银(Ag)纳米结构具有优异的光学、电学、磁学和催化性能,可用于光子和能量传感器,以及生物医学器件中。银纳米结构具有各种各样的尺寸和维度,比如纳米颗粒、纳米团簇和纳米线等,通过控制纳米结构的构造、形状和尺寸,调控和改进器件性能。比如,增强光散射和吸收,提高电导率和等离子体共振灵敏度等。韩国Kwangwoon大学的Jihoon Lee课题组,利用离子体涂层机在蓝宝石(0001)衬底上制备了Ag纳米结构,通过改变退火温度和沉积厚度得到了各种Ag纳米结构。比如,2-20nm的Ag颗粒,30-60nm的不规则纳米团簇,80-200nm的纳米团簇网络等,这些结构的演变取决Ag薄膜的厚度。用solid-state dewetting、表面扩散、Volmer-Weber生长模型、聚集能和表面能最小化机理,对结果进行了系统分析和解释。由于升华和温度依赖的反润湿过程,较高的退火温度750℃下,Ag纳米结构的生长表现出差异。此外,拉曼和反射光谱分析发现Ag纳米结构的光学性能与形貌相关。
全文链接:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40820-016-0120-6 【阅读原文】
Sundar KunwarMao SuiQuanzhen ZhangPuran PandeyMing-Yu LiJihoon LeeVarious Silver Nanostructures on Sapphire Using Plasmon Self-Assembly and Dewetting of Thin Films, Nano-Micro Lett. (2017) 9:16. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1007/s40820-016-0120-6
Fig. 1 Evolution of merged and irregular Ag nanoclusters on sapphire (0001) with various thicknesses (30–60 nm) of Ag annealed at 550 C for 180 s. AFM top-views of 3 9 3 lm2 in a and 5 9 5 lm2 in b–c. a-2 to c-2 Cross-sectional line profiles with respect to the line in a-3 to c-3. a-2 to c-2 FFT power spectra. a-3 to c-3 AFM side-views of 3 9 3 lm2.
Fig. 2 Formation of Ag nanoclusters network on sapphire (0001) with various thicknesses (80–200 nm) of Ag annealed at 550 C for 180 s. a– d) AFM 3-D side-views of 20 9 20 lm2. a-1 to d-1 AFM top-views of 5 9 5 lm2. a-2 to d-2 Cross-sectional line profiles of corresponding AFM top-views. a-3 to d-3 2D FFT power spectra.
Fig. 3 a–f SEM images of Ag nanostructures fabricated at 550 C for 180 s. g RMS roughness (Rq) with respect to the deposition amount. h Surface area ratio (SAR).
Fig. 4 EDS spectra and phase mapping. a–d) Evolution of Ag La1 and Ag Lb1 peaks with respect to the deposition amount varying from 2 to 200 nm. e) SEM image, f) Ag phase, g) Al phase, and h) O phase of the 200 nm sample annealed at 550 C for 180 s.
Fig. 5 Evolution of tiny NPs, large round NPs, and coalesced NPs annealed at 750 C for 180 s. AFM top-views of 1 9 1 lm2 in a–c, 3 9 3 lm2 in d–h, and 20 9 20 lm2 in i–l.
Fig. 6 a–f) SEM images of the Ag nanostructures on sapphire (0001) at 750 C for 180 s. g RMS roughness (Rq) and h surface area ratio (SAR) with respect to the deposition amount.
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