光电催化(PEC)技术被认为是一种新型的太阳能污染控制技术,提供了一种高效环保的可再生能源处理污染物的途径。 PEC技术通常在以半导体电极为主的光电化学池中实现,因此PEC电池的性能主要取决于光电极的性能。 高性能PEC电池需要光电极材料在可见光范围内具有较高的光电转换效率,而且具有较好的化学稳定性。目前,这种光电极材料的合成仍然具有挑战性。最近,上海交通大学的周保学教授课题组制备了新型具有可见光响应性的BiVO4 /TiO2(N2)纳米管光阳极材料,并应用于光电催化污染物控制。研究发现 氮处理后的TiO2纳米管具有较高的载流子产率,使得TiO2/BiVO4 材料具有高的效电荷传输和低的电子 - 空穴复合,从而 使得BiVO4/TiO2(N2) 纳米管材料的光电流高达2.73mA/cm-2(1V对Ag / AgCl)。将该光电极应用到染料的降解获得了显著的效率提升。
这篇文章发表在Nano-Micro Letters 第9卷第2期。详情请阅读全文。
Rui Wang,Jing Bai,Yunpo Li,Qingyi Zeng,Jinhua Li,Baoxue Zhou, Nano-Micro Lett.
(2017) 9:14.http://dx.d oi:10.1007/s40820-016-0115-3
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the main processes for the fabrication of the BiVO4/TiO2 NTs photoanodes.
Fig. 2 Top view and cross-sectional SEM images of TiO2(N2) NTs (a, b), and BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs (c, d).
Fig. 3 XRD patterns of a) BiVO4/TiO2 NT and b) the BiVO4/ TiO2(N2) NTs electrode.
Fig. 4 a) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy survey scan over a large energy range at low-resolution and high-resolution Ti 2p, b) O 1s, c) N 1s, d) XPS spectra for TiO2(N2) NTs.
Fig. 5 Photo-absorption spectra of the TiO2 NTs, TiO2(N2) NTs, BiVO4, BiVO4/TiO2 NTs, and the BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs, respectively.
Fig. 6 a) Photoelectrochemical responses of the TiO2 NTs, TiO2(N2) NTs, BiVO4, BiVO4/TiO2 NTs, and the BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs under illumination of chopped visible irradiation in 0.1 M Na2SO4 solution and b corresponding IPCE spectra.
Fig. 7 a) PEC degradation of MB using different photoanodes under visible light illumination and b) stability of BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs photoanodes for degradation of MB during a series of five identical tests.
Fig. 8 a) Mott–Schottky plots for the TiO2 NTs and TiO2(N2) NTs electrodes measured in 0.2 M Na2SO4 at 1 kHz and b) IMPS for BiVO4/TiO2 NTs and BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs, c) PL spectra for BiVO4, TiO2(N2) NTs, and BiVO4/TiO2(N2) NTs.
Fig. 9 Schematic of energy bands and charge transfers at BiVO4/ TiO2(N2) NTs photoanodes.
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