

BUCM循证医学中心 BUCM循证医学精视角 2022-11-21
















作者:Abalos E, Sguassero Y, Gyte GML译者:裴旭燕,审校:刘琴,重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院循证医学中心 Cochrane中国协作网成员单位 The Cochrane China Network Affiliate School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University;编辑排版:索于思,北京中医药大学循证医学中心



【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】Paracetamol for relief of perineal pain after birth

What is the issue?

The aim of this Cochrane Review was to find out if a single dose of paracetamol (acetaminophen) reduces the incidence of perineal pain for women after giving birth vaginally. We collected and analysed all relevant studies to answer this question (search date December 2019).

Why is this important?

The birth of a baby should be a very special time for women and families. Perineal pain can sometimes interfere with women's well-being and cause them problems in looking after their babies.

The perineum is a diamond-shaped area between the vagina and the anus that can bruise or tear as the baby is born. Some women are given a cut to the perineum (an episiotomy) for the baby to be born. Episiotomies and natural tears require stitches (sutures). Forceps or suction (ventouse) may also need to be used to help the baby to be born. Any such intervention can cause perineal discomfort and pain. Reducing the chance of perineal trauma and often intense perineal pain is clearly important as it can reduce a woman's ability to move around, breastfeed, and care for her baby. It can also cause urinary or fecal incontinence and painful sex. The pain can persist for weeks, months, or sometimes more. Adequate pain control is therefore important.

This review on paracetamol is part of a series of reviews looking at medicines to help relieve perineal pain in the first few hours after giving birth.

What evidence did we find?

We found no new studies in this update, so the review still includes 10 studies involving 1301 women. The studies were quite old, ranging from the 1970s to the early 1990s. All the studies looked at perineal pain relief associated with trauma, and no studies where the pain was associated with intact perineum were found. Overall, the evidence was of low quality due to the unclear methodology reported and the variation of findings.

Paracetamol may reduce the number of women experiencing pain at four hours after birth (10 trials, 1279 women), and fewer women may need additional pain relief with paracetamol (eight trials, 1132 women).

Only one study reported the number of women experiencing nausea (feeling sick) or sleepiness with no clear differences identified. There were no other side effects and none of the studies looked at effects on the babies.

What does this mean?

Paracetamol is generally effective as painkiller and causes few side effects. This review showed there may be some benefit specifically with a single dose of paracetamol for perineal pain after vaginal birth. Lactating women should be advised about the little information available on the effects of paracetamol in breastfed babies

Authors' conclusions: 

A single dose of paracetamol may improve perineal pain relief following vaginal birth, and may reduce the need for additional pain relief. Potential adverse effects for both women and neonates were not appropriately assessed. Any further trials should also address the gaps in evidence concerning maternal outcomes such as satisfaction with postnatal care, maternal functioning/well-being (emotional attachment, self-efficacy, competence, autonomy, confidence, self-care, coping skills) and neonatal drug adverse effects.



