
沪教版二年级英语上册Unit9 Dinner is ready 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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dinner  [ˈdɪnə(r)]  正餐;晚餐

ready   [ˈredi]  准备好

plate  [pleɪt]  盘子;碟子

chopsticks   ['tʃɒpstɪks]  筷子

bowl   [bəʊl]   碗

spoon  [spuːn]  匙;调羹

queen bee  蜂王蜂后

fly around    飞来飞去

run around  跑来跑去

Video Pl


Unit9 Dinner is ready 

一、 读一读,描一描。( 共 1 题;共 4 分)

1. (4 分)写出字母的相应大小写

A ________b ________a ________B ________

二、 情景会话。( 共 7 题;共 14 分)

2. (2 分) What colour is it?

A . blue  B . a plate

A . Look. This is my nose.  B . Tom, touch your ear.

4. (2 分)在桌子上

A . on the table  B . under the table

5. (2 分)— Give me a spoon, please.

— .

A . Here you are.  B . Thank you.

A . She's sitting on the chair.  B . She's sitting on the bag.

A . The rabbit is fat.  B . The ruler is white.

A . There is a cat on the table.  B . There is a cat on the chair.

三、 看图读一读,选出正确答案。( 共 3 题;共 6 分)

A . box  B . ball

A . queen  B . green

A . fat  B . cat


