
【双语】 一身傲骨,两袖清风

叶子南&施晓菁 北极光翻译 2023-11-03


It’s Not about Money


His star may have waned, but that hasn't affected Gu Defu's zest for life. For example, although he has never traveled abroad, he nevertheless pays close attention to international events. When an interview with a European president appears in the press, he reads it from beginning to end. And the fruit-stained clothing he wears at the market every day doesn't stop him from joining in animated discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of building a dam in Meinung. He pokes fun at himself: “I’ll talk your head off on any subject. You won't find many old fogies like me around here."


As the scion of a once-prominent family, Gu has a love of Hakka culture and all things refined, and his enthusiasm has made him a favorite resource for people researching Hakka architecture. Everyone, from elementary schools right to universities, asks him to be their guide when they come to tour the cultural sites of Meinung. Gu never refuses. He speaks Mandarin perfectly, but it is his slight Hakka lilt and clear and humorous language that always make an impression on his audience.


Although the family's fortunes have declined, Gu is very liberal minded. He always made sure his children got the best education. Most farmers' kids have to start earning money right after high school to help the family finances, but all five of Gu's children are university graduates. Daughters Xiuru and Xiufei are compiling the local history and Who’s Who for Meinung Township, and their work has sparked a wave of interest in similar projects. Four years ago, Gu’s youngest son graduated with a degree in economics from National Taiwan University and returned to write the history of Qishan Township. Gu’s family continues a deep-seated tradition of the "farmer-scholar."


In the eyes of Xiufei, her father is a somewhat tragic figure born at the wrong time. “With his talent and enthusiasm, had he been born today and received a good education, he wouldn’t have been tied down on the family farm. He would have been a great social activist of some sort!" she declares.


If success is measured by fame and fortune, then Gu Defu’s life has not turned out all that well, but on the other hand, a person's true colors are revealed in adversity. Inspite of a lifetime of hard knocks, Gu maintains a sense of pride and innocence that earns him a great deal of respect.


Adapted from a translation in Taiwan’s Sinorama, Vol. 25, No. 10, 2000 Notes


【双语】生命需要等待 Life Resides in Waiting

【双语】美文欣赏:家 Home

【双语】We Are on a Journey (人在旅途)

美文欣赏——常想一二 Dwell on One or Two

美文欣赏:焦点之外 Beyond the Spotlight



