
沪教版二年级英语上册Unit8 In my room 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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room   [ru:m]  房间

put  [pʊt]  放

the   [ðə]  (表示特指)

bag  [bæɡ] 包

dad  [dæd]  爸爸

box [bɒks]  盒子;箱子

on  [ɒn]  在.....上

chair  [tʃeə(r)]  椅子

desk  [desk]  书桌

car  [kɑ:(r)]  小汽车

look at  看

pencil case  铅笔盒;铅笔袋

ox  [ɒks]  公牛

work   [wɜ:k]  劳动;干活

sleep  [sli:p]  睡觉

Video Pl


Unit 8 Inmy room

一、 ( 共 5 题;共 10 分)

1. (2 分)— When is National Day?


A . It's September 10th

B . It's March 12th

C . It's December 25th

D . It's October 1st

A . apple juice  B . orange juice

3. (2 分) -What is five and eight?


A . Twelve

B . Thirteen

C . Fourteen

D . Fifteen

4. (2 分) I live _______ the police station.  ( )

A . near to

B . next

C . next to

A . bear  B . pig

二、 判断下列说法是否正确。( 共 6 题;共 12 分)

6. (2 分) - Put the books on the desk, please.


7. (2 分) - Put the doll on the chair, please.

- OK.

8. (2 分) - Put the rubbers in the bag, please.


9. (2 分)你想告诉别人你的猫在椅子下面,可以说:Your cat is under the chair.

10. (2 分)你想说苹果在桌子上,可以说:The apple is under the table.

11. (2 分)我看到厨房的盘子上有只老鼠,喊到:I see a mouse in the plate.

三、 情景选择 ( 共 3 题;共 6 分)

12. (2 分)选出与例词不同类的单词。chair:

A . hair

B . table

C . desk

13. (2 分)你想知道你的同学几岁了,可以问 :

A . How are you?

B . How old are you?

C . Are you eight?

14. (2 分)请别人把书桌放在房间里,可以说 :

A . Put the desk in the room.

B . Look at the desk in the room.

C . Put the desk in the classroom.


