

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-08-09

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位于佛罗里达州北港(North Port, Florida)的温泉水(Warm Mineral Springs)被认为是庞塞·德·莱昂所寻找的青春之泉。美洲土著居民和欧洲定居者一样,为了寻找他们的健康和幸福,跋涉了英里,到在那里洗澡和饮水。今天,这个池塘已经被添加到美国国家历史古迹名录中,并对外开放游泳。





矿泉是含有溶解矿物质的天然水体,包括镁和硫。“Warm Mineral Springs”是佛罗里达州唯一天然存在的温泉水,含有51种矿物质,全年气温30度。在中国,许多人在类似的温泉里泡一泡,据说对各种疾病都有治疗作用。


在中国,秦始皇(公元前259 - 210)曾希望通过服用汞丸达到永生,这在当时是一种常见的做法,遗憾的是这也导致了他的死亡。



01获得更多的睡眠Get more sleep





02健康饮食Eat a healthy diet






03不要喝酒或抽烟Don't drink or smoke




04活跃起来Get active





05管理你的压力Manage your stress












Your Fountain of Youth:

how to slow down aging

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Are you afraid looking old? Given today’s high-stress lifestyle, people of all ages seem to be aging faster. Work, study, and life pressures take their toll on your body. If you pull all-nighters at school and frequently work overtime at the office, you not only feel run down, but also may experience things like hair loss and bad skin.

My students often hear me say, “age is just a number,” as your chronological age is really an insignificant number. Aging is not the number of years you have lived, but rather the degree of wear and tear on your body and mind. I have met many young people whose posture, skin, and facial expressions have lost age-appropriate youthfulness. You may look older than you are.

Beauty products claim to make you have younger looking skin. In the 1980s, Olay’s advertising campaign was, “I don’t intend to grow old gracefully, I intend to fight it every step of the way.”


People have long wanted to look and feel young, seeking the proverbial Fountain of Youth that restores youth to anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have gone back millennia, suggesting that even the ancients struggled with aging. During the 16th century Age of Discovery, European explorers to the Americas brought this search to new heights. 

In 1513, Spanish conquistador Ponce de Leon became the first European to reach Florida, and he was tasked with finding the Fountain of Youth. Although he was mortally wounded in his quest, later explorers were inspired by a similar vision. Many wanted to restore their youth so badly that they risked their lives to find it. 

Original Fountain of Youth

Warm Mineral Springs in North Port, Florida, claims to be the original Fountain of Youth sought by Ponce de Leon. Native Americans and European settlers alike journeyed many miles in search of their health and wellbeing by bathing in and drinking its waters. Today, the pond has been added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places and is open for swimming.

Warm Mineral Springs Pond 

Live Oak with Spanish Moss 

Main Entry Sign

Balneotherapy is the treatment of disease by bathing in mineral springs.

A mineral spring is a natural body of water that contains dissolved minerals, including magnesium and sulfur. Warm Mineral Springs is the sole naturally occurring warm mineral spring in Florida, with 51 minerals and a year-round 85°F (30°C) temperature. In China, many people bathe in similar hot springs, said to have healing properties for a variety of ailments.

Warm Mineral Springs Pond 

In China, Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC) took mercury pills to achieve immortality, a common practice at the time, which may sadly have caused his death.


You don't have to seek out a mythical Fountain of Youth to look and feel younger. Even though your genetic makeup will have an impact on how you age, there are things you can do in your everyday life to slow down the process.

01Get more sleep

Park Grounds 

Getting a good night’s sleep is probably the best way to fight aging. When you sleep well, you feel refreshed and full of energy. When you are sleep-deprived, you wake up feeling drained and run down. Over time, more sleep leads to greater health and vigor. Less sleep leads to a state of disrepair. Even when you’re busy, there are ways to get enough sleep

For many years I went to same salon on the Tsinghua campus for a haircut. One day my friend and stylist, Jiang Wei, said, “Wow, you look tired. You need more sleep!” I had been working hard on a project and had dark circles under my eyes. I’m glad he told me, as it was a good reminder. Even one night of poor sleep can lead to dark undereye circles and pale skin.

Getting a good night of shut-eye can have multiple benefits for your skin, such as making it look more youthful and allowing skin to repair itself from the stresses of the day.

02Eat a healthy diet

Park Grounds

When we’re busy, the fastest, most convenient food is often the least healthy. And sometimes when we’re in overdrive at work or at school, we skip meals, craving heavy snacks or fatty meals to compensate for the meals we missed to feel satisfied. It’s much easier to grab a hamburger at McDonald’s or some candy at 7-11 than it is to go home and make a salad.

However, a nutrient-rich diet with a diversity of plants, healthy proteins, and high quality, healthy fats actually nourishes your genes, which manifests in optimal health for you. Nutrient-deficient diets can contribute to accelerated aging. Excess glucose from too much sugar and carbohydrates can also be damaging, which is why I often recommend a low-carb diet

In China, Ele.ma and Meituan-Dianping have revolutionized food delivery, but it’s just as easy to order a bucket of fried chicken with coffee from KFC as it is steamed vegetables with tofu online. And I’m willing to bet the junk food may be more appealing when you’re working hard and feeling stressed. Marketers know this, so it’s up to us to make healthy choices.

When in Beijing, I use food delivery services all the time. I often order the roast chicken salad set with hard-boiled egg whites and nori from Low Cal. It’s one online option that I find both filling and nutritious.

03Don't drink or smoke

Warm Mineral Springs Pond 

I recently visited my dermatologist, and I asked her what is the secret to maintaining healthy looking skin. Based on her work with a wide range of patients, she said people who smoke and drink age faster. This should really go without saying. If you smoke and drink, in a word: quit!

If you need help saying “no” to drinking pressure, check out my article on how to survive Chinese drinking culture.

04Get active

Park Grounds

Exercise promotes anti-aging and prevents chronic disease. In today’s busy lifestyle, though, it’s hard to get to the gym. Many of us live in areas where poor air quality or harsh weather conditions prevent us from going out for a run. But to exercise, you need not go to extremes

I suggest starting with something simple and manageable—right when you wake up and in your own room. There is a range of calisthenics that you can do in small spaces, like marching in place, sit-ups, and push-ups. The objective is to get your heart rate up and strengthen your muscles. There are also many online videos with workouts you can follow wherever you are.

When starting a workout plan, there's no need to be heroic and shoot for a gold medal. Start small and then gradually build up your capacity. Experts also recommend 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days per week. If you are too busy, try marching in place for one minute per day, then build up. You’ll see that you can fit exercise in, and you’ll feel great, too.

05Manage your stress

Park Grounds

Chronic stress promotes inflammation and oxidative damage that increases disease risk and accelerates aging. When your body feels stressed, your skin and organs feel stress as well, running them down. Fortunately, you can manage your stress by living proactively and using stress-management techniques like deep breathing when you encounter crises. 

You can also bathe in a hot spring.  Research shows that magnesium helps nerves function, sulfate helps fight infection, and potassium helps electrolyte balance. Repeat visitors croon how wading in the water temporarily relieves them from inflammation, arthritis, and sciatica pain. In any event, it will force you to relax—which can also counteract stress.

My friend, if you seek to look younger with a fit body, supple joints, smooth skin, and a youthful glow, try to get more sleep, eat a healthy diet, avoid drinking and smoking, exercise, and manage stress. By prioritizing your health, you’ll also have greater mental acuity and physical strength, assets you’ll need to support you on your path to success.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Proverbial \ prə-ˈvər-bē-əl \

a)含义:adj. 世人皆知的


i.People have long wanted to look and feel young, seeking the proverbial Fountain of Youth that restores youth to anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. 


ii.It has become proverbial to link physical activity to health.


c)近义词:famous, time-honored, well-known

2.Shut-eye \ ˈshət-ˌī \

a)含义:n. 睡觉


i.Getting a good night of shut-eye can have multiple benefits for your skin, such as making it look more youthful and allowing skin to repair itself from the stresses of the day.


ii.Sleeping in on Saturday after a few weeks of too little shut-eye may feel refreshing, but it can give a false sense of security.


c)近义词:dozing, sleep, slumber

3.Calisthenics \ ˌka-ləs-ˈthe-niks \

a)含义:n. 健美体操


i.There is a range of calisthenics that you can do in small spaces, like marching in place, sit-ups, and push-ups. 


ii.Emotions have a direct influence on the quality of calisthenics teaching.


c)近义词:conditioning, exercise, gymnastics

4.March \ ˈmärch \

a)含义:v. 行军;进军


i.If you are too busy, try marching in place for one minute per day, then build up. 


ii.Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.


c)近义词:pace, step, stride

5.Croon \ ˈkrün  \

a)含义:v. 低吟;低声歌唱


i.Repeat visitors croon how wading in the water temporarily relieves them from inflammation, arthritis, and sciatica pain. 


ii.She gently crooned a lullaby. 


c)近义词:chant, hum, sing

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


