each morning, I felt my productivity could increase.

A few weeks ago, I was in Italy, visiting the Temple University Rome Campus. Italians, as a matter of practice, eat very late dinners and go to sleep late. For them, getting to sleep by midnight may already seem early. In China, we tend to eat earlier, and it is appropriate for social engagements to be over by 9 pm. This, in my view, is a great advantage!


Building discipline is like building muscle. The more you practice, the stronger you get. If you decide to start getting up early, it may be challenging. But little by little, and with perseverance, your body can adapt.

You can start by creating a sleep schedule, even trying 10-minute increments. If you normally get to sleep by 11 pm, turn the lights out at 10:50 pm. And then advance your wake time by 10 minutes. And then keep this up until you get to a new equilibrium.

This discipline, in turn, will affect the rest of your tasks that day. You’ll say to yourself, “If I can master waking up early, then I can handle this other task.” Just by waking up early, you’ll feel that you have done something right, which can give you strength and confidence to get through the rest of your day.

Some success teachers advocate placing your alarm clock on the other side of your room. This way, when your alarm goes off, you’ll be forced to get up to turn it off.

My friend, my jetlag-induced early morning walks opened my eyes (quite literally!) to the importance of waking up early. If you’d like to start a habit to propel you toward success, perhaps this one thing will give you the boost you need.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Cram \ ˈkram \

a)含义:v. 填满;塞满


i.The early risers would also be on their way to school or the office long before rush hour began, being productive in a quiet environment while their colleagues were stuck in traffic or crammed into crowded subways. 


ii.Research has shown over and over that you'll quickly forget information that you cram, so it won't help you in the long term.  


c)近义词:jam, pack, stuff

2.Distraction \ di-ˈstrak-shən \

a)含义: n. 分心


i.You tend not to get phone calls or messages at that hour, so there are fewer distractions.


ii.You do not let the distractions put you off.


c)近义词:diversion, escape, time killer

3.Bemoan \ bi-ˈmōn \

a)含义:v. 哀叹


i.We often bemoan how we are frequently running late or how little time we have to complete our tasks.


ii.They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance.


c)近义词: deplore, lament, regret

4.Discipline \ ˈdi-sə-plən \

a)含义:n. 纪律


i.Building discipline is like building muscle. 


ii.Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.


c)近义词: constraint, restraint, suppression

5.Increment \ ˈiŋ-krə-mənt \

a)含义:n. 增量


i.You can start by creating a sleep schedule, even trying 10-minute increments.


ii.This not only can increment interest in study, but also can deepen comprehension of the text.  


c)近义词:addition, augmentation, uptick

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


