
辽师大版快乐英语二年级上册全册教案及教学反思 | 可下载

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项目展开话题的,利用“ This is our , ”和“ Welcome”进行交流。并在此基础上复习和巩

固“问候他人” 语言项目,例:Nice to see you.  Nice to see you,  too. 三个单词 teacher、student

和 classroom 都贴近生活实际,很容易理解他们的概念,但由于单词比较长,所以要通过各


Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

1.To enable the students  to listen ,read  and speak three new words : teacher  student  classroom

2. To train the students to use the two patterns “This is our , . Welcome.” in real life.

Ability aims:

1. To develop the students’abilities of speaking and listening.

2. To train the students’ ability of working in groups.

3. To be able to introduce people to others more freely

4.To train students to use English in real life.

Emotion aims:

1. Education students to be a child hospitality .

2. To develop the students’interest in English.

Important points and difficult points:

1. Make sure students can use the pattern “This is our , .” in real life.

2. Enable Ss to understand and speak the new words.

3. The pronunciation of “classroom”、“welcome” and “again” .

Teaching aids:

PPT cards  tape  recorder  pictures  ect.

Teaching methods:

For the lesson is close to our life, it’s easy for Ss to understand. So let Ss act teacher and

students .I use the teaching methods of  working in groups and task.. Make sure them learn the

knowledge in a real setting.

Teaching procedure

Step1 .  Lead in

(1). Greetings with students.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. I miss you very much.. Do you miss me?

Nice to see you.(shake hands with him/her) Nice to see you again. (shake hands with him/her)

Repeat the action.

(2) I‘m glad to see you again. (sing the song) Let ‘s sing together, OK?

(3)Now let ‘s have an English class together, OK? Let ‘ s learn Lesson 1.(write the topic on the Bb)

【设计思路】 以上两个活动既可以营造学习英语的气氛, 调动学生学习英语的积极性。又可

以复习巩固 “Nice to see you”,还让他们认识到还可以说成 “Nice to see you again.”,为上好


Step 2. Presentation , drill and consolidation

A. new words.

T :The new term is coming. We have a new teacher today. Who is it ?Let‘s have a look(take out

the photo)

T: This is Mr. Li. He is our new teacher. I am a teacher. Teacher, do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: Clever. Now look at the blackboard

Tea-----teach----teacher (practice group by group )

Ss: chant the words(clap hands)

Games: Count One Two. (The teacher says “one”, the students face to face read. The teacher says

“two”, the students back to back read.)

Teacher take out a boy picture

T: look !This is Li Ming .He is a new student. let ‘s say ―Hi, Li Ming .Welcome ‖ to him.

Ss :Hi, Li Ming. Welcome.

T : Well done! He is a student. student.(pay attention to the pronunciation).Ok, Now show me your


Ss :Here !here!

T: Let‘ chant : student.---- student----I ‘m a student

T: Can you chant the two words together?

teacher --- teacher--- You‘re a teacher.

student.---- student----I ‘m a student

Games: Hide hands. (The Ss are reading the word while they are flying. They begin to hide their

hands when the teacher says: “stop”(do action))

T: Teacher ,teacher, I’m a teacher. Student, student, you’re a student. Where are we having classes?

教室 ----classroom. This is our classroom. Follow me: class-room, classroom.

Drills: a. group 1: class  group 2: room  group3: classroom (exchange)

b. Play a game: 扔炸弹 (老师边做动作边叫名字 ,喊到谁 ,谁就被炸到 ,而且这名学生读

完后 ,他的前后左右同学依次的跟读 .)


a. Look and Say: Look at the card say the word.

b. Point and Say:

c: Try to Say:

classroom 真宽敞 ,teacher 进来把课讲 ,student 声音洪又亮 .高高兴兴把课上 .

B. Let‘ play

T :We‘re tired. Let ‘s play a game, OK?  Let‘s listen and do.

Who will be the little teacher and say ‖ Stand up, Sit down ,Open your book ,Close your book , ‖

Step 3: the new text.

A. .Learn to say

1. the new patterns.

T: Hello, children. Nice to see you again.

Ss: Nice to see you again.(practice several times)

Learn to sing the song: ―Nice to see you again.‖

T:( show the photo of Mr. Li )Ask: Who ‘s he? Do you remember?

Ss: Mr. Li.

T: Yes, this is our new teacher, Mr. Li.  Can you repeat like this?

Ss: Yes.

T: Together. Once more. Goup1, group 2, group 3 , Boys-girls  one by one

Who wants to be the little teacher?

T: Do you want to make friends with Mr. Li?

Ss: Yes.

T: But when Mr. Li come to our classroom, we should clap your hands and say:  “Welcome.”

Would you like to be a polite student?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, follow me: Welcome.

2. Drills: line by line —row by row--- one by one

3. listen to the tape and answer the question.

T: There is a new teacher in Bob ’s school. Do you want to know who it is? Now let ’s listen to

the tape and answer my question: Who is the new teacher?

4. Follow the taper to read.

5. Practice the text by themselves

6. read and act the text group by group.

B. Let’s act:

1. Lead in and practise

T: Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Li

T: Nice to see you!

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

T: I ’m from Xiao De Ying Zi, a beautiful village. Where are you from?

(S1、S2、S3、S4,, )

T: We are all from China, but different villages. One world one dream. So we can help each other.

Let‘s be good friends, OK?

Ss: OK.

(Repeat once)

2. Listen and answer

T: John Hill and Li Ming are meeting in the school .Let ‘s listen what they are talking about.

Ss :They are talking ,

3.Open their books ,listen and repeat .

4. Read by themselves and circle the difficulties. At last solve it together. Then read and act it.

【设计思路】讲授单词时 ,为了使其不枯燥乏味 ,利用多种可操作性的简单游戏提高学生的学

习效率 .也可以把所学的单词联系在一起编成顺口溜 ,体验学习英语的乐趣,而且词句结合,

循序渐进,环环相扣,遵循学生的学习规律,通过照片和老师生动的语音语调 ,创设一种真

实的语言环境 ,让学生领悟句子的真正含义 . 培养学生静听的好习惯, 通过模仿磁带培养学生

良好的语音语调。新课标倡导“探究自主合作”的学习, 从以上活动中体现培养学生合作能


Step 4 Extension

T :Let ‘s make a dialogue by ourselves. For example S1 and S2 meet in the school(classroom, our


Group work.

【设计思路】 无论是语言学还是其他学科, 学习的目的就是要应用。我们教授给孩子们的知


键,所以设计了几种不同的场景。让孩子去运用, 如果可能的话, 还可以让孩子自己创设情


Step 5 Homework

T: As a good child. We should be friendly to others. If someone comes to our school/home


We should welcome them ,right?

Ss :Yes.

T: Good children. Class will be over. Home work for today is to read the text. Act the dialogue

Teaching ideas and notes:

培养学生综合运用语言的能力是新课标的要求。通过设计这堂课, 我觉得教师要全心地

进入角色。为学生做示范, 要有身临其境的感觉。这样才能够更好的使学生理解会话的意义,

有利于培养学生用英语思维的能力。另外,老师的一个微笑, 一个点头,甚至一个肯定的眼

神都会给孩子树立学习的自信心。所以,应该多给孩子一些赞扬。不足之处 ,请各位同仁给

与指正 !

第二课 一课时

【教材分析】 Lesson Two 要讲授的主要内容分成单词和句型 , 单词部分学生能达到三会。句

型主要是会运用 ―This is our , ‖介绍场所并会用“ Welcome to , ”表示欢迎。本课学习坚

持以学生的发展为宗旨, 以提高学生的应用能力为目标, 培养学生的学习兴趣和自信心, 帮


Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

1. To enable the students to listen ,read and speak three new words :boy  girl  school

2.  To train the students to use the two patterns :  “ This is our , .  Welcome to , .‖ in real life

Ability aims:

1. To be able to introduce places to others more freely

2. To develop the students‘ abilities of speaking and listening

3. To train the students to use the pattern ―Are you a boy/girl? ‖ to ask others.

Emotion aims:

1.To educate the students to love their school and to be a helpful student.

2. To train the students‘ creativity.

Important points and difficult points:

1. Make sure the students can use the pattern ―This is our school‖to introduce their own

school to others and use ―How beautiful! ‖ to praise others.

2. Enable the students to call the name of the school.

3. Educate the students to use ―Welcome to our school. This way, please.‖to welcome the


4. The pronunciation of ―primary‖ and ―beautiful ‖

Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching methods. situational approach. Communicative methods. TPR. CAI

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Lead in

1.  Greetings with Ss.

T: Hello boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Miss Li.

T: Today I want to make friends with you. Who wants to make friends with me? Oh, hi! What ‘s

your name?

S1: My name is Liu Nan.

T: Oh, Liu Nan. A nice name! How old are you?

S1:I ‘ m ten.

T: Your English is good.

2. Do some revision

Look at the cards and speak the words:  teacher  student  classroom

【设计思路】和学生拉近距离,最主要的是老师提问的问题是本课 Let ‘sact 里的内容,由

于本节课设置为一课时, 所以把内容做了调整从而达到教学目的。复习既巩固上节课的重点


Step 2. Presentation, drills and consolidat ion

A: new words:

T: Good job. Listen and look carefully.(point and say) She is a student. She is a girl. He is a

student, too. But he is a boy. What‘s the meaning of the two words? Can you guess?

(Show pictures and practice them ----boy, girl)

T:. Follow me: (write them on the blackboard and then point the students and read) boy, girl.

Repeat three times.

Drills: boys read them. ,, Girls read them. ,, One by one read.

T: I ‘ m a girl. Are you a girl, Lucy?

S2: Yes.

T: I ‘ m a girl. Are you a boy, Lily?

S3: No, I ‘ m a girl.

T: Your English is good. Would you like to do like this? If you like, do it with your partner.

(,, )

T: Look at the screen. This is our school. school. Our school. This is our school. I love our

school.(repeat once)

Drills :

T: Let‘s chant them.

SS: school--- school--- school. — We love our school.

T: Practice group by group. Let ‘s PK. Which group is the quickest?

SS: Practice.


Consolidate the new words:

a: Match .

b: Listen and guess: girl or boy.

c: Look at the cards and say the words.

B: new patterns.

T: Look, this is our school. He Shang Fang Zi No.2 Primary School. Look at the students : How

lovely. Look at the flowers. What do you want to say?

Ss: How beautiful.(practice several times)

T: Yes, how beautiful. Read again with a big smile.

Ss: How beautiful.

T: If the guests come to our school . What do you want to say?

Ss: Welcome.

T: Great. Welcome or welcome to our school. Follow me: Welcome to our school. (repeat several


T: I am a guest. I want to have an English class with you. But I don ‘t know where the classroom is!

Who can help me. What do you want to say?

Ss: “这边请”。

T: Terrific. You should say: Welcome to our school. This way, please. Follow me.

T: Who wants to be the helpful student?

(S4.S5.S6.S7,, )

Consolidate the new pattern:

Match and make sentences.

our classroom

Welcome to  our school  , this way, please.

No. 2 Primary School


Step 3. New text

a. Learn to Say

(1). listen to the radio and answer the question.

T: Do you know Guang Ming Primary School. The students in Guang Ming Primary School is

helpful, too. Do you want to make friends with them? Ok, at first. Let ‘s listen to the radio. And

think about how Mr. Hill describes Guang Ming Primary School.

(2). a. follow the radio to read.

(3). Practice the text by themselves

(4) read and act the text group by group.

b. Let‘s act:

Learn the part by themselves and circle the difficulties, then solve it together, at last read and act


【设计思路】 教授单词时,由老师复习学生这个单词在边指着学生边做句子通过她 /他是

一名学生但是她 /他是一名女孩 /男孩,让学生猜出他们的汉语意思,老师在用图片辅助,起


出 school.在新授单词的同时渗透句型,新授句型时,用一个校园的影集形式播放给学生,

让他们感觉到亲切、 自然。从而爱护我们的学校, 达到情感教育。在由要与光明小学孩子们

交朋友, 先听课文来听听他们也是非常友好的, 而且带着问题去听, 让学生养成良好的学习


操练巩固:单词的操练与巩固, 有较简单的连线说单词到听声音辨别男女最后看图片说

出单词,一层一层加深难度,利用 TPR 的教学调动学生各种感官,让英语在课堂上动起来。

句型的操练与巩固,通过搭配,让学生理解 Welcome to 后加上地点。最后自己能灵活的掌



Step 4. .Extension

Group work.

T: Now let ‘s make a dialogue, you can base on the screen‘s information. One is from Guang Ming

Primary School, the other is from No.2 Primary School..

(act the dialogue),,

T: Now Guang Ming Primary School students and No.2 Primary School students are good friends.

Let‘s help each other, OK? Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.

【设计思路】 顺着和光明小学交朋友的话题展开课堂活动, 既满足巩固新知的需要。又体现



Use the new pattern to introduce your school to your parents. To learn the sing ―ABC ‖by


【设计思路】 培养学生把知识运用到实际生活中, 养成良好的学习习惯。让他们自学字母歌


Teaching aids:

PPT cards  recorder  tape

Teaching ideas and notes :

课程标准倡导让学生通过感知 (观看自己美丽的校园风景向别人介绍自己的学校并对它进行

赞美) 参与和合作等方式实现任务目标, 因此我以任务学为纲领结合实际创设情景, 让他们

和别的学校的同学交朋友, 通过听说读等一系列活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。培养学生学

习英语的态度, 使他们建立学习英语的自信心, 培养学生的语感和良好的语音语调基础从而

真正培养学生的综合语言运用能力“做中学学中用”的乐趣。最后, 我想加点自己的小小感

悟,我觉得对于英语的教学方法应该到网上或者和同行多借鉴一下案例, 或者多借鉴些好的



第三课 一课时


【教材分析】本课主要句型“ What class are you in? I ‘m in , .”是询问对方是哪个班?的日

常交际用语,课文围绕此句型展开的一段对话, 教学中抓住主要句型进行多种教学操练。

但在训练的过程中由于中英文语法结构上的不同, 防止学生出现 I ‘m in Grade, , Class, 的


Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1. Make sure the students can grasp the four skill letters Aa/B b correctly.

2. To enable the students to listen, read and speak four new words:  ant, album, bear, bus

3. To train the students to use the two patterns  ― What class are you in? I ‘ m in Class ⋯ ,Grade ⋯ .

/Are you a  ⋯ ?‖ in real life.

Ability aims:

1. To be able to ask your friend  ― what class are you in? ‖ in real life.

2. To develop the students ‘  abilities of speaking and listening

3. To train the students to use the pattern  ― Are you a  ⋯ ?‖ to ask others.

Emotion aims:

1. To arouse the students ‘  interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in

language communication. Stimulate the students ‘ creativity.

2. To educate the students to protect the animals

Important points and difficult points:

1. To grasp the five new words and two sentence patterns

2. Develop their lateral thinking through games

3. The pronunciation of  ― album ‖

Teaching methods:

1. Student-centered teaching

2. Task-based learning

3. Communication through learning

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Lead in

Greetings with students.

T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?

Ss: I ‘ m fine, thank you.

Do some revision.

T: Wow! How happy you are! Now let me check you. look, who has a good memory? (show pictures of

boy, girl, school, student, teacher. Get the Ss to say)

Ss: boy, girl, school, student, teacher

T: Great! Now I can introduce myself. I ‘ m Miss Li. Can you introduce yourselves to everyone?

S1: Yes. I ‘ m Linda.

T:Oh, are you Li Xiang?

S1: Yes.

T: Wonderful. I ‘ m a girl. Are you a girl?

S3: No, I ‘ m a boy.

T: Your English is good. Thank you, sit down, please.  Do you remember the homework yesterday? Who

can sing the song of the  ― ABC‖ for us?

【设计思路】 由课堂开始的简单问候到对前两节课的简单复习, 让学生巩固以前的知识, 使

用一般疑问句让学生做出正确的判断, 并有意安排一般疑问句的问答。为后文做好铺垫。事


Step 2. Presentation ,drills and consolidation

A.new letters

T: Her voice is nice. Clap your hands for her. There are twenty-six big letters and twenty-six small

letters in the alphabet. Today let ‘ s know the first one and the second one. Look. This is NO.1 A,

the big letter A /ei/. this is the small letter a /ei/. Look at my mouth carefully. Repeat several times

then let the students imitate. Follow me.

Drills: all students —group by group- 开火车

T: Look carefully, how to write A and a.  (写法略) 大 A 梯子尖尖立, 小 a 蝌蚪找妈妈。Show

me your fingers. Write again. Now write it in your exercise-books. Look, who is the most careful


(⋯⋯ )

T: Good boys and girls. Clap your hands for yourselves. Look, this is the big letter B /bi:/,this is

the small letter b /bi:/ Look at my mouth carefully. Repeat several times .Then let the students

imitate. Follow me.

Drills: read loudly/ read in a low /read happily/read sadly/one by one

T: Look carefully, how to write B and b.  (写法略) 大 B 1、3 来握手, 小 b 1 下右半圆。Show

me your fingers. Write again. Now write it in your exercise-books. Look, who is the most careful

and quickest one ?

( ⋯⋯)

Consolidate the new letters.

a. rushing to read the letters( 抢读字母 )

b. Make letter cards by themselves. The teacher makes the password: ‖ Show me the big letter A/B.

Show me the small letter a/b. ‖

B: new words :

T: Today, I brought some presents for you, guess! What ‘s in my hand?

(,, )

T: Ha ha, look, it ‘s an ant. It‘s very small.(投影仪展示 )

Follow me : ant.

T: Let‘s count fingers.(one finger :read once, two fingers :read twice, three fingers: speak


(,, )

T: Who can touch and read it!

T: Close your eyes, please. Now look, what ‘s this? (实物展示 )

Ss: “影集”。

T: Right. Follow me. album (several times)


a. left hand and right hand.(left hand: album  right hand: speak in Chinese)

b. left hand and right hand.( left hand: ant  right hand: album  make a fist: keep silence )

T: Look at the blackboard. ant album have the same letter a, a pronounce / ? / follow me:  a a a /

? // ? // ? /  a / ? / ant , a a a/ ? / / ? // ? /  a / ? / album

T: (draw a picture ) What ‘ s this?

Ss:  It ‘ s a bear.

T: Yes, we ‘ ve learnt last term. J ump and say: bear, beer bear, bear bear bear.

(,, )

T: Now let ‘s listen and guess. What is it?

(,, )

T: You‘re right, “公共汽车”,follow me : bus (several times)

Now let‘s blow balloons.( 不停的说单词 , 伴有动作 . 老师一拍手说 :stop . 学生立即说汉

语, 分别练习 )

T: Look at the blackboard. bus bear have the same letter b, b pronounce  /b/ follow me:  b b b

/b//b//b/  b/b/  bus , b b b /b/ /b//b/  b /b/ bear


a. big hands and big feet.( 黑板上画手和脚 ,指手就拍手 ,指脚就跺脚 ,指单词说单词 ,指字母说字


b. Solitaire Games( 一名同学说 a, 另一名同学发 / ? /, 最后一名同学说出以 a 开头的且发 / ?

/的单词 . 前后的单词不能一样 .)

C: new patterns

T: I ‘ m a teacher. Are you a teacher?

Ss: No.

T: Are you a student?

Ss: Yes.

T: You can also answer: ―Yes , I am.‖ Once more. Are you a student?

Ss: Yes, I am.

T: Good. Now listen to me carefully. Are you a new student?

Ss: No.

T: Wonderful. Now boys ask, girls answer. (exchange) Group 1 ask, Group 2 answer (exchange)

One ask, the other answer.(exchange)

T: Now I ‘m a new student, I ‘ m in Class 2, Grade 3. What class are you in, Bob?

Bob: (教师辅助回答 ) I ‘m in Class 1, Grade 2.

T: What class are you in, boys and girls?

Ss: (教师辅助回答 )I ‘ m in Class 1, Grade 2.

T: Read after me. What class are you in? ( ,, ) I ‘ m in Class 1, Grade 2.( ,, )

T: One student answer, the others ask.

(,, )

Consolidate the new patterns

a. 传头饰。

(做好一个新学生的头饰,老师说开始时,学生蛇形往过传,当老师说 :Stop 时,传到谁,

谁就是新学生,其他学生齐问:Are you a new student? 该生回答:Yes, I am.)

b. Round plate (转盘转的时候学生齐读:What class are you in? 提前做好准备的同学说 ‖ stop ‖

老师点击停,该学生回答:I ‘m in Class ⋯, Grade ⋯.  学生在问:Are you a new student? 该学








