

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-07-31
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服从与控制Making a big man small

《飞越疯人院》肯·克西创作于1962年的一部小说。故事发生在一家精神病院,那里一切都处于控制之中,一切都按计划进行。护士长拉奇德(Nurse Ratched)曾是一名军医,她以独裁的手段统治着这个混乱的病房。她对18名男性病人的算计和malicious(恶意)控制让他们情绪低落。




多年来,病房里的男人们服从拉奇德护士的控制,机械地服从着她的规定。接着,兰德尔·麦克墨菲(Randle McMurphy)来到了病房,想要立刻去挑战拉奇德的权威。他在护士长构建的秩序中带来了混乱,而小说则将我们带入了二人之间harrowing(令人揪心的)斗智斗勇之中。








如何应对操控者How to deal with manipulators









她抓住了事实的核心(他开了更多的德米罗),并进一步暗示 医生是个瘾君子。其中一位病人打趣道:“你听过她……曾经指控过我什么吗?但我似乎被被指控了很多事情……”操控者是善于含沙射影的大师



如何在掌控者控制的局面中打败他们How to beat manipulatorsat their own game













One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest:

how to defeat a manipulator

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Have you ever been manipulated? It feels like being a puppet on someone else’s string. Manipulators know what makes you angry and what causes you to do what they want. They subtly provoke you at every turn, and when you finally lose your temper, they chide you for being wrong. You feel bad, even though you have been set up.

Manipulators can be hard to spot, as they slowly and softly weave a web around you, working on you little by little. In general, manipulators do not have much power of their own, so they rely on insidious tactics to repress you, diminish your power, or otherwise get you to do things their way. They can be very cunning. But there are ways to beat them at their own game.

Making a big man small

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the 1962 novel by Ken Kesey. The story takes place in a mental hospital where everything is controlled and on a schedule. Nurse Ratched, a former military nurse, dominates the disturbed ward with her authoritarian rule. Her calculating and malicious control over the 18 male patients keeps them in a low emotional state.

Oregon State Hospital 

The movie version was released in 1975. Considered by some to be one of the greatest films ever made, it won all five major Academy Awards (Best Picture, Actor in Lead Role, Actress in Lead Rome, Director, and Screenplay), an accomplishment not repeated until 1991 with Silence of the Lambs.

Over the years, the men in the ward submit to Nurse Ratched’s control, blindly following her rules. Then, Randle McMurphy, a free-spirited gambler who loves pushing limits, checks into the ward and immediately challenges Nurse Ratched’s authority. He introduces chaos into the nurse’s order, and the novel draws us into the harrowing game of wits between the two.

Nurse Ratched thrives in an environment where she has complete control. She knows the patients well. She knows what to say to make them happy, and she knows what they value. On the flip side, she also knows what upsets them and what to say to get them into a state of unrest. She uses her powers expertly. In other words, Nurse Ratched is a classic manipulator.

Randle McMurphy

Rather than beat the nurse at her own game, McMurphy challenged her. He demanded that she change rules, rallied the others to unite and protest, and even resorted to physical violence. But the nurse used a divide-and-conquer strategy and caused the men to suspect McMurphy’s motives, which was more effective than McMurphy’s rebellious courage and brute force.

Manipulators are good at portraying themselves as pure-hearted and sincere. For example, it seems Nurse Ratched has the patients’ best interests in mind, keeping control of the ward as necessary for their therapy. One of the patients refers to her as an “angel of mercy,” even though he senses there is something awry about her dictatorial style.

Nurse Ratched

As the story progresses, Nurse Ratched shows us her true colors, as many manipulators do. She berates a patient who defies her, causing him to commit suicide. She also orders McMurphy to receive a lobotomy that renders him a vegetable, taking great pleasure in his suffering. As a puppeteer, she stops at nothing to maintain her control.

McMurphy didn’t play smart, as he didn’t match her mind games. Although some of his antics managed to unsettle her, she just kept whittling away at him, knowing that she’d break him down. On a physical level McMurphy loses, but his example gave other men courage to stand up to her, which many of them did. In the end, Nurse Ratched lost her complete control.

How to deal withmanipulators

Manipulators use different tactics to repress and control. Here are four common tactics:

Victim playing is the fabrication of victimhood to manipulate others and cope with one’s own inadequacies. This person will always say, “You don’t care about me and don’t want to help me. I have done so much, and I don’t understand what I did wrong to offend you.” The manipulator wants to be perceived as a victim, seeking sympathy to gain control and power. 

In reality, manipulators often shirk their own responsibilities. As they are not team players, they use a divide-and-conquer strategy to assert themselves. Rather than build the team, improve their own work performance, and address their own anger and fears, they instead claim that everyone else is at fault and relinquish any personal accountability.

When McMurphy entered the ward, he befriended the other patients. When a junior nurse commented how “he certainly takes over,” Nurse Ratched said he “is what we call a ‘manipulator’…a man who will use everyone and everything to his own ends.” She projected her own manipulative behavior onto McMurphy, deflecting attention from her own actions.

The “expert” will claim they can do anything better than you, as they want to gain the higher ground over others. They assert control by insisting that you need them, exaggerating their importance to your life and work. High social status and dominance is crucial to their ego. They make you afraid of ending the relationship, insinuating that you will be worse off without them.

McMurphy knew that Nurse Ratched would not tolerate any challenge to her authority. He said she’s like people “who try to make you weak so they can get you to toe the line, to follow their rules, to live like they want you to.” Any time a patient asserted himself, the nurse would get him to back down, insisting that she is the expert who knows what’s best for their therapy.

These manipulators use exaggerations, half-truths, and lies to gain power and control. By spreading rumors, they tarnish their victim’s reputation. They will tell a part of the truth, but slant the truth around it. They may also purposefully misinterpret what their victim says to get what they want. When confronted, they will vigorously defend their position.

The ward’s psychiatrist, Doctor Spivey, was selected by Nurse Ratched because he is a weak and submissive man. One day she commented that he seemed to be making a great number of requisitions for Demerol, a highly addictive synthetic opiate. She did not accuse him, but simply insinuated he was a drug user. This put the doctor on the defensive.

She took a kernel of truth (that he was prescribing more Demerol) and expanded it to insinuate that the doctor was an addict. One of the patients quipped, “Did you ever hear her…ever once accuse me of anything? Yet is seems I have been accused of a multitude of things...” Manipulators are masters at the power of insinuation.

The intimidator will use bullying to get what they want. They are very demanding and insistent that you do what they say. They will try to destroy those who do not submit to their control. Despite their inadequacies, they feel superior and force others to accommodate their desires.

Manipulators often lack self-awareness, thinking that they feel it’s their right to always get their way. They may be legitimately be surprised if you see through their bravado. When cornered, they will make threats. For example, Nurse Ratched often threatened to use medication and electroshock therapy for patients who broke rules and caused disruptions.

How to beat manipulatorsat their own game

First, stay firm and in control of yourself. When McMurphy spoke with fellow patient Cheswick about how to defeat Nurse Ratched, Cheswick gave him some good advice, “You’re safe as long as you keep control. As long as you don’t lose your temper…” Manipulators want to get a reaction out of you, but when you are calm and stay in control, it can unsettle them. 


Second, be aware of the manipulator’s tactics. Patient Bromden even advised seeing the humor in these tactics, saying “you can’t really be strong until you can see a funny side to things” and “you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance.” A manipulator will not be happy when you understand what they are doing, especially if you find it amusing!


My friend, dealing with a manipulator can be emotionally draining. Their behavior often signals their own unresolved deep-set anger, fear, and shame. Being aware of their tactics is half the battle. Then, stay firm, keep your cool, and find the humor in the situation. Like cotton candy, once you get down to the substance of the manipulator, you’ll see there’s not much there.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Chide \ ˈchīd \

a)含义:v. 责骂;斥责


i.They subtly provoke you at every turn, and when you finally lose your temper, they chide you for being wrong. 


ii.Our intent here is not to chide our young further. They're simply products of their socialization.


c)近义词: admonish, rebuke, reproach

2.Malicious \ mə-ˈli-shəs \

a)含义:adj. 恶意的;恶毒的 


i.Her calculating and malicious control over the 18 male patients keeps them in a low emotional state.


ii.In particular this means that this file is not malicious but a false alarm.


c)近义词:malevolent, malignant, vicious

3.Rebellious \ ri-ˈbel-yəs \

a)含义:adj. 反抗的;造反的


i.But the nurse used a divide-and-conquer strategy and caused the men to suspect McMurphy’s motives, which was more effective than McMurphy’s rebellious courage and brute force.


ii.I was rebellious on the outside, but on the inside, I wanted people to like me.


c)近义词:insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous

4.Inadequacy \ i-ˈna-di-kwə-sē \

a)含义:n. 不足


i.Despite their inadequacies, they feel superior and force others to accommodate their desires.


ii.I can accept your shortcomings and inadequacies.


c)近义词: deficiency, insufficiency, lack

5.Corner \ ˈkȯr-nər \

a)含义:adj. 有角的;走投无路的


i.When cornered, they will make threats. 


ii.He was cornered. There was so much pressure, he lost all hope of living.


c)近义词:bind, jam, trap

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


