Faces in the Mirror and What I Learnt Studying the IB Diploma
作者 Adrian Tang 译 苏媛
作者简介:邓同学,UC Berkerley本科在读,IB 双语文凭44分考生,香港政府卓越奖学金(100万港币)2016年度首批获得者,香港地区模拟联合国负责人之一。
For the students who worked through the International Baccalaureate, I must think that it's simple to bemoan the course as a Sisyphean ordeal of myth and lore: weighed down by the nameless Rock of suffering, man's choice is to offer an empty self-congratulations or to accept his fate in absurdity with scorn. Yet I have to also think that solely the satisfaction from a difficult - if pointless - "job well done", or the defiance of Camus' heroes, is a poor excuse to spend two years of my life.
Three months graduated, I've found the IB's academic preparation of some use at University - but hardly proportionate to the effort spent acquiring it. So rather, I have to consider the entire context of the course: the social, mental and personal repercussions of a time wholly devoted to a mad rush toward top-tier universities, a shining 45 (not reached) and the No. 1 spot in, well, anything defined under 'extracurriculars'.
I come away with three lessons - about myself, not the world - the Baccalaureate taught me; of value perhaps commensurate to the time and energy spent.First, I saw a hint of the good and ugliness that follows every real-world competitive environment. You learnt to be sincerely grateful to the one Friend who would show genuine gladness at your achievements that he did not have. You learnt to accept and tolerate the scorn, jealousy, scheming, crudity and dirty elbowing of another Competitor in the race to put "Debate Champion", "Scholarship Awardee" or "Valedictorian" on the CV; for He is one with many faces.
You'd see a little bit of yourself in them, and make a conscious decision for who - what - you wanted to be one day.
Second, you learnt about your goals. Sisyphus' toil is companionless. The overriding memory I have of that time is silence: a quiet in the AM hours that spoke of a lonely isolation in your academic pursuits, aims and thoughts. As work began at 8p.m. on the full enormity of an essay or IA, the world outside would sleep: oblivious to your puny struggle, your purposes in attempting it, your little hopes forfulfilling it. It makes one at once insignificant, but a titan inside the walls of his fortress of solitude. So - with that known - we accepted our that our work would always be inconsequential, and decided to make it relevant -personally. Confirming none existed, we wrote our own Reason to labor onward.
Third, you learnt about your decisions and how to live with them. You wrote your own schedule, planned tasks, made choices, trained and failed for competitions - all on your own willingness to make sacrifices to work. The tired faces in the mirror and the humiliation of a [30th (Last) Place] were no different - no worse - than at other times in our lives, but they were the first instance we were wholly responsible for. A few let the pressure of making decisions overwhelm them, but most came to a realization - like Camus' Sisyphus - that the Rock is of humanmaking, and the object of scorn is not destiny, parental judgement, or social expectation, but human action.
Like so many others,I've left the Baccalaureate blinking and staring at the light: clemency is still in doubt; has the great Rock tumbled down for the final time? Surely not.Post-secondary life may certainly have cruel jests for those who saw the timeas a challenge to be surmounted once, and celebrated afterward. And so one has to believe that the two years were not squandered; that the ever-changing shapes in our mirrors - our tired, jealous, pitiful, vulnerable, regretfulfaces - were a reflection of our time, but also attestation to all that we learnt about ourselves. Sisyphus makes neither a mockery nor a feat of his work. His is the joy of knowing, an ordeal steeped in no loftier meaning than all of his human idiocy and weakness and pride.