

Deidre Fischer K12谈 2020-08-22


About the author:Deidre Fischer is Australian, and an experienced Head of School who has spent most of her career overseas working in international IB schools. She is now based in Adelaide (South Australia) and is CEO of her own company: DF Education Pty Ltd () providing a range of services to schools in SE Asia and the Middle East, as well as Australia. Her services include, but are not limited to:

        Leadership/Management Training

        School start-ups

        Career Coaching

        Independent Reviews and 

        Customised Solutions

Deidre Fischer女士为土生土长澳大利亚人,目前为止,她绝大多数职业生涯都以担任海外的IB国际学校校长为主。如今,她在南澳阿德莱德创立了自己的公司, 名为DF教育有限公司(网址为)。该公司致力于为东南亚,中东及澳大利亚的学校提供各种服务,包括但不限于:






Deirdre has recently joined Endicott University () as an occasional Professor for their Masters in International Education Administration programme in Bangkok, has part-time work for the School of Education at Adelaide University, and She has worked in six different countries and is an experienced CIS Team Chair. She has led Council of International Schools (CIS – www.cois.org) accreditation teams to many more countries. 

最近,Deirdre 作为Endicott 大学的不定期客座教授加入了其在曼谷的国际教育管理硕士项目,同时她也兼职为阿德莱德大学教育学院工作。 Deirdre已在六个不同国家工作过, 并曾多次担任CIS认证团队主席,将国际学校委员会(CIS)认证团队带到了更多国家。

Accreditation in education is what the ISO standards are to industry (ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality). The CIS Accreditation process can be considered as the ISO equivalent for education worldwide. 


文章  Deidre Fisher / 翻译 龚琴 (Helen) 

As I was sitting waiting for the training for the new CIS Evaluation 2016 protocol to commence I thought back to when I had no idea what ‘Accreditation’ meant. That was in 1998, and I was about to start my first overseas adventure and the Head of School asked me whether I would be the Accreditation Co-ordinator for the school. I had no idea what I was taking on when I happily replied ‘Yes’ … I think he timed it beautifully and I believe I may have been distracted at the time. 


When I sat down and looked at the paperwork, I realised with dismay that I had no idea what to do and how to start, and realised that I needed to be proactive to find someone who could help me. With luck I was able to find two outstanding mentors who were able to guide me through my first Accreditation process and always happened to be available at the end of the phone when a question needed answering.  


Nearly 20 years later, I reflected on how much I have learned through the implementation of the Accreditation (mostly Council of International Schools (CIS) process in the six different countries I have lived in since 1998. For the sake of brevity, and this article, I have narrowed the learnings to three major items. 


1. First off, Accreditation is not COMPLIANCE and  it is not a checklist. The CIS Accreditation is a process of ongoing school improvement. The skill of reflection and being able to identify your school’s areas of strength and areas for growth are critical to the success of Accreditation for all members of your school community. 


2.  All members of the school community (parents, students, Board members, teaching staff and non-teaching staff as well as school leaders) should be involved in discussion and debate around the standards and indicators. There should be different perspectives presented during discussion about the extent to which you believe your school reaches the various standards and indicators. Understanding what the international accreditation standards are, and gaining consensus through discussion is critical to Accreditation. This is why it takes a long time – to understand what international standards of education look like and how you think your school measures up requires dialogue and evidence. If you believe you have reached the standard completely, then make sure you have the evidence and the consensus from your stakeholders to back you up before the Visiting Team comes to your school. 


3. The Visiting Team should undertake a supportive, collegial approach and use questions wisely during their time at the school in order to verify that the school generated report is honest about their own strengths and areas for growth. The role is to verify the contents of the report that the school has written and sent in, and provide an independent perspective for the school. 


While there is much more that I could share about how much I have learned, I need to state that, as a CIS Accreditation team Chair, quite simply it is the best professional development that I have ever undertaken in my professional career. I often came away bursting with eagerness and ideas that outweighed the sheer exhaustion after being on a Visiting Team. 


It is the most demanding of responsibilities that I have undertaken, being on an Accreditation team, and it takes a lot of preparation (and time). During the week of the visit, you are up early and often bedtime is well after 11pm each night. Doing this for 6 consecutive days, together with observing, discussing, reading, interviewing and writing reports means that it is a physically and intellectually demanding role. It is however, a role that I continue to take on as I love the learning associated with this task. 


As a Head of School, we actively reflected upon our progress each year, against the CIS Accreditation standards and it was cause for celebration to see how far we had come each year. The CIS Accreditation Visiting Team report informed our Strategic planning and was a critical component to operationalising our Strategic (School Improvement) Plan. 


If this article has interested you, my next article will speak to the advantages and benefits for the students who graduate from or attend CIS Accredited Schools. Stay tuned, and until next time. 



