

转自CMAU 营销科学家 2023-02-02



聚焦前沿 | 市场学顶级期刊JM文章选集





Strong Anxiety Boosts New Product Adoption When Hope Is Also Strong 

作 者:Yu-Ting, Lin; MacInnis, Deborah J; Eisingerich, Andreas B.

期 刊:Journal of Marketing; Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  60-78, 2020.



New products can evoke anticipatory emotions such as hope and anxiety. On the one hand, consumers might hope that innovative offerings will produce goal-congruent outcomes; on the other hand, they might also be anxious about possible outcomes that are goal-incongruent. The authors demonstrate the provocative and counterintuitive finding that strong anxiety about potentially goal-incongruent outcomes from a new product actually enhances (vs. weakens) consequential adoption intentions (Study 1) and actual adoption (Studies 2 and 3) when hope is also strong. The authors test action planning (a form of elaboration) and perceived control over outcomes as serial mediators to explain this effect. They find that the proposed mechanism holds even after they consider alternative explanations, including pain/gain inferences, confidence in achieving goal-congruent outcomes, global elaboration, affective forecasts, and motivated reasoning. Managerially, the findings suggest that when bringing a new product to market, new product adoption may be greatest when hope and anxiety are both strong. The findings also point to ways in which marketers might enhance hope and/or anxiety, and they suggest that the use of potentially anxiety-inducing tactics such as disclaimers in ads and on packages might not deter adoption when hope is also strong.

新产品可以唤起预期的情绪,如希望和焦虑。一方面,消费者可能希望创新产品将产生符合目标的结果;另一方面,消费者可能对可能产生的目标不一致的结果感到焦虑。作者指出引起争议和违反直觉性的发现,即当希望强烈时,对新产品可能产生的目标不一致的结果的强烈焦虑实际上会增强(与削弱)相应的采用意图(研究 1)和实际采用(研究 2 和 3)强。为了解释这一效果,作者测试了作为一系列调节变量的行动计划(一种阐述形式)和感知控制对结果的影响。他们发现,即使在考虑其他解释之后,提议的机制仍然存在,包括付出/收益推论、对实现目标一致的结果的信心、全面阐述、情感预测和有动机的推理。从管理上看,研究结果表明,在将新产品推向市场时,当希望和焦虑都强烈时,新产品的采用可能最大。研究结果还指出,营销人员可以增强希望和/或焦虑的方式,他们表明,当希望也很强烈时,在广告和包装上使用免责声明等潜在引起焦虑的策略,可能不会阻止消费者的采用意愿。



Collaborative Market Driving: How Peer Firms Can Develop Markets Through Collective Action

作 者:Maciel, Andre F; Fischer, Eileen.

期 刊:Journal of Marketing, Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  (Sep 2020): 41-59.



Firms often aim to develop markets as part of their long-term strategies. Conventionally, research in marketing has explained this complex process by stressing firms’ efforts to outdo their peers. While this emphasis is valuable, it overlooks the role of another major force in market evolution: collective action among peer firms. To address this oversight, this article conceptualizes “collaborative market driving,” defining it as the collective strategy in which peer firms consistently cooperate among themselves and with other actors to develop markets in ways that increase their overall competitiveness. This conceptualization includes the triggers that lead peer firms to mobilize for collective action and coalesce with other market actors; it also identifies how this coalition converts collective resources into market-driving power. These theoretical contributions, based on a multimethod analysis of the rise of U.S. craft breweries, offer an alternative course of action for firms interested in driving new markets when they lack adequate resources to do so individually.

公司往往以发展市场为目标作为其长期战略的一部分。传统上,市场营销研究通过强调企业超越同行的努力来解释这一复杂过程。虽然这种强调很有价值,但却忽略了另一个主要力量在市场演变中的作用,同行公司之间的行动协同。为了强调这一问题,本文将 “协同市场驱动” 概念化为一种协同战略,即同行公司彼此之间以及与其他行为者持续合作,以提高其整体竞争力的方式发展市场。这种概念包括引导同行公司动员起来采取协作并与其他市场行为者结合的触发因素;它还确定了这种联盟如何将协同资源转化为市场驱动力量。这些理论上的贡献是基于对美国手工酿酒厂崛起的多方法分析的,当驱动新市场的公司缺乏足够的资源来单独推动新市场时,为它们提供了另一种行动方案。



Turning Complaining Customers into Loyal Customers: Moderators of the Complaint Handling–Customer Loyalty Relationship 

作 者:Morgeson, Forrest V, III; Hult G Tomas M; Mithas Sunil; Keiningham Timothy; Fornell Claes.

期 刊:Journal of Marketing; Chicago Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  (Sep 2020): 79-99.


Firms spend substantial resources responding to customer complaints, and the marketing profession has a long history of supporting that enterprise to promote customer loyalty. The authors question whether this response is always warranted or whether its effectiveness instead depends on economic, industry, customer–firm, product/service, and customer segment factors that may alter the firm’s incentives to compete on complaint management. To consider this question, they integrate economic and marketing theories and investigate factors that influence the complaint recovery–customer loyalty relationship via a sample of 35,597 complaining customers spanning a ten-year period across economic sectors, industries, and firms. Overall, the authors find that the recovery–loyalty relationship is stronger in faster-growing economies, for industries with more competition, for luxury products, and for customers with higher satisfaction and higher expectations of customization. Conversely, the recovery–loyalty relationship is weaker when customers’ expectations of product/service reliability are higher, for manufactured goods, and for men compared with women. The authors discuss implications of these results for managers, policy makers, and researchers for more effective management of customer complaints.




When Less Is More: How Mindset Influences Consumers’ Responses to Products with Reduced Negative Attributes

作 者:Wong, Vincent Chi; Su, Lei; Lam, Howard Pong-Yuen.

期 刊:Journal of Marketing, Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  (Sep 2020): 137-153.


Marketing communications often describe a reduction in a product’s negative attributes (e.g., “our mineral water now uses 34% less plastic”). This claim may be interpreted as a trend of improving relative to previous state. However, such a claim may also call attention to a negative product feature that might have otherwise been overlooked. The authors suggest that whether consumers are positively or negatively influenced by such claims depends on whether the claims are interpreted through an incremental or entity mindset. When a reduction in negative attributes is viewed through an incremental mindset—the tendency to think of attributes as malleable—a trend-based interpretation results in improved product evaluations. In contrast, an entity mindset that emphasizes attributes are unlikely to change produces a negative effect for the claim. Four experiments and a field survey (N = 2,543) across food, pharmaceuticals, and plastic bottle products confirm the effects and indicate that the effects diminish when consumers believe the attribute is easy to eliminate or when the attribute has extremely threatening consequences. The opposite is observed for claims of reduced positive attributes, such that an entity mindset produces more positive evaluations. The findings offer marketers consumer insights to guide the communication of negatively framed attributes.

营销传播通常描述产品的负面属性有所减少(例如,“我们的矿泉水现在使用塑料减少了 34%”)。这一诉求可被解释为与以前的状态相比有所改善的趋势。但是,这样的声明也可能引起人们注意到原本可能被忽略的负面产品功能。作者认为,消费者是否受到这种主张的积极影响还是消极影响,取决于是否通过渐进的思维或实体的思维来解释这些主张。当通过渐进的思维模式(将属性视为可扩展性的倾向)来看待负面属性的减少时,基于趋势的解释可以改进对产品评估。相反,强调属性的实体思维方式不大可能改变对该声明产生的负面影响。对食品、药品和塑料瓶产品进行的四个实验和现场调查(N = 2,543)确认,当消费者认为该属性易于消除或该属性具有极其威胁性后果时,效果会减弱。对于积极属性降低的诉求,则观察到的情况恰恰相反,实体思维者的心态会产生更积极的评价。这些研究结果为营销人员提供了消费者洞察力,以指导消费者沟通负面框架属性。







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图文编辑:李一鑫  审校:张希贤


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中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。







