

BUCM循证医学中心 BUCM循证医学精视角 2022-11-21























作者:Hargreaves E, Baker K, Barry G, Harding C, Zhang Y, Kandala N-B, Zhang X, Kernohan A, Clarkson CE;译者:何帆,武汉大学;审校:靳英辉,武汉大学中南医院循证与转化医学中心;编辑排版:索于思,北京中医药大学循证医学中心



【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】

Acupuncture for treating overactive bladder in adults

Review question

Is acupuncture a safe and effective treatment for treating overactive bladder in adults?


Overactive bladder is the term used to describe a group of urinary symptoms, including an urgent need to pass urine, frequent voiding (emptying), urinary incontinence and waking one or more times at night to pass urine (nocturia). Sufferers may have one or more of these symptoms. Overactive bladder is a common complaint and can affect both men and women of any age, though it is more common in older people. Treatment can include bladder education, pelvic floor exercises, medication, botox injections into the bladder wall, sacral neuromodulation and surgery.

Acupuncture refers to the practice of inserting fine needles into defined points on the body in order to achieve an improvement in health. It is used in a wide range of conditions and has been suggested as a possible treatment for overactive bladder symptoms.

How up-to-date is this review?

This review includes all studies that met our eligibility criteria, published up to 14 May 2022. We are aware of six ongoing studies and two studies that we cannot obtain in full, which were not included in our review.

Study characteristics

We included 15 studies involving a total of 1395 participants with overactive bladder. The majority of the studies had small numbers of participants and we had some reservations about the study designs, processes or both in the majority of the studies.

Study funding sources

Of the 15 included studies, four were supported by Chinese Government-funded research grants and two were funded by Higher Education institutions. The open access publishing fee for one study was paid by the Norwegian Acupuncture Association. Eight studies did not report any source of funding.

Key results

The different methods used by the studies made the comparison of results difficult.

Compared to no treatment, the effect of acupuncture on curing or improving overactive bladder symptoms and the amount of minor side effects is very uncertain. No major adverse events took place. The were no reports on the effect of acupuncture compared to no treatment with regard to reducing urinary urgency, daytime urinary frequency, episodes of urinary incontinence or episodes of nocturia.

Compared to sham (fake) acupuncture, the effect of acupuncture on curing or improving overactive bladder symptoms is uncertain. Acupuncture probably makes little or no difference to the number of minor adverse events compared to sham acupuncture. No major adverse events took place in any of the studies. The evidence is very uncertain regarding the effect of acupuncture on the presence of absence of urinary urgency, daytime urinary frequency or episodes of nocturia. There is probably no difference between acupuncture and sham acupuncture in terms of episodes of urinary incontinence.

Acupuncture may result in a slight improvement in overactive bladder symptoms when compared with medication and may result in a reduced number of minor adverse events. No major adverse events took place. The effect of acupuncture compared to medication is very uncertain with regard to urinary urgency and episodes of incontinence. Acupuncture may have the same effect as medication on urinary frequency and may slightly reduce episodes of nocturia.

Certainty of the evidence

The majority of the evidence in this review is of very low or low certainty because the included studies had flaws in their design and/or execution. Many had small numbers of participants and were conducted over a short period of time. Given these issues, it is difficult to draw conclusions regarding how effective acupuncture is for treating overactive bladder. Further well-designed, large-scale studies are required to answer this question.

Authors' conclusions: 

The evidence is very uncertain about the effect acupuncture has on cure or improvement of overactive bladder symptoms compared to no treatment. It is uncertain if there is any difference between acupuncture and sham acupuncture in cure or improvement of overactive bladder symptoms. This review provides low-certainty evidence that acupuncture may result in a slight increase in cure or improvement of overactive bladder symptoms when compared with medication and may reduce the incidence of minor adverse events.

These conclusions must remain tentative until the completion of larger, higher‐quality studies that use relevant, comparable outcomes. Timing and frequency of treatment, point selection, application and long-term follow-up are other areas relevant for research.



