

我是小F FT每日英语 2022-12-16




Israel’s parliament has given preliminary approval to a contentious law change that would allow people who have been convicted of crimes but spared jail time to become ministers.


The vote in the Knesset on Tuesday night is part of a broader legislative blitz designed to make good on a series of promises made by prime-minister-in waiting Benjamin Netanyahu to his religious and far-right coalition partners, and enable the formation of a new government by a December 21 deadline.

周二晚在以色列议会举行的表决是更广泛的立法闪电战的一部分,目的是兑现候任总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)对其宗教和极右翼联盟伙伴做出的一系列承诺,并赶在12月21日这个截止日期之前组成一个新政府。

The move, which must be confirmed by three further votes, paves the way for Aryeh Deri, head of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party and a key Netanyahu ally, to take on the interior and health portfolios in the new government, despite being convicted of tax fraud earlier this year.

此举还必须通过三次进一步的表决得到确认,它将为犹太教极端正统派的沙斯党(Shas)的领袖、内塔尼亚胡的重要盟友阿里耶•德里(Aryeh Deri)执掌新政府的内政部和卫生部铺平道路,尽管他在今年早些时候被判犯有税务欺诈罪。

——本文2022年12月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Israel’s parliament votes to allow those with criminal convictions to serve as ministers




Denmark’s first coalition between left and rightwing parties since the 1970s will cut a public holiday to boost defence spending, increase the country’s climate ambitions and reduce taxes for most high earners in a historic agreement.


Social Democrat prime minister Mette Frederiksen will carry on in the job but, for the first time since an ill-fated coalition in 1978, her centre-left party will share power with their centre-right arch-rivals the Liberals, as well as new centrist party, the Moderates, led by her predecessor as premier, Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

社会民主党(Social Democrat)首相梅特•弗雷德里克森(Mette Frederiksen)将继续担任首相。自1978年一次失败的联合政府以来,她的中左翼政党将首次与他们的中右翼劲敌自由党(Liberal),以及由她的前任总理拉尔斯•洛克•拉斯穆森(Lars Løkke Rasmussen)领导的新中间派政党温和派(Moderate)分享权力。

Frederiksen was forced to call early elections because of her botched handling of a cull of all of Denmark’s 17mn minks, but sought to regain the initiative by proposing a centrist coalition to address the war in Ukraine and the twin energy and cost of living crises.


——本文2022年12月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Danish government to cut bank holiday to boost defence spending




The main US markets watchdog has released the outlines of the most sweeping overhaul of stock trading in more than a decade, with a goal of improving prices for small investors.


Gary Gensler, chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, said markets were not “as fair and competitive as possible” as he and other commissioners began a meeting on Wednesday to discuss and vote on four rule proposals.

美国证交会(SEC)主席加里•根斯勒(Gary Gensler)表示,市场并没有“尽可能地公平和具有竞争力”。他和其他委员周三开始开会,讨论并投票表决4项规则提案。

“The markets have become increasingly hidden from view, especially for individual investors,” he added in prepared remarks. “This is in part because there isn’t a level playing field among different parts of the market: wholesalers, dark pools and lit exchanges.”


——本文2022年12月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为SEC takes up sweeping overhaul of US stock market



Goldman Sachs is considering shrinking the bonus pool for its more than 3,000 investment bankers by at least 40 per cent this year, as chief executive David Solomon tries to control costs with deeper cuts than many of its Wall Street rivals.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)正考虑今年将其逾3000名投资银行家的奖金池削减至少40%。与许多华尔街竞争对手相比,高盛首席执行官戴维•所罗门(David Solomon)试图通过更大幅度的削减来控制成本。

The final bonus pools at Goldman are still being decided but the prospect of the deep cuts has fed fears that the bank could face high staff turnover in the new year, according to people familiar with the matter.


“I think we’re going to be worse than the Street,” one senior Goldman banker said.


——本文2022年12月15日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Goldman Sachs weighs bonus cut of at least 40% at investment bank




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