最近,香港警务处副处长郭荫庶接受彭博社采访时遭遇“挖坑埋雷”。面对美媒的挖坑式提问,郭荫庶坚定回应:“作为中国人,我的忠诚从未改变。” 彭博社记者:How have you changed your loyalty? You joined the police force in 1990 when it was the Royal Hong Kong Police Force under British rule. Now it is under Chinese rule.
郭荫庶回应有理有力:My loyalty first and foremost was as a Chinese person. I never changed. I was born a Chinese person, in a land which ought to be Chinese. I came under British rule not of my choice. (首先,作为中国人,我的忠诚从未改变。我生来就是中国人,出生在一片本该属于中国人的土地上。我曾受英国统治,但这并非我的选择。)