

风跃法学Devin 青苗法鸣 2020-10-01


虽然传统的T14法学院都没有一家上榜,但是UT Austin, UNC Chapel Hill等众多法学院在美国声望都非常不错,为学费而发愁的大家可以考虑考虑啦!

1.    Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School has an annual tuition of $12,310 for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. Nonmembers pay $24,620 each year. The average starting salary is $75,872. About 31 percent of BYU students are able to completely avoid law school debt.

2.    Georgia State University College of Law has an annual tuition of $16,858 for in-state students, while out-of-state tuition is $36,456. The average starting salary for the graduates is $83,427, with an average student debt at graduation of $64,384.

3.    Rutgers Law School has an annual tuition of $27,269 for in-state students. The average starting salary for the graduates is $64,604, with an average student debt at graduation is $56,173. Their students have the lowest student loan balance of all the 20 schools on the list.

4.    University of Iowa College of Law students pay $24,930 for in-state tuition. The average starting salary for the graduates is $74,903, with an average student debt at graduation is $74,128.

5.    University of Houston Law Center has an annual tuition of $30,401 for in-state students. The average starting salary for the graduates is $102,153, with an average student debt at graduation is $97,246. About 35 percent of students graduate without any student loan debt.

6.    University of Texas School of Law at Austin has an in-state tuition of $33,995 per year. The average starting salary for the graduates is $105,647, with an average student debt at graduation is $103,417. U.S. News & World Report even ranks the school as No. 1 for having the highest ratio between starting salaries to annual tuition costs.

7.    University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law has an in-state tuition of $25,525. The average starting salary for the graduates is $76,664, with an average student debt at graduation is $84,601. The tuition is so affordable that only 62 percent of students graduate with student loans.

8.    University of Nebraska College of Law – Lincoln has an in-state tuition of $15,036. The average starting salary for the graduates is $58,614, with an average student debt at graduation is $62,888. Graduates of Nebraska Law have third-lowest average student loan balance of all schools ranked by Student Loan Hero.

9.    University of Wisconsin Law School – Madison has an in-state tuition of $21,450. The average starting salary for the graduates is $72,089, with an average student debt at graduation of $77,555.

10.University of North Carolina School of Law – Chapel Hill has an in-state tuition of $23,551. The average starting salary for the graduates is $88,781, with an average student debt at graduation is $95,365.







