
大咖陪你聊国际学校认证那些事儿 All About Accreditation (Bilingual Version)

John Royce K12谈 2020-08-22


龚老师说:今天给大家请来了一位学术大咖。John是我作为学校认证官时认识的一位朋友,他既是老师同时也是图书馆馆长。当别人问他作为图书馆长的工作时,他习惯回答“我教书呢。” John喜欢将自己视为一名老师,而其擅长的专业在于通才而非专才。John曾分别在赞比亚,英国,马拉维,德国及土耳其学校工作过,现在是自由职业者,为图书馆顾问,培训师及演讲师。John曾是CIS(国际学校委员会)及IB图书管理员委员会成员,并当选为2011-2012年国际学校图书管理员协会年度奖得主。除此之外,John还是IB认证的培训官,擅长拓展论文,图书馆管理员,及学术诚实方面的培训。John至少已为CIS及NEASC (美国新英格兰院校协会)担任过不下15次的学校认证服务。他还专门针对学术诚实开了一个博客http://read2live.com/,笔耕不辍,有兴趣的读者可以去看看。

John Royce is a dually-qualified teacher and librarian. When asked what he does as a librarian, he says, “I teach.”  He regards himself as a teacher whose specialism is generalism. John has worked in schools in Zambia, UK, Malawi, Germany and Turkey, but is now a freelance library consultant and trainer/presenter. He has served as a member of the ECIS and IB Librarians’ Committees, and was the IASL International School Librarian of the Year laureate for 2011-2012. He is an authorised IB workshop leader for Extended Essay, Librarians and Academic Honesty workshops. He has served on at least 15 accreditation visits for CIS and NEASC.  He blogs on matters of academic honesty at http://read2live.com.

文  John Royce / 翻译  龚琴 (Helen)

Many private schools choose to be accredited by an outside agency. Such schools are typically in a competitive situation, competing for enrolment with other schools in the area. Accreditation provides a measure of quality control and seal of approval, recognition that the agency’s standards of education and governance are met – or exceeded. Parents choosing schools for their children have an assurance of the quality of education at accredited schools, and so do teachers considering appointment.


Many agencies provide accreditation services to schools at home (in whichever country “home” is) and abroad. My own experience has been with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and with the Council of International Schools (CIS), and while much of what I discuss in this article does apply to other agencies, I do not guarantee it.


One thing to be very clear about: accreditation is not the same as inspection. An inspection may be something to be worried about: it often feels as if inspectors visit a school looking to find fault, they want to seek out anything “bad” and to punish the school for it.  The standards against which a school is evaluated are often set by an outside agency and are interpreted in much the same way regardless of a school’s individual situation and circumstances.


An accreditation visit is the opposite: accreditation visitors visit a school looking to support it, to praise that which is good and to offer recommendations for improving areas which are weak. The standards are the same for all schools but are interpreted in the light of each school’s situation and circumstances. Accreditation is all about school improvement; in fact, the full title of the accreditation NEASC/CIS guide (8th edition) is Main Guide to School Evaluation and Accreditation: “Journey to Excellence in International Education” : School Improvement Through Accreditation.


This is not to say that schools are automatically accredited, regardless of how good or poor a school they are. Schools which fail to meet some of the standards may be denied accreditation – or lose their accreditation if they already are accredited – if the problems are serious, or they may be granted accreditation only on condition that they immediately carry out the most urgent of the recommendations.


Clearly, accreditation is a serious business with implications for schools which do not meet the standards. Even in the best schools, teachers and administrators are nervous when the Visiting Team comes visiting.  The team is made up of teachers and administrators from schools around the world, and usually includes between 8 and 15 team members. Very large schools and schools with several campuses may host even larger teams. The visit lasts a week, and the visitors look into every nook and cranny of school life, from governance and leadership and finances through to educational activities and school facilities and employment conditions and professional development experience. There is, of course, much attention given to teaching and learning, to classroom practice and to student life. All are considered in light of the school’s stated mission and values.


The visit is just one stage in a cycle of school improvement, and understanding the cycle can allay those nerves. Once it makes application for accreditation, a school is visited by a small team, usually just two people, who check that the school is ready for a full visit and advise on what they feel might need special attention. Accreditation is not just a serious business; it is an expensive one as well, since the school has to pay transport and accommodation and other costs for the visiting team as well as fees to the accrediting agency. Knowing this, the small team making the preliminary visit will not recommend that a school proceeed with its application unless and until it is reasonably certain to gain accreditation.


今天先聊到这,下次我们会带大家扒一扒各学校为通过认证进行的self study,传说中的自我学习,我理解为自省环节。是一个让很多协调员,教职员工一听就头大的几个字,真的有这么恐怖吗?敬请关注!

图片来源:百度 & topit.me

