
Race issue - 2 种族问题浅谈(二)

胡晟宇 旷野沙漠之州 2020-08-18

    What is Social Justice?


“Social Justice” is a rather vague term being floated around these days. The most concise definition I’ve come across is this: equity in terms of distribution of wealth, opportunity, privilege, and resources in a society. Regarding the issue of race, social justice pertains to the idea that America is fundamentally racist toward people of color and we need to change the system to achieve more equitable results for people of color. There are two areas of debate pertaining to this discussion. First, is it actually true that America is fundamentally racist and in need of change? Second, even if the premise is true, should the church participate in this effort? And if so, how?
Regarding both questions, I answer no.
“社会公正” 一词最近常常见诸媒体,意思却很含糊。我能找到的最简洁的定义是:在一个社会里,财富、机会、特权和资源分配公平。涉及到种族问题时,社会公正跟这种思想捆绑在一起,认为:美国从骨子里歧视有色人种,我们需要改变她的体系来为有色人种争取公平的结果。我想就两点展开讨论:一,美国真的从骨子里歧视有色人种并需要改变吗?二,即便是,教会需要参与吗?如果需要,如何参与?

    Is America fundamentally racist?


There is a political narrative being pushed today that America is fundamentally racist. Before we address this issue, it is important to first define what we mean by “racist.” Traditionally, to be racist means to look down on someone and treat them as inferior on account of their skin color. In other words, it is favoritism or partiality based on skin color. Racism can be manifested economically or politically through discriminatory practices based on one’s skin color. So, for example, if a colored man wanted to eat at a restaurant, he would not be allowed to eat there on account of his skin color, even if he were a willing customer able to pay for the food. Or, for example, during the Jim Crow era of the South, there were one set of laws for whites, and another set of laws for blacks. There are two different standards for people, based on their skin color. This is no longer true in America since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when discrimination on race has been made illegal.
现今,一种被炒作的政治言论就是美国从骨子里歧视有色人种。在我们讨论这个问题之前,有个重要的定义得先弄明白:什么叫种族主义?(在美国)传统上,种族主义就是因别人的肤色低看别人,把他们当劣等人种对待。换句话说,种族主义是因肤色引起的偏爱或偏见。在经济和政治领域,种族主义体现为对肤色不同的人区别对待。比如,一个肤色深的人想去某家餐馆吃饭,他愿意付账也付得起账,却不让他进,不为别的,只因他的肤色深了点。又比如,在吉姆克劳(Jimmy Crow)时期,美国南方施行两套法律,白人一套黑人一套。白人黑人肤色不同,法律的标准也就不一样。但是,1964年《民权法案》通过后,美国就不再这样了,种族歧视是违法的。
However, starting in the 1960-70s, and more and more prevalent today, the definition of racism has changed. Proponents of social justice today employ the term “racism” differently. Today, it pertains primarily to inequality of outcome and inequality of power. That is, if a colored man does not achieve the same level of status, or wealth, or privilege as a white man while participating in an institution, then the institution is “racist.” And those who disproportionately benefit from the institution are “racist” by association.
Biblically speaking, there are various texts that condemn racism in the traditional sense of the word (Acts 10:34-35, James 2:8-9). That is, we are not allowed to treat different people by different standards. However, the second sense of the term racism is unbiblical. The bible nowhere demands that society be structured with equality of outcome (i.e. privilege and power) between different tribal groups.
To take an example, Israel was composed of 12 tribes, but not all twelve have equal power or privilege. In Genesis 49, Jacob gives different blessings to each son. Some had more blessings than others, even though it is not obvious why some should have more while others less. Then later during the period of the conquest of Canaan, each tribe were to be allotted according to their size (Num. 33:54). However, this was not actually the case, as the tribes of Dan, Issachar, and Zebulun received disproportionately smaller shares of the land, even though they were three of the most populous tribes (Josh. 19:10-23, 40-46). One may say that this is unfair. However, none of the judges, kings, prophets, not even God himself, ever condemns this uneven distribution of privileges. However, the Mosaic Law always applied to every tribe, and every individual within that tribe. God is concerned about impartiality (Lev. 19:15, Ex. 23:2-3). But he does not demand that every people group have equality of outcome. The secular mantra that “inequality of outcome is unjust” does not stand biblical scrutiny. As Christians, we cannot tolerate an unbiblical redefinition of justice. To do so is to call evil good and good evil (Isa. 5:20).
Furthermore, even from a common sensical perspective, there is a fundamental flaw in this type of thinking. This framework doesn’t account for human agency and personal responsibility. Equal outcome can only be expected if every person, or groups of people, were exactly the same in terms of talent, intelligence, values, culture, and work ethic. Real life experience tells us that any such expectations are absurdly unrealistic. For example, Asians are extremely underrepresented in American pro-sports. Is America systemically racist against Asians? While I will not deny that there are individual instances of racial discrimination (i.e. Jeremy Lin), it is very disingenuous to say that racism rather than culture accounts for the Asian underrepresentation in pro sports. The fact is Asian people just do not value sports as much as other racial groups. There is an inequality in outcome, true. But let’s not kid ourselves and blame it on the system or white people when the reality is that most Asian families and students care more about grades and violin than playing professional basketball.
This same principle can be applied to other issues. For example, blacks and brown people are under-represented in colleges. That is true. But what do we do with the well-documented fact that there is an anti-intellectual culture within many black communities? Or regarding the example of the prison system, young black males are disproportionately represented in prisons compared to whites. This is true. But what do we do with the fact that young black males commit a disproportionate amount of violent crimes (over half of violent crimes are committed by black males, which is eight times the rate of white males)? Is it possible that these cultural differences between racial groups account for the disparities in educational attainment and incarceration rates? One would have to purposely ignore a large swath of data to push for the narrative that every major institution in America is purposely discriminating against people solely based on their skin color.

    The Case Against Social Justice


Even if it can be granted that America is an imperfect society (which can be said of every society), to what extent should the church get involved in political-social activism? It would be helpful to remember that the mission of the church is to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19). Our job as a church is to save people’s soul from hell. The only way that can happen is for individuals to recognize their individual sins, repent and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. And in order for that to happen, the church needs to preach the gospel (Rom. 10:14).
Now many people cite Jesus’ example of helping the poor and healing the sick as a model to engage in “holistic missions” (i.e. we preach the gospel and make the world into a better place). However, a few qualifications are needed.
First, there is a difference between helping the poor and ending poverty. The former entails helping the poor out of a regenerated heart. That is, it is a natural act flowing from a compassionate heart. The latter is a mission, a goal, a program. Jesus certainly helped the poor, but he was not interested in ending poverty. He healed lepers, but he did not seek to end leprosy. Jesus calls us to have compassion, and compassion will naturally flow toward our neighbors when the situation presents itself. But Jesus also affirmed that there will always be poverty, pain, suffering on this side of heaven (Matt. 26:11, Rom. 8:18-21). To expect the church to actually succeed in ridding injustice and suffering in the world, even if we tried, is quite naïve.
首先,帮助穷人和消除贫困是有区别的。前者是帮助穷人有一颗新造的心,是由爱心而生出的好行为;后者是一项任务,一个目标,一项工程。耶稣当然帮过穷人,但他无意消除贫困。他医治大麻疯病人,但无意消除大麻疯病。耶稣呼唤我们要有同情心,当邻舍遇到困境,我们会自然而然地帮助他们。同时,耶稣也指出这世上会有贫穷、痛苦和苦难(马太福音26:11, 罗马书8:18-21)。期待教会成功消除世上的不公正与苦难,就太天真了,即使尝试去做,也不会成功。
Second, whatever physical healings Jesus performed served to authenticate his preaching (Mk. 1:38, Jn. 20:30-31, Acts 2:22). The miracles and healings were not primarily meant to make people’s lives better physically. Jesus worked these miracles to credit the gospel message he preached so that people can put their faith in him as the messiah. In cases where his miracles did not produce faith in himself, Jesus withheld his providence and miracles (cf. Matt. 13:58, Jn. 6:26-66). The call for social justice today often times is an end in itself, as if somehow making the world a better place has intrinsic value apart from regenerating the hearts of individual men and women.
Third, whatever good we can bring to this world will ultimately be burned up in the end when Jesus returns and makes the New Heaven and New Earth (2 Pet. 3:10, Rev. 21:5). Let’s say you were on the Titanic as it was sinking into the ocean. Everyone on the ship is going down with it. But then another cruise ship comes along to save the passengers. It would be extremely foolish to expend your energy trying to salvage the Titanic from its inevitable demise. The proper response would be to spend all your energy getting onto the other ship and helping others to do the same. When it comes to salvation, the analogy is the same. This world is destined for destruction. God is creating a new world, a new kingdom – one without sin, pain, suffering, and death. He’s calling us to believe in Jesus so we can have a place in his kingdom. But if we instead focus our efforts on salvaging this current kingdom, we’ll go down with it. Our job is not to patch up the current kingdom, but to get ourselves and as many people as possible to God’s kingdom.
The goal of the church is to make disciples. If we can make the world into a better place along the way, then great. But if not, then we are not to worry about it. When Jesus comes back, he will make all things new. Our job is to participate in the work of the Holy Spirit now and get people into God’s kingdom. Ten thousand years from now, the church will not look back on this life and regret the temporal physical sufferings we could have alleviated in this brief generation. However, we will regret the souls who suffer eternally in hell. In that place the worms never die and the fire never quenches. The damned are forever shut from the presence of God, without rest, without light, without hope. If you truly want to do the work of God, pray and work for the salvation of those yet to know Christ. Let him take care of the rest.

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