
最全双语版 | 国家主席习近平2020年新年贺词(附2006-2019新年贺词记忆库下载)

新华社 北极光翻译 2023-11-03









Chinese President Xi Jinping has delivered a New Year speech in which he reviewed the achievements of 2019 and extended New Year wishes for 2020.




High-quality development in 2019


China's GDP is expected to edge close to 100 trillion yuan, President Xi Jinping said in his New Year speech on Tuesday, with the per capita figure nearing 10,000 U.S. dollars.


China's good economic performance in the past year, adding that significant breakthroughs had been achieved in the three tough battles.


Coordinated regional development further accelerated and about 340 impoverished counties and more than 10 million people have been lifted out of poverty. A victory will be secured in the battle against poverty in 2020. All rural residents living below the current poverty line will be lifted out of poverty and poverty will be eliminated in all poor counties in 2020.


Several significant achievements during 2019, such as China's lunar probe Chang'e-4 landing on the far side of the Moon, the launch of the Long March-5 Y3 rocket and the opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport.


Reform and opening-up generates vigor for development


China had pressed on with reform and opening-up over the past 12 months.

The policy has continuously "generated vigor" for China's development across all sectors and the people are experiencing the benefits.

Several examples of progress, from reform of Party and government institutions to the establishment of Free Trade Zones, from tax cuts of more than 2 trillion yuan to lower costs for medicine and cheaper and faster internet connections.


New changes are taking place and everywhere and the country is taking on a fresh look.


China's efforts in pushing forward reforms in national defense and military systems in 2019.


A grand military parade was held in Beijing on National Day on October 1 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). He meanwhile highlighted the 70th anniversary celebrations for the establishment of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy and the PLA Air Force.


Also in the past year, China hosted the 7th Military World Games, and the country's first self-developed aircraft carrier was commissioned.


"The people's army will always serve as a great wall of steel that guards our country," Xi stressed.


China would unswervingly walk along the road of peaceful development and remain a builder of world peace for the creation of a beautiful future for mankind.

He also hailed China's major diplomatic achievements over the past 12 months.

With Xi undertaking several overseas trips in 2019 and diplomatic ties now established with 180 countries, China continued to open its arms wide to embrace the world.

Four major events were hosted at home in the past year, which the president said showcased a civilized, open and inclusive China to the rest of the world.

"We have friends in every corner of the world," he declared.

China is willing to join hands with people of all countries in the world to jointly build the "Belt and Road Initiative" and push forward the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Xi stressed.

'One Country, Two Systems' wins hearts of the people

Xi said the "One Country, Two Systems" principle is "fully applicable, achievable, and popular" as he spoke of its successful implementation in ensuring prosperity and stability in China's Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR).


Prosperity and stability in the region have always pulled at the heartstrings of all people in the Chinese mainland.


"Hong Kong's prosperity and stability is the wish of Hong Kong compatriots and the expectation of our motherland."


He also delivered his sincere wishes to Hong Kong residents, stressing that a harmonious and stable society sets the premise of a sweet and peaceful homeland.


On diplomatic relations

China continues to embrace the world in 2019, and the number of countries China has established diplomatic relations with has reached 180. "We have friends all over the world.



















大家好!Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,“岁月不居,时节如流。”2019年马上就要到了,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福!Greetings to you all! "Time stops for no one, and the seasons keep changing." As we usher in 2019, I'd like to extend my New Year wishes from Beijing to you all!2018年,我们过得很充实、走得很坚定。这一年,我们战胜各种风险挑战,推动经济高质量发展,加快新旧动能转换,保持经济运行在合理区间。2018 has been a full year, and we approached it with steadfast determination. Despite all sorts of risks and challenges, we pushed our economy towards high-quality development, sped up the replacement of the old drivers of growth, and kept the major economic indicators within a reasonable range. 蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战顺利推进,各项民生事业加快发展,人民生活持续改善。京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展、粤港澳大湾区建设等国家战略稳步实施。We made headway in our efforts to protect our blue skies, and to defend our rivers and soil from pollution. And we intensified our efforts to improve people's well-being and steadily raise our standards of living. National strategies such as the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area were steadfastly implemented. 我在各地考察时欣喜地看到:长江两岸绿意盎然,建三江万亩大地号稻浪滚滚,深圳前海生机勃勃,上海张江活力四射,港珠澳大桥飞架三地……During my inspection tours around the country, I was pleased to see the lush green banks of the Yangtze River, the ocean of rice sprouting at the Jiansanjiang agricultural base, the lively Shenzhen Qianhai Harbor, the bustling Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Park, and the bridge that brings together Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macao. 这些成就是全国各族人民撸起袖子干出来的,是新时代奋斗者挥洒汗水拼出来的。These achievements are all thanks to the hard work of people from all of China's ethnic groups, who are the trail-blazers of the new era.这一年,中国制造、中国创造、中国建造共同发力,继续改变着中国的面貌。嫦娥四号探测器成功发射,第二艘航母出海试航,国产大型水陆两栖飞机水上首飞,北斗导航向全球组网迈出坚实一步。Over the past year, the combined forces of Chinese manufacturing, Chinese innovation, and Chinese construction, have continued to change the face of the country. We successfully launched the Chang'e-4 lunar probe; our second aircraft carrier set sail on its maiden voyage; our domestically-made large amphibious aircraft performed its first water launch; and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System has gone global. 在此,我要向每一位科学家、每一位工程师、每一位“大国工匠”、每一位建设者和参与者致敬!Let me take this opportunity to salute every scientist, every engineer, and every nation builder who made these achievements possible.这一年,脱贫攻坚传来很多好消息。全国又有125个贫困县通过验收脱贫,1000万农村贫困人口摆脱贫困。17种抗癌药降价并纳入医保目录,因病致贫问题正在进一步得到解决。我时常牵挂着奋战在脱贫一线的同志们,280多万驻村干部、第一书记,工作很投入、很给力,一定要保重身体。We have also made great strides in our poverty alleviation efforts in the past year. Another 125 poor counties and 10 million poverty-stricken rural residents were lifted out of poverty. We reduced the price of 17 cancer-fighting drugs, and included them on our medical insurance list. And we are continuing to tackle the financial strain that can accompany a family member falling ill. Our comrades on the front lines of the fight against poverty are often in my thoughts, including over 2.8 million officials living and working in villages, and the local village leaders. They are devoted to their work and do an awesome job, and I wish them good health.我始终惦记着困难群众。在四川凉山三河村,我看望了彝族村民吉好也求、节列俄阿木两家人。在山东济南三涧溪村,我和赵顺利一家围坐一起拉家常。在辽宁抚顺东华园社区,我到陈玉芳家里了解避险搬迁安置情况。在广东清远连樟村,我和贫困户陆奕和交谈脱贫之计。他们真诚朴实的面容至今浮现在我的脑海。新年之际,祝乡亲们的生活蒸蒸日上,越过越红火。My heart goes out to the people living in hardship. In Sanhe Village of Liangshan in Sichuan Province, I visited the families of two villagers from the Yi people. In Sanjianxi Village in Jinan City in Shandong Province, I sat down with the family of Zhao Shunli to hear about their day-to-day lives. In the Donghuayuan community in the city of Fushun in Liaoning Province, I visited Chen Yufang's family to learn about how they were settling in after being relocated from a dangerous area. In Lianzhang Village in Qingyuan in Guangdong Province, I discussed with a villager named Lu Yihe how we could help to relieve his household's poverty. I can vividly recall their down-to-earth sincerity. I would like to wish all of them and their fellow villagers a prosperous and thriving New Year.这一年,我们隆重庆祝改革开放40周年,对党和国家机构进行了系统性、整体性、重构性的改革,推出100多项重要改革举措,举办首届中国国际进口博览会,启动建设海南自由贸易试验区。In 2018, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. We unveiled a comprehensive and systematic overhaul of both Party and State institutions. We launched over 100 major reform measures, held the first China International Import Expo, and began construction of a pilot free trade zone in Hainan. 世界看到了改革开放的中国加速度,看到了将改革开放进行到底的中国决心。我们改革的脚步不会停滞,开放的大门只会越开越大。The world has seen China's accelerating reform and opening up, and its determination to carry it forward. China's reforms will never stop, and its doors will only open ever wider.我注意到,今年,恢复高考后的第一批大学生大多已经退休,大批“00后”进入高校校园。1亿多非户籍人口在城市落户的行动正在继续,1300万人在城镇找到了工作,解决棚户区问题的住房开工了580万套,新市民有了温暖的家。很多港澳台居民拿到了居住证,香港进入了全国高铁网。一个流动的中国,充满了繁荣发展的活力。我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。I noticed that in the past year, most people who enrolled in college when the entrance exam resumed in 1977 have retired. And a large number of people born after 2000 have entered university. More than 100 million people from our rural areas are gradually becoming permanent residents in our cities. 13 million have found jobs, and construction has begun on 5.8 million new homes for those people living in dilapidated houses. Many have already moved into their new warm homes. Many people from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan now have resident permits for the mainland, and Hong Kong has become a stop on our high-speed railway network. China, as a country of people on the move, is energetically pursuing prosperity. We are running at full speed towards the realization of our dreams.此时此刻,我特别要提到一些闪亮的名字。今年,天上多了颗“南仁东星”,全军英模挂像里多了林俊德和张超两位同志。我们要记住守岛卫国32年的王继才同志,为保护试验平台挺身而出、壮烈牺牲的黄群、宋月才、姜开斌同志,以及其他为国为民捐躯的英雄们。他们是新时代最可爱的人,永远值得我们怀念和学习。At this point, I'd like to mention several leading lights. Nan Rendong, a Chinese scientist after whom an asteroid was named a few months ago; Lin Junde and Zhang Chao, who joined the long list of exemplary soldiers in the People's Liberation Army; Wang Jicai, who for thirty-two years served on a border island; and those who died protecting an experimental offshore platform - Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, and Jiang Kaibin, and the many other heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. They are the most admirable people in China's new era, and we should remember their names forever, and learn from their deeds.这一年,又有很多新老朋友来到中国。我们举办了博鳌亚洲论坛年会、上海合作组织青岛峰会、中非合作论坛北京峰会等主场外交活动,提出了中国主张,发出了中国声音。我和同事们出访五大洲,参加了许多重要外交活动,同各国 领 导人进行了广泛交流,巩固了友谊,增进了信任,扩大了我们的朋友圈。In 2018, China played host to many friends, both old and new. We hosted the annual Boao Forum for Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Qingdao, as well as the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. We put China's proposals on the table and made our voice heard at these and other diplomatic events. I and my colleagues visited five continents and attended many important diplomatic events. We spoke with state leaders about wide-ranging issues, we strengthened our friendships, we enhanced mutual trust, and we enlarged our circle of friends.2019年,我们将隆重庆祝中华人民共和国70周年华诞。70年披荆斩棘,70年风雨兼程。人民是共和国的坚实根基,人民是我们执政的最大底气。一路走来,中国人民自力更生、艰苦奋斗,创造了举世瞩目的中国奇迹。In 2019, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Our country has braved thorny paths and confronted stormy weather over the past seventy years. Our people are the country's solid foundation and our main source of confidence to govern. Through the years, the Chinese people have been self-reliant and worked diligently to create Chinese miracles that the world has marveled at. 新征程上,不管乱云飞渡、风吹浪打,我们都要紧紧依靠人民,坚持自力更生、艰苦奋斗,以坚如磐石的信心、只争朝夕的劲头、坚韧不拔的毅力,一步一个脚印把前无古人的伟大事业推向前进。And now, looking forward, despite the complexities and difficulties we may face on the road ahead, we shall always closely rely on the people and stick to self-reliance and hard work. With rock-solid confidence, and racing against time with unwavering determination, we will carry forward our unprecedented great cause one resolute step after another, and leave enduring footprints behind us.2019年,有机遇也有挑战,大家还要一起拼搏、一起奋斗。减税降费政策措施要落地生根,让企业轻装上阵。要真诚尊重各种人才,充分激发他们创新创造活力。要倾听基层干部心声,让敢担当有作为的干部有干劲、有奔头。2019 will see both opportunities and challenges that will require us to work together shoulder to shoulder. Policies to cut taxes and fees must take root to ease the burden on enterprises. We must show our sincere appreciation to talent of all kinds, and stimulate their creative energy. We must lend an ear to our officials at the grassroots, and bring energy and greater purpose to those who are ready to commit to making a difference. 农村1000多万贫困人口的脱贫任务要如期完成,还得咬定目标使劲干。要关爱退役军人,他们为保家卫国作出了贡献。这个时候,快递小哥、环卫工人、出租车司机以及千千万万的劳动者,还在辛勤工作,我们要感谢这些美好生活的创造者、守护者。大家辛苦了。To achieve our task of lifting another 10 million-plus rural residents out of poverty as planned, we shall remain focused and work hard on this. We shall take better care of our military veterans who have done much to keep the motherland safe. Even as we speak, there are deliverymen, street cleaners, taxi drivers, and countless others who are hard at work. We should thank these workers who contribute to the creation of our beautiful society. Their hard work is much appreciated.放眼全球,我们正面临百年未有之大变局。无论国际风云如何变幻,中国维护国家主权和安全的信心和决心不会变,中国维护世界和平、促进共同发展的诚意和善意不会变。Looking at the world at large, we're facing a period of major change never seen in a century. No matter what these changes bring, China will remain resolute and confident in its defense of its national sovereignty and security. And China's sincerity and goodwill to safeguard world peace and promote common development will remain unchanged. 我们将积极推动共建“一带一路”,继续推动构建人类命运共同体,为建设一个更加繁荣美好的世界而不懈努力。We will continue to push ahead with the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and continue to advocate for the development of a community of shared future for mankind. And we will work tirelessly for a more prosperous and beautiful world.新年的钟声即将敲响,让我们满怀信心和期待,一同迎接2019年的到来。As we ring in the New Year, let's embrace 2019 with confidence and anticipation.祝福中国!祝福世界!Best wishes to China! And best wishes to the world!谢谢大家!Thank you!



Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers 2018 New Year Address in Beijing


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Greetings to you all!


Time flies and we will soon welcome 2018.


Here, I would like to extend my New Year greetings to the people of all ethnic groups in China, to our compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR, to our compatriots in Taiwan and to overseas Chinese.


I would also like to wish our friends in other countries and regions all the very best.


Fortune favors the diligent and times are changing fast.


In 2017, we held the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and embarked on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist China.


Our GDP rose to the level of 80 trillion yuan (12.3 trillion US dollars).


Over 13 million urban and rural jobs were created.


Our old-age insurance system now covers more than 900 million people, and 1.35 billion people are covered by basic medical insurance.


More than 10 million rural residents were lifted out of poverty.


How I wish I could have ten thousand houses to provide shelter for all who need it.


3.4 million people were relocated from poverty-stricken areas and now live in new warm housing.


The construction of 6 million apartments in shanty areas has begun ahead of schedule.


Various initiatives to improve people's livelihoods have been accelerated and the environment has steadily improved.


People have enjoyed a stronger sense of gain, of happiness and of security.


We have marched one significant step closer to completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects.


There has been a steady flow of technological innovation and major engineering feats in China.


The X-ray satellite Insight is probing deep space.


The C919 large airliner took off into the blue sky.


A quantum computer was built and became operational.


A trial was conducted for rice production in saline soil.


We launched the first Chinese-built aircraft carrier.


The "Sea Wings" underwater glider completed its first deep-sea exploration.


The first extraction of combustible ice was a success.


Phase IV of the Shanghai Yangshan Automated Deep Water Port began operations.


The main structure of the cross-sea bridge linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao was finished.


Fuxing bullet trains now criss-cross China's vast landscape.


I applaud and cheer the creative powers of the Chinese people.


We held a military parade at the Zhurihe training base in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army.


During the 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR's return to the motherland, I visited Hong Kong and saw in person that, with the strong support of the motherland, Hong Kong has retained its long-term prosperity and stability.


It will undoubtedly have an even better future.


We also held a ceremony in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and a state memorial ceremony for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, to remember history and to pray for peace.


We hosted several multilateral diplomatic events in China, including the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, and the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting.


I also took part in some major multilateral meetings overseas.


At the beginning of the year, I attended the annual World Economic Forum in Davos and delivered a speech at the UN Headquarters in Geneva.


Later, I attended the G20 Summit and the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.


During these occasions, I had many in-depth exchanges of views with relevant parties and they all supported the joint promotion of building a community of shared future for mankind to benefit people all over the world.


In 2017, I again received many letters from the people, including villagers from the Yumai township in Lhunze County in Tibet; members of the Wulanmuqi Art Troupe from the Sonid Right Banner in Inner Mongolia; veteran professors from the relocated main body of Xi'an Jiaotong University; and new PLA student recruits from Nankai University.


Their stories touched me deeply.


The people have made sacrifices for the good of the nation without regrets or complaints.


I feel the millions of ordinary Chinese are the greatest, and I also feel that happiness is achieved through hard work.


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, 2018 is the start of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress.


The Congress drew up the beautiful blueprint of our development for the next three decades.


A tall tower needs a solid foundation.


To translate the blueprint into reality, we have to avoid the distractions of unsubstantial ideas and superficial fame, take one step at a time, and approach our work with a firm footing.


2018 marks the 40th anniversary of our Reform and Opening Up,


which has been the only path to the development and progress of contemporary China and the only path to the realization of the Chinese Dream.


At the significant juncture of the 40th anniversary, we should surmount all obstacles to carry the reform further to its ultimate triumph.


By 2020, China will lift its rural impoverished population out of poverty by current standards.


That is our solemn commitment and we will honor it.


With three years left until 2020, the whole of society must leap into action and, with concerted efforts and targeted measures, continuously strive for fresh victories.


After three years, we will win the final phase of the war on poverty.


This will be the first time in thousands of years of Chinese history that extreme poverty has been eliminated.


Let us accomplish this great cause of momentous significance for the Chinese nation and all humanity.


Regarding the prospects of humanity's peace and development, there is both expectation and concern; all sides are awaiting a clear Chinese stance.


All under heaven are one family.


As a responsible major country, China must speak out.


China will staunchly safeguard the authority and status of the United Nations and actively fulfill its due responsibility and duty in international affairs;


China will honor its promises in countering global climate change and actively push forward the common construction of the "Belt and Road";


China will act as a builder of world peace and a contributor to global development, and an upholder of the international order.


The Chinese people are willing to join all peoples of the world in creating a beautiful future of greater prosperity and greater peace for mankind.


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Our country's great development has been achieved by the people, and its fruits should be shared by the people.


I am aware of the people's biggest concerns, such as education, employment, income, social security, healthcare, old-age security, housing and the environment.


We have had a lot of gains and also quite a few pains and troubles.


Our efforts at improving people's well-being have not always been satisfactory.


This requires us to enhance our sense of mission and responsibility to achieve solid and effective results in improving the people's welfare.


The Party committees, governments, and officials at all levels must constantly hold in their hearts the interests and concerns of the people, and regard the benefit of the people as their highest career accomplishment.


They must think for the people, respond to their needs, and work for the greater happiness of the people.


Thank you all!


Chinese President Xi Jinping's New Year Speech 2017


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,


The year of 2016 is coming to an end, and the bell of the New Year is going to ring.


At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to extend my New Year wishes to people from all ethnic groups across China, to our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to our compatriots from Taiwan region and overseas, and to friends from all countries and regions across the world.


For the Chinese people, the year of 2016 is not only outstanding but also unforgettable.


We made a good start of the 13th 5-year National Development Period which spans from 2016 to 2020.


We actively carried out the new development concept, accelerated the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, maintained our economic growth ranking the first in the world.


We vigorously pushed forward the comprehensive deepening of reform, made important steps in terms of supply-side structural reform, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military, and the main frame of reform in all fields with "multiple pillars" has been established.


We actively promoted the building of a law-based governance of the country, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an all-round way, and maintained social fairness and justice.


We vigorously pushed forward the exercise of our Party's strict governance in every respect, unswervingly cracked down on both "tigers" and "flies", in a bid to purify our political ecosystem, and continue to improve our Party and our government's working style, as well as our social conduct.


In the year of 2016, the Chinese "sky-eye" single-aperture spherical telescope came into use officially, the "WuKong" dark matter detection satellite was under operation in the orbit for a year, the "Mozi" quantum satellite was launched into space, the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship and the Tiangong-2 space lab traveled through the Galaxy, the Chinese Olympians made outstanding achievements, including the Chinese Women's Volleyball team's becoming the Olympic champion again, which is 12 years after they won the title.


Furthermore, our reform measures have made it a little easier for rural migrant workers to settle down in urban areas, and the condition for many children from impoverished areas to receive education has also improved, people don't need to shuttle back and forth between different places when they apply for an identity card in non-native places, some people without permanent household residence for a long time can finally get access to social welfare, many people even have got their own family doctors, and "river chiefs" will be appointed across China for better protection of water resources against pollution in the country.


All those efforts make us feel a sense of achievement.


In the year of 2016, near the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou city, we held the 11th G20 Leaders' Summit, we shared our thoughts with world leaders and proposed our ideas, and also presented to the world the magnificent, impressive and elegant image of China.


The projects under "One Belt and One Road" Initiative was also pushed forward, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank officially started operation.


We have adhered to the peaceful development while resolutely safeguarding the territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of China.


We will never tolerate any act that undermines our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.


In the year of 2016, natural disasters and industrial accidents took place in many places across China, bringing severe losses on people's life and property, as well as production.


We deeply regret those mishaps.


On the international front, a few comrades from China's peacekeeping troops have sacrificed their lives while serving their duty to safeguard world peace, we mourn the loss of these soldiers and will repay high tribute to them by taking a good care of their loved ones.


In the year of 2016, we held grand ceremonies to mark a series of important anniversaries including the 95th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and the 80th anniversary of the triumph of the Long March by the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants.


We will always cherish the memory of the forefathers who have made great contributions to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.


We will remain committed to our mission, and continue to forge ahead.


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,


An ancient saying goes, "the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old."


In the upcoming year of 2017, the Communist Party of China will convene its 19th national congress, an occasion to renew our commitment to the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to the comprehensive deepening of reforms, to the comprehensive advancement of rule of law, and to the comprehensive exercising of self-governance of the party.


No fruit will be reaped without hard work.


We will be rewarded with achievements only after tireless endeavors.


We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity.


Over the past year, 10 million more people across the country have been lifted out of poverty.


I would like to pay high tribute and express appreciation to the comrades who have worked tremendously in grass root units in fighting poverty.


As we greet the New Year, there is one thing that remains most dearly attached to my heart. That is those fellow citizens who still live in hardship.


I'm seriously concerned and wonder how their food supply and accommodation are being maintained, how they are celebrating the New Year and the Spring Festival.


I'm aware that some folks are faced with difficulties in employment, children's education, medical care and housing.


To ceaselessly solve those problems remain an unshirkable responsibility for the party and the government.


The whole party and the whole society should show continued care and offer help to those fellow citizens living in poverty.


We will enable more people to enjoy the fruit of our reforms, and ultimately let all the people in this country live in happiness.


As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose".


So long as the 1.3 billion people pull together in forging ahead, the party stands identified with the people, and the nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors, we will surely accomplish the Long March of our generation.


Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,


The Chinese people have always believed that the world is a commonwealth.


We Chinese not only aspire for good living for ourselves, but also hope people in other parts of the world lead a descent life.


At present, people in certain countries and regions are still troubled in wars and turbulence; many are suffering from diseases and disasters.


We sincerely hope the international community will make concerted effort, work in the belief that mankind shares the same fate as a community, and build our planet into a more peaceful and prosperous place to live in.


May the chime of the New Year consolidate our confidence and re-ignite our aspiration for an even better tomorrow!


Thank you.





