Dear listeners, I am the leading reciter, Jiang Hangyan from the Youth League Branch of Class 3, Grade 2020. Today I will tell you the story of “Mark Saihanba with NEFU Spirit” in both Chinese and English.
Located in Chengde, Hebei Province, Saihanba had once been endowed with beautiful scenery, abundant water and thriving grasslands. However, it was gradually reduced to a barren desert because of the poor governance of Qing Dynasty, the savage plunder of Japanese invaders and successive years of mountain fires.
In 1962, forty-seven Northeast Forestry University (NEFU) graduates went all the way to Saihanba in response to the nation’s appeal. They were assigned to various technical positions, making great contributions to the construction of Saihanba. Li Guisheng, one of the NEFU graduates, could not get the support of his family for his application for Saihanba. But he said: "As a member of the Communist Party of China, I should actively respond to the nation’s appeal. If communists were afraid of hardship, what achievements could they achieve?” Lv Bingchen has worked in Saihanba for twenty-four years and was awarded “advanced worker” for many times. "My power is tiny, but in this team, I did a great thing and the NEFUers accomplished a great thing, "Lv Bingchen exclaimed tearfully. Although the NEFU students, who once worked together with Li Guisheng and Lv Bingchen in Saihanba, are now in their 80s or 90s, their stories would never fade away. They have made a great green miracle with their youth and sweat and become an admirable idol for the following generations of forestry farmers. Saihanba has been marked with their NEFU Spirit, highlighted by their unrelenting aggressiveness and persevering endeavors.
1962年,响应国家号召,东北林业大学47名大学毕业生一路奔赴塞罕坝。他们被安排到各个技术岗位,为塞罕坝的建设作出巨大贡献。其中毕业生李桂生报名上坝曾经遭到家人的阻拦,但他说:“我是党员,党员必须积极响应国家号召,要是党员都怕苦怕累,还能干成什么事业!” 吕秉臣在塞罕坝上坚守了24年,多次被评为先进。“我个人是渺小的,但是在这个集体里,我做了一件大事,东林人做了一件大事。”吕秉臣含泪感叹道。当年和李桂生、吕秉臣一同在塞罕坝奋斗的东林学子,现在都已步入耄耋之年,但他们的故事却从未褪色。他们用青春和汗水,创造了一个绿色奇迹,成为一代又一代林业人的榜样。他们以坚忍不拔和积极进取的态度,将艰苦奋斗的东林精神为塞罕坝标注了最鲜活的注脚。
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