

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-09-06

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这次展览也让我想起了一本畅销全球的小说《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》(The Alchemist)。

《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》是巴西作家保罗·戈埃罗(Paolo Coelho)于1988年出版的一部寓言小说,讲述了追寻梦想和人生奇幻经历的重要性。



Personal legends







圣地亚哥必须战胜自己作为一个小牧童离开故乡的恐惧感,追求他跨越世界的梦想。他对自己说:“ 实现梦想的可能性,才使生活变得有趣。”













炼金术士 (1937)


当圣地亚哥承认他害怕痛苦时,炼金术士回答说:“ 告诉你的心,对痛苦的恐惧比痛苦本身更可怕。在追寻梦想的过程中,没有任何一颗心曾经遭受过痛苦,因为每一秒的搜寻都是与上主的第二次相遇,以及永恒。“不如对自己也说说这些话吧。

















The Alchemist:

how to achieve your personal legend

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

I recently visited the Science History Institute in Philadelphia, which highlights the important role chemistry has played in advancing everyday life. The museum also has an exhibit on alchemy, which from about 1300 to 1700 was known for its quest to transmute lead into gold and produce an elixir to prolong life

Age of Alchemy Exhibit 

Through this Age of Alchemy exhibit, I learned how alchemy intrigued, inspired, and mystified early modern society. Alchemists studied nature and matter to uncover their secrets, through which they released a creativity and curiosity that shaped our modern understanding of science. Alchemy served as a laboratory exercise as well as a powerful metaphor for change.

Age of Alchemy Exhibit 

In the end, alchemists never succeeded in turning lead into gold or discovering a universal panacea, but they did establish a body of practical knowledge about the material world and create other remedies to heal, soothe, and purify.

This exhibit also reminded me of the international bestselling novel The Alchemist. Published by Brazilian author Paolo Coelho in 1988, The Alchemist is an allegorical novel that tells a story about the importance of following your dreams and personal legend. I read the novel some time ago, and this exhibit inspired me to read it again and share the story with you.

Personal legends

The book tells of a young shepherd boy named Santiago from Andalusia, Spain. While sleeping in an abandoned church, he has a dream that he will find a hidden treasure at the Egyptian pyramids. After some internal debate, he sells his flock of sheep and travels by boat to Northern Africa. He then crosses the Sahara Desert by camel in a caravan.

As he wavers about leaving Spain, Santiago comes across a wise man, who defines one’s personal legend as “what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is.” He was saying that our personal legend is obvious to us in our youth, but sadly over time, we become convinced we’ll never achieve it.


When Santiago arrives at the pyramids, he digs but finds nothing. Thieves accost him, and Santiago tells them his dream. They beat and rob him, and one mocks him, saying he has his own dream about finding treasure in an abandoned church. Santiago instantly understands, returns to Spain, and finds the treasure full of gold right beneath where he first had the dream.

According to The Alchemist, the pursuit of your personal legend is the only means by which you can live a satisfying life. Alchemy entails coaxing metal to achieve its own personal legend to turn into gold. Likewise, the single pursuit of our own individual dreams, cleansing ourselves of sullying distractions, can also bring us to a perfecting fulfillment.

Santiago had to triumph over his fear of leaving his life as a shepherd boy to pursue his dream of traveling the world. He said to himself, “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

No matter how old you are or what your stage in life is, you can still unearth your personal legend. Here’s how to “perfect” yourself, how to convert your leaden self into one of gold:


The Alchemist is about the power and importance of following your dreams. Before you can follow your dream, though, you actually have to have one. Alchemists dreamed of turning lead into gold and of finding miraculous cures, and these aims drove their search. Likewise, Santiago’s dream of treasure propelled him to cast aside distractions and run full speed ahead.

Perhaps there has been a still, soft voice speaking within you since childhood that tells you what you want from life. It may inspire you to want something that you do not currently have. Visualize it. You can ask yourself, “What really bugs me about the world?” Your personal legend may be to take action to fix it. Be honest with yourself, as it may be your dream speaking.

Alchemic Roots of Chemistry 

Pursuing your heart’s desire with some urgency is one of the key lessons of the book. Many of us spend our lives waiting for the right time to act. Santiago reminds us that there is no better time than the present. Have a dream, but also pursue it…now.

According to The Alchemist, you will not fulfill your personal legend if you do not consciously pursue your dreams. There is a seat of passion lying within you, prompting you to do certain things and live life a certain way. If you squelch those desires, you may go about life absentmindedly, floundering from place to place. But if you follow your heart and answer its call, you will live the best life possible. 

The wise man

The wise man assures Santiago that despite the challenges and obstacles he will find along this adventure, there is no failure in pursuing your dreams, saying, "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." Do not feel alone in your journey, and know that higher forces are propelling you to triumph.


We all fear failure, and you may experience this fear quite often. I see it in my students all the time—with each time they say to me, “I can’t.” When you allow the fear of failure to take root in your spirit, it keeps you from achieving or pursuing your personal legend. The Alchemist reminds us not to let fear of failure keep you from pursuing your dreams and aims.

When Santiago reaches an oasis in the Sahara Desert, he meets the real Alchemist, a legendary healer with rare mystical powers. He takes Santiago as his protégé, offering these words of wisdom and encouragement: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

Early Italian Pharmacies

To achieve greatness, the Alchemist says we need to cast aside our fear of failure. To overcome this fear, constantly remind yourself of where you are, where you want to go, and why it is important that you get there. See the result as well as the process. As you consistently work to better yourself, the universe will conspire to help you actualize and achieve your dreams. 

When Santiago confesses that he fears suffering, the Alchemist replies, ”Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.” Speak these words to your own heart.

Electroplated Tea Service

There is a price to everything worth having. Only those who are willing to pay that price, risk it all, and act despite their fear of failure will achieve their dreams and aims. Alchemists failed in their experiments more than they succeeded, and Santiago stumbled and fell along his journey. When they didn’t get what they wanted, they gained experience, fortifying them to progress.

Those that don't fail also don’t achieve. The only true failure is failing to go after your dream at all.


When I attended the Tony Robbins four-day Unleash the Power Within seminar, he emphasized that knowledge is not power, it is potential power. Acting on our knowledge releases the power. If you’re not taking action, you won’t fulfill your personal legend, no matter how much you learn or know. Alchemists experimented, and Santiago plodded ahead. What can you do?

During his journey, Santiago has many chances to give up. He is robbed and beaten, distracted by love interests, and often just hopeless or despondent. But each time he snaps back, maintaining his perseverance by focusing on the obstacle in front of him and working out the best way through it. The faith that he will achieve his goal also motivated him.

As they trekked through the desert, the Alchemist advised Santiago, ”There is only one way to learn. It’s through action.” Taking action not only moves you toward the finish line, it also is secret to all learning.

My friend, The Alchemist urges you to discover your purpose and actively pursue it every day. If you can’t identify your dream, it may be that the fear of failure is blinding you. Listen to your heart and act on its calling, persevering against all odds. This way, you’ll live out your unique personal legend. It may very well be the only way to achieve personal greatness.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Accost \ ə-ˈkȯst \

a)含义:v. 引诱;引出


i.Thieves accost him, and Santiago tells them his dream. 


ii.She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.


c)近义词:affront, approach, corner


\ mə-ˈra-kyə-ləs \

a)含义:adj. 不可思议的;奇迹的


i.Alchemists dreamed of turning lead into gold and of finding miraculous cures, and these aims drove their search. 


ii.If you could feel the miraculous structure of your own being now, how you would wonder!


c)近义词:magical, phenomenal, preternatural

3.Bug \ ˈbəg \

a)含义:n. 热衷;着迷


i.You can ask yourself, “What really bugs me about the world?” 


ii.She only did it to bug her parents.


c)近义词:aggravate, annoy, bother

4.Trek \ ˈtrek \

a)含义:v. 艰苦跋涉


i.As they trekked through the desert, the Alchemist advised Santiago, “There is only one way to learn. It’s through action.”


ii.During the expedition, they trekked ten to thirteen hours a day. 


c)近义词:journey, tour, travel

5.Greatness \ ˈgrāt-nəs \

a)含义:n. 伟大


iii.It may very well be the only way to achieve personal greatness.


iv.We respect the power of knowledge and scientific greatness.


c)近义词:distinction, excellence, supremacy

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


