
【Speak English Like An American】Lesson 12

Amy Gillett 北极光翻译 2023-11-03

Bob’s Big Cookie Oder


The family is gathered around the dinner table. Bob tells them about his deal with the Village Market. He asks his kids for help baking the cookies.

Bob: I know I’ve been down in the dumps since I got fired, but things are looking up now. The Village Market wants to sell our cookies.

Nicole: That’s great news,  Dad!

Bob: We’re going to have to bake like crazy over the weekend. They want 2,000 cookies by Monday.

Nicole:Two thousand cookies in three days? Don’t you think you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?

Ted: Yeah, you’re going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

Susan: Fortunately, there are four of us here. You kids will have to pitch in too.

Nicole: Sorry, but I can’t. I have to finish Ted’s chemistry homework and then I’ve got to get going on my election speech.

Bob: What’s that about doing Ted’s chemistry homework?

Ted: Never mind! Amber will help out with the cookies instead of Nicole.

Susan: For heaven’s sake, Nicole! It’s like pulling teeth getting you to do any work around here.




 (to) bite off more than one can chew - to take on more than one is capable of; to take on too much贪多嚼不烂;心有余而力不足

Example1: Jennifer is having a dinner party for 50 people, and she can’t even cook. I think she's bitten off more than she can chew.

EXAMPLE2: You agreed to host 50 exchange students from Korea? Aren’t you afraid you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?

Synonym: to be or to get in over one’s head.

Example: Jennifer is in over her head with this dinner party!


(to be) down in the dumps - see Lesson 5垂头丧气;情绪低落

for heaven’s sake! – A way of expressing emotions such as surprise, outrage, or impatience看在上帝的份上

EXAMPLE1: Hurry up, for heaven’s sake! You’re going to be late for school.

EXAMPLE2: Oh, for heaven’s sake! Yesterday, I made three dozen chocolate chip cookies,and today there’s only one cookie left!

SYNONYMS:for God’s sake, for goodness sake, for Pete’s sake


(to) get going - to get started on something; to set off for a destination; to leave 开始,着手

Example1: If you don’t get going on your homework soon, you’re going to be up allnight.

Example2: We’d better get going to the restaurant now. Otherwise, we’ll be late forour seven o’clock reservation.

SYNONYMS: to get a move on; to get the show on the road


(to) help out - to give assistance; to help帮助…摆脱困难

EXAMPLE1: Amber offered to help out in the kitchen by chopping nuts.

EXAMPLE2: I'd be happy to help out by baking cookies for the picnic.

SYNONYM: to lend a hand


like a chicken with its head cutoff — in a hysterical manner; in a frenzy; in a very nervous way像砍了脑袋的鸡一样转圈,无头苍蝇

Example1: Ken was late for work, and he couldn’t find his car keys. He was running around his apartment like a chicken with its head cut off.

Example2: Patricia ran around the school looking for her lost backpack like a chicken with its head cut off.

NOTE:This idiom is usually used with the phrase “to run around” as in the above examples.


like crazy - with great speed or enthusiasm 拼命地,发疯似的

EXAMPLE1: When Pete Sampras won the tennis match, the crowd started cheering like crazy.

EXAMPLE2: Ann ran like crazy, but she still didn’t manage to catch the bus.


like pulling teeth — very difficult 极端地困难

EXAMPLE1: It’s like pulling teeth getting Max to talk about his girlfriend.

EXAMPLE2: Kyle hates to study. It’s like pulling teeth getting him to do his homework every night.


never mind - don’t worry about something; forget it; it doesn’t matter 没关系,别担心

Example1: You forgot to pick up eggs at the supermarket? Never mind. I’ll get them tomorrow morning.

EXAMPLE2: Never mind what your friends say. You need to do what you think is right.


(to) pitch in — to help 出一份力

Example1: Nicole offered to pitch in and clean up her neighborhood beach. She picked up five plastic cups and an old towel.

EXAMPLE2: If you need my help, just ask. I’d be happy to pitch in.

SYNONYMS: to lend a hand, to lend a helping hand; to help out


(to) run around - to move about quickly 东奔西跑

EXAMPLE1: I’ve been running around all day making final arrangements for our trip to Costa Rica tomorrow.

EXAMPLE2: Debbie is exhausted. She ran around town all day today.


things are looking up - things are improving 情况在好转

Example1: Elizabeth found a wonderful new job and just moved into a beautiful new apartment. Things are looking up for her.

EXAMPLE2: Things are looking up with the economy.


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