

littleflute 鸥暖 2021-10-06




here's now some of them may look back

and ask themselves whether they've made

the right choice whether they've made

the most of the opportunities they've

been given together we have the same

mission in your hearts or inscribe the

values of service sacrifice and devotion

now you must go forth into the world and

turn your hopes and dreams into action

over the course of your life you will

find that things are not always fair you

will find that things happen to you that

you do not deserve and that are not

always warranted but you have to put

your head down and fight fight fight

never ever ever give up

don't give in don't back down and never

stop doing what you know is right

nothing worth doing ever ever ever came

easy and the more righteous your fight

the more opposition that you will face

the story of America is the story of an

adventure that began with deep faith big

dreams and humble beginnings America has

always been the land of dreams because

America is a nation of true believers

when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth

they prayed when the founders wrote the

Declaration of Independence they invoked

our Creator four times because in

America we don't worship government we

worship God it is why our currency

proudly declares in god we trust'

and it's why we proudly proclaim that we

are one nation under God never stop

fighting for what you believe in and for

the people who care about you

carry yourself with dignity and pride

demand the best from yourself the more

people tell you it's not possible that

it can't be done the more you should be

absolutely determined to prove them

wrong treat the word impossible as

nothing more than motivation relish the

opportunity to be an outsider

you must keep pushing forward and always

have the courage to be yourself America

is better when people put their faith

into action to pray to God

and to follow his teachings as long as

you have pride in your beliefs courage

in your convictions and faith in your

God then you will not fail and as long


remains true to its values loyal to its

citizens and devoted to its creator then

our best days are yet to come

I can promise you that god bless you and

God bless the United States of America



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