

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃二年级资源 2021-08-10






数字:seven  eight  thirty  fifty

食物:egg  bread  noodles  baozi

饮品:milk  soy milk  juice  tea

动词:read  ride  play  come

厨具:spoon  bowl  chopsticks  glass

洗漱用品: the towel  the soap  the shampoo  the toothpaste

方位词:on  in  under  behind

服装:cap  jacket  shirt  dress trousers  shorts  socks  shoes

交通工具: bike  bus  taxi  subway

季节:spring  summer  autumn  winter



Unit 1 what time is it?

five thirty     5:30          nine twenty   9:20

five fifty     5:50          one forty   1:40 

go home  回家             

get up  起床

go to school  去上学   

go to bed  上床睡觉

have dancing lessons 上舞蹈课

watch the cartoons  看卡通                

have fruits  吃水果

go to the drawing lessons  去上美术课  

turn on the TV打开电视

watch the cartoons 看动画

at seven o'clock在七点

at seven thirty在七点半

a nice day 美好的一天

a round face 一张圆脸

Unit 2 what's for breakfast?

sit down 坐下   

fried rice  炒饭

fish and rice 鱼和米饭                   

rice noodles  米线

a fried egg   一个煎蛋                   

an orange   一个橘子

an egg 一个鸡蛋                         

a hamburger  一个汉堡

a hot dog  一个热狗                     

a glass of water  一杯水

a cup of tea  一杯茶                   

a glass of juice  一杯果汁

a glass of soy milk   一杯豆奶  

a glass of 一杯

a cup of 一杯

have some noodles 吃些面条

Unit 3 Welcome to my house.

Welcome to my house! 


come to my room  来我的房间

we'd love to.我们愿意。

a nice chair 一把很好的椅子

sit on 坐在...上

read my books   读我的书                

ride my bike  骑我的自行车

play with my toys  和我的玩具玩 

go to bed 去睡觉

go to the kitchen 去厨房

a big fridge一个大冰箱

I‘d like to...我想要...

would like...想要...

some apple juice 一些苹果汁

on the table 在桌子上

over there 在那边

use the bathroom用卫生间

thank you 谢谢您

Unit 4 where is my shirt?       

behind the sofa 在沙发后

under the bed 在床下                    

in the box 在盒子里

on the desk  在课桌上 

in my schoolbag 在我的书包里

red scarf 红领巾

I don't know 不知道

Unit 5 How do you go to school?                 

go to school 去上学

every day 每天

go to work去工作

by bus 乘坐公交车  

by bike 骑自行车

by taxi 乘坐出租车  

on foot 步行                   

by subway 乘坐地铁

go to the park 去公园

go to the hospital 去医院

go to the farm 去农场

by car 乘坐小汽车              

go to work 去上班

Unit 6 which season do you like?

how many 多少

in the year 在一年里

make a snowman 堆雪人

go ice-skating 滑冰

plant trees种树

go swimming 游泳

go fishing 钓鱼

eat ice-cream吃冰淇淋

go to see her aunt and uncle 去看望她的阿姨和叔叔

fly a kite 放风筝              

go camping 去野营

play in the snow 在雪里玩          

pick apples 摘苹果



what time is it ? It's….  

when do you go home ?

At five thirty.


 What's for breakfast ?  

We have eggs, fish and fruits.


Can I have rice and fish, please?   

Yes, here you are.


Would you like …? 

Yes, we'd love to.(肯定答语)

No, thank you.(否定答语)


Can I use the bathroom, please? 

Sure. \ Sorry you can't.


Where is my shirt ?  It's under the bed.


Is this your jacket? 

Yes, it is \ No, it isn't (单数)

Are these your trousers ?  

Yes, they are . \ No, they are not .(复数)


How do you go to school? 

I go to school by bus .


How does your dad go to work?

He goes to work by car.


Does he come by taxi? 

Yes, he does.\ No, he doesn't.


How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.


Do you like winter? 

Yes , I do. \ No, I don't.


Which season do you like? 

 I like spring . I can fly a kite


到上学的时间了。It's time to go to school .

祝你今天愉快。Have a nice day.

让我们回家吧。Let's go home.

让我们打开电视。Let's turn on the TV.

是吃早饭的时间了。It's time for breakfast.

午饭吃什么?What do you have for lunch?

我饿了。I'm hungry.

我渴了 。I'm  thirsty.

我想要喝些苹果汁。I'd like to have some apple juice.

它在那里。It's over there.


 I want to call my mum. Can I use your phone, please?

我找不着它。I can't find it.


Where are your trousers? 

I can’t find them.

那你呢?  How about you?


How do you go to the farm on Saturday?


Does your grandpa go with you?


I like summer. The sky is blue. The grass and leaves are green.


Unit 1: What time is it? 

what time is it ?

It's seven o'clock.

It's time to go to school.

When do you have your dancing lessons?  A four thirty.

Unit 2 What for breakfast?

what's for breakfast ?

We have bread, milk, eggs and fruits.

Can I have fish and rice,please ?Yes, here you are.

I',m hungry./thirsty.

Have an orange /a glass of water.

Unit 3 Welcome to me house.

Would you like to use the glasses?  No, thank you.

Can I use the bathroom ,please ?  Sure./ Sorry, you can.

Unit 4 Where is my shirt ?

 Where is my shirt?

It's under the bed.

Is it your jacket ?

Yes ,it is ./No ,it isn't.

Are these your trousers ?

Yes, they are. / No they are not.

Unit 5 How do you go to school ?

How do you go to school ?

I go to school by bus.

How does your dad go to work ?

He goes to work by car.

Does he come by taxi ?

Yes , he does. No, he doesn't.

Unit 6  Which  season do you like ?

How many seasons are there in a year ?     There are four.

Do you like spring ?

Yes ,I do ./ No , I don't like spring.

Which season do you like ?

I like spring ,I can fly a kite.









