
萨古鲁: Shambhavi Mahamudra (香巴维大手印)的独特之处

Sadhguru Isha 2022-03-15

Sadhguru responds to a question on what makes Shambhavi Mahamudra unique, among the many meditation practices available in the world today.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁)解释了是什么让Shambhavi Mahamudra(香巴维大手印)在现今名目众多的冥想练习中与众不同。


From Meditation to Mahamudra 


Sadhguru: The word “meditation” is used for so many things. Generally, if you are concentrating on something, people will say you are meditating. If you are thinking one thought continuously, people say you are meditating. If you just utter one sound, a mantra or whatever else, continuously, that is called meditation too. Or if you are mentally alert to things that are happening around you or within your physiological system, that is called meditation as well.  Shambhavi does not belong to any of these categories. This is why we are calling it a Mahamudra or a kriya. What is a mudra? The word “mudra” literally means a seal – you lock it. In today’s world more than ever, the biggest problem that human beings have is dissipation of energy, because our sensory system is stimulated more than ever before in the history of humanity. For example, today we can sit the entire night with bright lights on. Your eyes were not prepared for this – they were made for twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness or a very subdued light. Now your visual apparatus is stimulated like crazy. 


System Overload: Overstimulation of the Senses


In earlier times, for you to hear any sound, a lion had to roar, an elephant had to trumpet, or some other exciting sound had to happen; otherwise it was silent. Now there are sounds going on all the time. Your ears are taking in too much. Earlier, to see something colorful, you had to wait for the sunset. And before you could call your family to come and see, it was gone. Now, if you turn on the television, you see every kind of color, in rapid succession, to dazzle you all the time. 


So the amount of sensory input that you are taking in is like never before. When this level of sensory input is there in you, if you sit here and say “AUM, Ram,” or whatever you think, that will also go on in endless, rapid succession. Unless they create a powerful process within themselves, in today’s world, most human beings cannot sit with their eyes closed without daydreaming. 

因此,你的感官输入是前所未有的。当你之内有如此大量的感官输入,如果你坐在这里念 “AUM, Ram"或者不管你认为你在念什么,它也会接连不断、无止尽地萦绕着。除非人们在自己自己之内创造了强有力的过程,否则,在现今世界,大多人闭眼坐着时都免不了做白日梦。

Reversing the Energy Drain 


That is why a Mahamudra, because it is a seal. Once you put the seal and lock it, your energies will divert themselves in a completely different direction. Now things will happen. Rarely does any practice blow up people right from day one as Shambhavi Mahamudra does. This is simply because if you apply the Mahamudra right, your own energies are turning in a direction that they normally never do. Otherwise, your energies dissipate in reaction to various sensory inputs. It is like if you keep looking at something, you get tired after some time. Not just the eyes – you get tired. 

这就是为什么要Mahamudra(大手印),因为它是一种封印。一旦你用一个封印锁住它,你的能量会以完全不同的方向移动。这时候事情就会发生。几乎很少有任何一种练习能够像Shambhavi Mahamudra那样第一天就引爆人们。这仅仅是因为,如果你正确地运用这个香巴维大手印,你自身的能量在以不同于往常的方向转变。否则,你的能量会消耗在对各种感知输入的反应中。这就像如果你一直盯着什么,过些时候你就会感到疲惫,并不仅是眼睛——你会变得疲倦。

Because every time you pay attention to something, you lose energy. If a ray of light comes at you, for you to see it, there is loss of energy. If a sound comes at you, for you to hear it, there is loss of energy. We want to turn it around in such a way that there is gain. Why we spend so much time to psychologically and emotionally prepare you for a twenty-one-minute practice is to get you to the right level of receptivity. 

因为每当你去关注某事物时,你就会失去一些能量。如果一道光向你射来,为了让你能看到它,就会产生能量消耗。如果有声音来了,为了让你能听到它,就会产生能量消耗。我们想要把它变成能量的增长 。为什么我们要花如此多时间,在心理和情感上让你为21分钟的练习做好准备,就是因为,要让你达到一定的接收力。

Scientific Evidence of Substantial Impact 


There is a lot of research happening on Shambhavi. You know, in today’s world, what is happening within you is not good enough. It must be measured in a laboratory. Scientists found that the cortisol awakening response is significantly higher for people who have practiced Shambhavi. The BDNF, which is the brain derived neurotrophic factor, also increases. 

针对Shambhavi有很多的研究。你知道,现今世界,你内在发生了什么,这还不够有说服力。它还必须得在实验室里被测量。科学家发现皮质醇觉醒反应对于有练习Shambhavi的人明显会更高。BDNF, 也就是脑源性神经营养因子,也增长了。

The cortisol awakening response marks different levels of wakefulness. Enlightenment is also called awakening. Why? Aren’t you awake already? No, you are not at the same level of awakening every moment of your life. If you have been practicing Shambhavi for at least ninety days, thirty minutes after you wake up in the morning, your cortisol awakening response is several times higher than in a normal person. 


Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging, Anti-Stress


The inflammatory markers greatly improve too. And your DNA shows that after ninety days of practice, you are 6.4 years younger than what you were, on the cellular level. All this has been properly established by responsible scientists. And above all, the most beautiful thing is, the level of calmness multiplies manifold, while the brain is still active. This is a unique dimension of Shambhavi. 


The studies that have been done in the United States are largely about Buddhist meditations, not other dimensions of yoga. A significant aspect of Buddhist meditations is people become peaceful, pleasant; at the same time the brain activity goes down. What is significant about Shambhavi is people become very peaceful, pleasant, and at the same time their brain activity goes up. 


Peace and Possibility without Problems  


You must have your brains working. In the name of spirituality, you normally see people sit and do “Ram, Ram” or some other mantra. Even if you just keep repeating “ding dong ding,” you will become peaceful. It is like a lullaby. If no one is singing to you, you sing it to yourself. It will help. Everyone is using such tricks, which they unconsciously arrived at, and tell themselves something repeatedly. Whether it is a so-called sacred sound or a nonsensical one, if you keep repeating it, a certain dullness will arise. Dullness is often mistaken as peace. 

你必须要让你的头脑运作。以灵性之名,你通常会看到人们坐着做“Ram, Ram”或者其它真言的唱诵。即便你只是一直重复  “ding dong ding”,你也会变得平和。它就像一首摇篮曲。如果没有人唱给你听,你唱给自己听。它会有帮助。每个人都在用这样的技巧,他们无意识地做着,重复不断地告诉自己什么。不管它是所谓的神圣的还是荒谬的声音,如果你一直重复它,一定程度的迟钝便会产生。而迟钝常会被误认为平和。

The only problem with you right now is the cerebral activity. If we take away the cerebral activity, you are peaceful and wonderful, but without possibilities. Essentially, the human problem is just this: they are experiencing their possibilities as problems. If you take away the possibility, if you take away half your brain, of course the problem is gone. To enhance the possibility and still not have a problem with it – this is the uniqueness of Shambhavi Mahamudra. 

现在你唯一的问题就是大脑活动。如果我们舍弃掉大脑活动,你是平静美好的,但也失去了可能性。实质上,人们的问题只是这一点:他们把自己的可能性当作问题去体验。如果你拿走可能性,如果你拿走半个大脑,当然问题就没了。提升可能性的同时,却没有随之而来的问题,这就是Shambhavi Mahamudra的独特之处。

Editor's Note: Find out more about Inner Engineering, including upcoming program dates and venues.


A version of this article was originally published in the Forest Flower magazine, June 2019.









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