


8月24日上午,美国商务部部长威尔伯·L·罗斯(Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.)宣布将任命罗斯科·霍华德(Roscoe C. Howard, Jr.)为驻中兴(ZTE)特别合规协调员(the Special Compliance Coordinator)。该人员将负责协调、审查以及评估中兴、其子公司和分支公司的生意运作是否美国出口控制法,并将所获情况向美商务部报告。据悉,霍华德将对中兴的运作有“前所未有的获知权限”。霍华德是知名律所Barnes & Thornburg的诉讼部门合伙人,曾任哥伦比亚特区检察官。


Today, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. announced the selection of Roscoe C. Howard, Jr. to be the Special Compliance Coordinator (SCC) for Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment Corporation, of Shenzhen, China and ZTE Kangxun Telecommunications Ltd. of Hi-New Shenzhen, China (collectively, ZTE). The Special Compliance Coordinator was selected after a rigorous search by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). This appointment is the result of the historic settlement between the Department of Commerce and ZTE that includes a $1.761 billion fine, a ten-year probationary period, and the installation of the coordinator to conduct regular and comprehensive compliance supervision by a team answerable to BIS.

“Today’s appointment is the continuation of the unprecedented measures imposed on ZTE by the Department of Commerce,” said Secretary Ross. “Mr. Howard is exceptionally well-versed in corporate compliance, having tried more than 100 cases as a federal prosecutor, as well as helping those in the private sector on compliance and ethics issues.”      今天,商务部部长Wilbur L.Ross宣布推选小罗斯科担任中国深圳中兴电信设备公司和中兴康讯电讯有限公司(统称中兴)合规特别协调员。合规问题特别协调员是在工业和安全局的认真调查之后选定的。这一任命是商务部与中兴通讯之间历史性合解的结果,其中包括罚款17.61亿美元,为期10年的试用期,以及任命协调员,由一个对美国工业安全局负责的小组进行定期和全面的合规监督。


“I am honored to be selected for this critical role,” said Mr. Howard. “My team and I will be vigilant in efforts to ensure that ZTE complies with all U.S. export control laws and regulations.”

Mr. Howard is a Partner in Barnes & Thornburg’s Litigation Department in Washington, D.C.  He is a graduate of Brown University and earned his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.  He previously served as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia from 2001-2004.  Prior to his appointment, Mr. Howard was a tenured, full professor at the University of Kansas School of Law.  He has twice served as an Associate Independent Counsel under both Republican and Democrat Presidents and was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia and in the Eastern District of Virginia. Howard has served as an Associate Independent Counsel on two occasions. During his first occasion serving as an Associate Independent Counsel, Howard served as a lead prosecutor for the Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) investigating questionable programs, officials and activities at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under former Secretary Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. During his second occasion serving as an Associate Independent Counsel, Howard was lead trial counsel in the fraud, false statements and gratuities investigation and trial of former Secretary of Agriculture A. Michael Espy.       霍华德先生说:“我很荣幸能被选入这个重要的角色。”“我和我的团队将保持警惕,努力确保中兴遵守美国所有出口管制法律和规定。”

霍华德先生是华盛顿市Barnes & Thornburg诉讼部的合伙人。他毕业于布朗大学,在弗吉尼亚大学法学院获得法学博士学位。2001年至2004年,他曾担任哥伦比亚特区的美国检察官。在他被任命之前,霍华德先生是堪萨斯大学法学院的正式教授。他曾两次担任共和党和民主党总统的助理独立律师,并曾担任哥伦比亚特区和弗吉尼亚州东区的助理美国检察官。霍华德曾两次担任独立协理律师。霍华德在担任助理独立律师期间,在前国务卿小塞缪尔·皮尔斯的领导下,担任独立顾问办公室的首席检察官,调查美国住房和城市发展部有问题的方案、官员和活动。在第二次担任助理独立律师期间,霍华德在前农业部长A·迈克尔·埃斯皮的欺诈、虚假陈述和酬金调查和审判中担任首席出庭律师。

The Special Compliance Coordinator’s function will be to coordinate, monitor, assess, and report on compliance with U.S. export control laws by ZTE, its subsidiaries, and affiliates worldwide. As stated in the Superseding Agreement and Order, the coordinator will operate with unprecedented access across the company.

In addition to the requirement to retain the coordinator, the Superseding Agreement and Order imposed a $1.761 billion monetary penalty, a ten-year conditionally-suspended denial order, which BIS can activate in the event of additional violations during the ten-year probationary period, and a requirement that ZTE replace the entire board of directors and the senior leadership of the company.      特别合规协调员的职能将是协调、监测、评估和报告中兴公司、其附属公司和世界各地的子公司遵守美国出口管制法律的情况。正如“替代协议和秩序”中所述,协调员将以前所未有的方式在整个公司内运作。



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