
CGTN刘欣 | 西方媒体是否站队香港激进示威者?




双语 | 刘欣 评论香港高等法院“要有自知之明”Hong Kong high court: Know thy place

On Sunday night last week, an unknown number of protesters occupied Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus. Rioters tried to fight off police using a variety of improvised weaponry and dangerous items, including bricks, firebombs, homemade napalm, and bows and arrows. One police officer was injured by an arrow which almost penetrated his leg. 

上周日晚, 数量不明的示威者占领了香港理工大学校园,暴徒使用各类武器和危险物品,包括砖头、燃烧弹、自制汽油弹和弓箭等攻击警方。一名警员几乎被箭射穿小腿。

But if you look at the international media coverage, you might form a different understanding of the situation. For instance, on the campus standoff, you'd think those who occupied the campus were innocent students, or even heroes given the language used by those media outlets to describe the standoff.


On Monday, November 18, the New York Times published a story with the headline: "In Hong Kong, Daring Escapes From a Violent Siege at a University." 


"Daring" is defined as "bold, courageous, or adventurous"– all adjectives with positive connotations, as if the students who'd been hoarding "homemade firebombs, giant sling shots, bricks and bows and arrows" inside the campus, according to the article, should be celebrated for their bravery.  


Also misleading since the article states that: "Police officers have offered protesters one way out of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus, but they fear following those instructions could lead to their arrest," and: "Despite running out of options, the students feared they would be arrested if they obeyed police instructions to 'drop their weapons' and leave through one designated exit."


So actually, there was no need for them to escape. The police offered a way out on the condition that the rioters drop their weapons. Meaning the rioters who tried to escape either did not want to drop their weapons or were afraid of being arrested. 


What kind of police force would allow rioters to walk out armed with firebombs and bricks? What kind of society would not arrest rioters who hijacked a university, turning it into a weapons factory, and using it as a base to harm police officers?  Where in the world would people be allowed to ransack a place and get away with it? By glamorizing those who break the law, whatever the motivations, whether students or not, the New York Times unfortunately failed to tell the true story.


Next example comes from the Washington Post with a story also published on Monday, November 18 and the headline reads: "Hong Kong protesters make last stand as police close in on besieged university." Immediately by using "last stand," the headline makes the protesters look like gallant heroes who are faced with overwhelming odds. 


We need look no further than the first paragraph: "Thousands of Hong Kong protesters flocked to the area around a besieged Hong Kong college campus Monday evening, clashing with police as they tried to help hundreds of students trapped inside to leave safely..."  


First of all, many of the people trapped inside were not students at all. So it was premature to characterize them as such. Secondly, when students are armed with bows and arrows, bricks, and stolen chemicals from the school's laboratory among other weapons, can we still call them students?  

首先,被困在校园里面的很多人都不是学生, 把他们硬说成是学生实则草率之举。第二,如果学生们手持弓箭、砖头和从实验室里偷来的化学品作为武器,那么我们还能把他们看作是学生吗?

Calling them "students" give people the impression that they are innocent and vulnerable and thus worthy of people's sympathy. But we have seen the damage and harm that have been done by some of these young "students." We all saw the picture of the man who aimed a bow and arrow in full stretch at police; he was clearly an adult with strong muscles.  

称示威者为“学生”,就会让人觉着他们单纯无助、弱小可怜。我们都看到了一些所谓的年轻“学生”所造成的破坏和伤害;也看到过那张示威者拉满弓箭射向警察的照片, 该名男子显然是个身强体壮的成年人。

The article mentions the students are trapped inside 6 times. To me, saying they are "trapped" makes it sound as if they are helpless victims without any option to leave the campus they chose to occupy in the first place.


The very same article then later explains that the police actually did offer the rioters a way out: "Police blocked exits and told exhausted protesters to come out of the Polytechnic University on Monday to be arrested." And: "Late Monday, a deal was reached between the police and mediators to allow those under 18 still sealed off inside Polytechnic University to leave safely, without arrest."


So these people stayed inside the campus to avoid arrest. Basically they are trapped by their own criminal behavior. And those under 18 were even given the option to leave without being arrested. But if you didn't take the time to read the entire article, you could easily walk away with only a biased slice of the whole story. By phrasing the beginning of the article this way, the journalist is hinting to the reader who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Amid rising tensions, such irresponsible coverage to gloss over protester’s violence is only fueling more anger and possibly lead to more tragedies. 

所以这些人留在校园里是不想被逮捕,他们其实是被自己的犯罪行为困住了。而18岁以下的示威者甚至能够在免遭逮捕的条件下离开校园。但如果读者没时间通篇读完报道,那可能脑海里留下的只是其中那充满偏见的只言片语。 记者选择这样开篇,实则是在引导读者先做出谁是好人,谁又是坏人的是非判断。这种美化暴力、不负责任的报道,在当前紧张的形势下,只会更加火上浇油,可能会引发更多的悲剧。





