纳米材料和纳米器件具有纳米尺度特有的物理化学性能,纳米科技的飞速发展为生物组织工程领域带来新的机遇。沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学的研究人员就纳米生物材料与器件在组织工程和新兴生物医学技术(如支架与组织再生等)领域的融合和应用研究进展进行了综述。重点介绍了利用微米制造和纳米光刻等技术,设计和制备生物相容性微纳结构器件,并应用于神经病学、心脏病学、骨科学、皮肤组织再生等生物组织工程领域。文章发表于最新一期Nano-Micro Letters上。
链接:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40820-016-0103-7 【阅读原文】
Tania Limongi,Luca Tirinato,Francesca Pagliari,Andrea Giugni,Marco Allione,Gerardo Perozziello,Patrizio Candeloro,Enzo Di Fabrizio.Nano-Micro Lett. (2017) 9:1.
Fig. 1 a) Micro- and nanostructure of central and peripheral nervous systems. b) The principal micro- and nanofabrication technologies for TE applications.
Fig. 2 Schematization of the fabrication process for 3D PCL pillared scaffolds using a hot press (on the left). a) Silicon master production. b) Micromolding melting step. c) Micromolding pressing step. d Final structure obtained after solidification and detachment.
Fig. 3 Nano-textured PCL film realized through a single-step plasma etching process. a) The Silicon wafer acts as a support. b) Embedding in cell culture medium. c) Microfilm peeling-off for ‘‘free-standing’’ use. d) AFM images of the nanostructured PCL surface.
Fig. 4 a) SEM micrograph showing a flat glial cell monolayer suspended between adjacent nanostructured pillars. b) Low magnification of neuronal somas and its processes. c) Neuronal projections densely wrap the pillar nanopatterned sidewall.
Fig. 5 SEM images of primary hippocampal cultures plated on nanopatterned PCL substrates. a) Neurons resulted healthy, as indicated by the smooth surface of cell bodies (asterisk), b) Dense network of neurites (arrows), which grew in tight adhesion with the substrate.
Fig. 6 Confocal images of primary hippocampal cultures plated on nanopatterned PCL substrates at two magnifications (upper and lower rows). Neuronal class III b-tubulin/synapsin I (a and a0), class III b-tubulin/neural cell adhesion molecule (b and b0), and class III b-tubulin/ phosphorylated neurofilament proteins (c and c0).
Fig. 7 SEM images of NIH/3T3 cells suspended on biocompatible PCL nanostructured micropillars. a) Fibroblasts within 24 h produced filopodia sensing the microstructured biopolymer, and b) thicker pseudopodia-like processes appeared to use pillars as stepping stones.
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