集美阿尔勒发现奖 | 冯立、孙彦初
“2017 集美 · 阿尔勒国际摄影季”将于 11 月 25日开幕,呈现共计30多个展览版块,覆盖摄影作为当代艺术一个重要组成部分的方方面面。“集美 · 阿尔勒国际摄影季”将陆续推出展览单元简介。
本届“摄影季”邀请5 位策展人担任提名人,每人分别提名2位艺术家。10 位艺术家将在摄影季期间以个展的形式展出自己的作品。专家顾问团将在开幕周期间完成对“集美· 阿尔勒发现奖”单元艺术家个展的考察并以公平性、公正性、学术性为基本前提,评选出“2017 集美· 阿尔勒发现奖”的得主。大奖得主将获得奖金20万元人民币,并将在下一年度前往法国阿尔勒国际摄影节举办个展。
海报图片 / Conception of poster:冯立,选自《白夜》系列,2017,图片由艺术家提供 / Feng Li, from the series White Night, 2015, courtesy of the artist
主要展览:2016年,《白夜》个展南京艺术学院、《零食》上海当代艺术博物馆、《我们的未来》北京红砖美术馆;2015年《北京国际摄影双年展》、《重庆长江国际当代影像展》;2014年,《中国当代摄影十年》连州;2012年,《济南国际摄影双年展》最佳摄影师大奖、《第八届连州国际摄影节》评委会大奖 。
海报图片 / Conception of poster:孙彦初,《星与海》,选自《虚构集》系列,2014,图片由艺术家提供 / Sun Yanchu, Star and Sea, from the series Ficciones, 2014, courtesy of the artist
孙彦初的影像结合了他个人生活经验与他对摄影、绘画、图像编辑的多方面理解的综合,一方面他依旧自主拍摄那些苍劲孤独的画面,另一方面他也竭力寻找历史中的废弃影像,通过涂抹、编辑使它们在当下有着全新的呈现,这一对影像的解构使其作品散发着独特的魅力。其作品《沉溺于此》及《虚构集》分别在2011年和2016年由假杂志出版。曾获2015谷仓摄影样书:马丁·帕尔评审奖大奖、2011连州国际摄影年度新摄影奖及2010日本MIO 摄影奖评审员(森村泰昌)特别奖。
冯立 |《白夜》
孙彦初 |《虚构集》
Feng Li & Sun Yanchu @ Jimei x Arles
文 / 苏文
Feng Li, from the series White Night, 2016, courtesy of the artist
Feng Li, from the series White Night, 2007, courtesy of the artist
Sun Yanchu, Watching the fire, from the series Ficciones, 2015, courtesy of the artist
Sun Yanchu, A woman's portrait, from the series Ficciones, 2014, courtesy of the artist
Feng Li works and lives in Chengdu of Sichuan. Graduate of Chinese medicine, he has been engaged in photography-related work since longtime. It seems easy for him to find countless strange presences in the ordinary life. By using flash, he concretes those absurd moments into our daily routine.
Main Exhibitions: "White Night", Solo Exhibition at Nanjing Art Institute (2016), "Snack" at Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, "Our Future" at Beijing Red Brick Art Museum; “Beijing Photo Biennial” (2015), "Chongqing Changjiang International Photography and Video Biennale” (2015); “Ten Years of Contemporary Photography in China” (2015); "Jinan International Photography Biennale" Best Photographer Award , the eighth “Lianzhou International Photography Festival" jury award (2012).
Sun Yanchu, born in 1978 in Zhoukou of Henan province, now lives in Zhengzhou. His recent exhibitions are: solo exhibition "The Egotist in the darkroom" in Art Basel of Hong Kong in 2016, "Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and beyond" of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in 2015. His works are collected by art institutions and individuals.
Sun Yanchu's photos and videos combine his personal life experience with his understandings of photography, painting and image editing. On the one hand he is shoots vigorous and lonely pictures, on the other hand he tries to find abandoned images by the history. By painting and editing, he makes a new presentation. This deconstruction of the image of its works exudes a unique charm. His works "Obsessed" and "Ficciones" were published in 2011 and 2016 by Jiazazhi Press. He has won Gucang Dummy Award Martin Parr Edition prize in 2015, New Photography Award of Lianzhou International Photography Annual in 2011 and of MIO Award Special Mentions in 2010.
Nominator: Thomas Sauvin
Nominated Artists:
Feng Li (White Night)
Sun Yanchu (Ficciones)
Feng Li & Sun Yanchu @ Jimei x Arles
Text / Thomas Sauvin
In the global context of image overproduction and the photo festival circuit in which works are digested, presented and archived at an ever faster pace, the works of Fengli and Sun Yanchu are remarkably consistent. In an era in which photographers increasingly envisage their creations in the form of projects that follow one another without resemblance, Fengli and Sun Yanchu have a much more visceral approach to photography. In effect, it is their life and nothing else that forms their subject, and the only project that exists is themselves and their interaction with what surrounds them. While their styles are very different, one practices fast photography in an urban environment while the other plays in the sphere of plastic art, what they have in common is the practice of longterm image-making, factoring in time in the process of maturation.
Fengli for example is the man of one series, White Night, which he has worked on for more than 10 years. All his talent, flair, and technique, are deployed in one and the same work, intimately tied to his daily life. If some practice photography as if it were hunting, one can say that Fengli practices it more like calligraphy or morning taiji. Like a sportsman or musician who repeats a movement 100 or 1000 times, Fengli takes daily pictures in Chengdu. Skilled at shooting very intuitive street photos, he wanders the city, delicately capturing the city’s human fauna in all its incredible postures.
His photos tend to show chance encounters with an improbable cast of reality, its shopping streets, parks and restaurants. It seems that Fengli is most at ease at close range rather than going on distant adventures, and it is almost in spite of himself that strange creatures find themselves stuck on his viewfinder. Fengli has an eye only for the everyday and it is without effort that he discovers the most unusual scenes of the ordinary spectacle of life. Starlets in mini skirts, old ladies in fake fur, aimless street sleepers, a multicoloured parrot, he pins down unique characters who all, in their own ways, seem to play a part in the great fiction of ordinary life.
As for Sun Yanchu, he takes on the photographic medium as the raw material for experimenting on the image and endlessly drawing out the web of his obsessions as a man and as an artist. In the beginning he alters his own prints, from the Obsessed series (2011), later working with photos gathered in flea markets. With the series and book Ficciones he subjects photos to plastic experiments of all kinds, mixing gold leaf, watercolour, acrylic, even soy sauce, aging the original content of these photos. Often small in size, they become a pretext for starting a story or a tale that it develops beyond the restricted frame of the drawing, creating with paintbrush or pen doubly fictive landscapes. Fictitious because they are made of abandoned images, cut off from their primary context, and also because they are covered, buried, layer by layer, under pigment and other material. These miniature fictions are unique pieces that distinguish Sun's work from the current mode of production. The photograph here is both the guinea pig and the object of sublimation.
Thomas Sauvin 苏文是一位醉心于中国老照片的法国收藏家与艺术家,定居于北京与巴黎两地。2009年,他开启了一个全新而又与众不同的旅程:在北京郊区的一家废品收购站搜集将要被集中销毁的废弃底片。打那之后,这一独特的收藏工程便如滚雪球一般越做越大,在旧货市场和网络上搜寻来的零散照片与影集也纷纷被囊括其中。如今他收集来的底片已逾50万张,摄制年代多二十世纪中后期。这一影像档案库构筑了一座跨文化交流的视觉平台,唤醒了国人对那段旧时光的共同回忆。苏文的老照片收藏也在世界范围内得到了关注:该系列作品曾参展新加坡国际摄影节(2012)与中国最具权威、历史最为悠久的连州国际摄影年展(2013),并斩获了连州影展的新摄影年度大奖。该系列获奖作品随即先后展出于澳大利亚4A亚洲当代艺术中心(2014)、美国芝加哥当代摄影博物馆(2014)、瑞士Vevey’s Festival Images (2014)、比利时布鲁塞尔巴黎-北京美术馆(2014)、中国北京中央美术学院(2015)、美国旧金山SF Camera works (2016)、美国旧金山中国文化中心(2016)、法国旺多姆Promenades photographiques(2016)以及瑞士Vevey Festival Images (2016)。参展奔波之余,苏文也没有停下老照片的整理与编纂工作。他至今已出版了五本著作,其中就包括了曾入围2013年(巴黎摄影光圈基金会)Paris Photo ApertureFoundation(“第一本摄影集”) First Photobook Award奖项决赛的限量版影集《北京银矿(Beijing Silvermine))。而另一本《双喜(Until Death Do Us Part))也被英国著名摄影师Martin Parr 钦定为2015年《英国摄影杂志》年度最佳影集之一。法国国家图书馆也在近期收录了苏文的全套出版作品。
About the curator:
Since 2009, the French collector and artistThomas Sauvin has embarked on an unusual adventure: salvaging discardednegatives from a recycling plant on the edge of Beijing that were destined todestruction. Undertaking one of the largest and most important archivalprojects in China, he buys by the kilo, taking away rice bags filled withthousands or rolls of slobbery, dusty and scratched negative film. Once closelyexamined, images are consistently selected, digitized, and classified. Today itencompasses over half a million of anonymous photographs spanning the periodfrom 1985 to 2005, reconstructing then a large part of the history of popularanalogue photography in China. This coherent and unceasingly evolving archiveallows us to apprehend negatives in different ways. It constitutes a visualplatform for cross-cultural interactions, while impacting on our collectivememory of the recent past.
Location: Jimei Citizen Center, Xiamen
Facebook: facebook.com/jimeiarlesphoto
DOORS Agency: www.doors-agency.com