
干货 | 翻译培训知识整理

2017-08-14 有译思 有译思









2. 中文中的成语、俗语不要太拘泥于原文了







1. customs duties 关税

2. external-affairs commissioner 外事专员

3. Galeries lafayette 老佛爷百货公司

4. to scale back headcounts 裁员

5.  international reverse currencies 国际储存货币

6. put oneself in opponent’s shoes 换位思考

7. CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议

8. Power is not to be used arbitrarily 有权不可任性

9. hedge fund 对冲基金

10. national debt 国债

11.Leaf peeper 赏叶人

12.Nutritarian 营养爱好者

13.Senior names 成人假名

14.Belly outlines 腹部小肚腩

15.Life password 生命密码

16.Weapon of mass distraction 大规模注意力分散

17.election cycle 选举周期

18.herd effects 羊 41 37242 41 15262 0 0 3635 0 0:00:10 0:00:04 0:00:06 3635效应

19.geopolitical standing 地缘政治地位

20.anti-dumping 反倾销

21.state-controlled company 国有控股企业

22.discount rate 贴现率

23.Council of European Union 欧盟理事会

24. the European Council 欧洲理事会

25.IPO(initial public offering)首次公开募股

26.carbon sink 碳汇

27.general transfer payment一般性转移支付

28.outstanding debt 未偿债务

29.hybrid vehicle 混合动力型汽车

30.risk exposure 风险敞口

31.debt-to-asset ratio 资产负债率

32.free trade pilot zones 自贸试验区

33.Made in China 2025 strategy/ initiative 中国制造2025

34.residence card 居住证

35.energy mix 能源结构

36.tuition and miscellaneous fees 学杂费

37.Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部

38.frictional unemployment 摩擦性失业

39.structural unemployment 结构性失业

40.subprime crisis 次贷危机

41.offshoring 离岸外包

42.The Bank for International Settlements (BIS)国际清算银行

1.收费公路债券 toll road bond

2.深度学习 in-depth learning

3.食疗 dietary therapy

4.行政问责制 administrative accountability system

5.森女 Mori girl

6.基准利率 benchmark rate

7.全家桶 Family Bucket

8.双眼皮 double eyelid

9.西厢记 Romance of the Western Chamber

10.徇私舞弊 play favouritism and commit irregularities

11.建军大业 The Founding of An Army

12.长征 Long March

13.反围剿斗争 counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign

14.中国人民解放军 The People's Liberation Army


16.拼车 car-pooling

17.枪版电影 Bootleg version

18.雪花一代 Snowflake generation

19.绿色金融 green finance

20.禁渔令 fishing ban

21.撤军:withdraw troops

22.现代医院管理:modern hospital management

23.政事分开:government functions be separated from institution functions

24.管办分开:supervision be separated from day-to-day operations

25.打击网络侵权盗版治理行动:a campaign to crackdown on internet infringement and piracy

26.无现金社会:cashless society

27.悬挂式单轨列车:mounted monorail train

28.空轨或空中列车:sky train

29.养老服务业: elderly care service industry


31.地沟油:gutter oil;illegal cooking oil; swill-cooked dirty oil

32.全域旅游:all-for-one tourism

33.贫富差距:wealth gap

34.售后服务:after-sales service

35.积极的财政政策:proactive fiscal policy

36.共享单车:bike sharing; shared bike

37.实名制:real name registration

38.挪用公款:embezzle public money

39.首付款:down payment

40.经济适用房:affordable housing

41.反腐剧:anti-corruption TV series

42.国产航母:domestically built aircraft carrier

43.2030愿景:Vision 2030

44.21世纪海上丝绸之路:the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

45.脱欧公投: Brexit referendum

46.核心舱:core module

47.提案proposal 草案draft 议案motion审议deliberation决议 resolution

48.小程序:mini apps

49.转基因食品:genetically modified (GM) food

50.人脸识别:facial recognition



Once a Chinese exchange student, who went to America on the summer camp, told me one thing confused herself. She stayed in an American family. The couples[n1]  of this family are lawyers with 4 boys, ranging from primary students to high school students. They have a big house, a large low boat with a flat bottom and a private plane. They are rich but live in a simple way. Once, the couple went on a holiday, leaving four children at home. Before their leaving, they left four same food and asked their children to do one job, such as mowing the lawn, scrubbing the pool and sprucing up the kitchen or the bathroom and so forth. For these children, didn’t have sufficient food while the younger had too much food. As a result, the big one asked the young one for food at the cost of helping the young one do some housework.


It is a typical American family, not for its wealth but for the values it upholds. (this family is wealthier than most American families.)



It is said in the Doctrine of the Mean that the one who loves to study is close to knowledge, someone who practices himself is close to benevolence, and someone who has the sense of shame is close to bravery. Here, the sense of shame is a civilized indicator which suggests one to be a human. One of the expressions of human civilization is to have the sense of shame. Mencius said:” One without the sense of compassion is an unqualified person ; one without the sense of shame is an unqualified person; one without the sense of humility is an unqualified person; and one without the sense of justice is an unqualified person.”


The sense of compassion means that you cannot bear to do something, which is  forbearance. You shouldn’t do to others what you don’t wish them to do to you. The sense of humility is to live with decorum. The sense of justice is to maintain the integrity and justice in the society. And the sense of shame is to know what shame is. Mencius believed these four aspects to be the four origins of a person, which means the beginning to be a person. Without these four basics, one could not be called a person, who in Mencius words is an unqualified person.


There is no need to reemphasize the significance of the four origins proposed by Mencius. In the society nowadays, compassion between one and another seems to be rather rare. Are the passersby who neglect the dying person only afraid of the erroneous judgement? I suppose they lack a sense of justice, compassion, and sympathy. In conclusion, I believe the common value in nowaday society should[n7]  be the sense of priority, justice, honesty and honor, which originate in the most basic value of the Chinese culture, and is meant to be acknowledged by the whole society.



Melancholy is a species of sadness that arises when we are open to the fact that life is inherently difficult and that suffering and disappointment are core parts of universal experience. It’s not a disorder that needs to be cured.


Modern society tends to emphasize buoyancy and cheerfulness. But we have to admit that reality is for the most part about grief and loss. The good life is not one immune to sadness, but one in which suffering contributes to our development.


Sometimes you feel sad and you can’t quite put your finger on why. It’s not one acute sorrow that’s eating you. You feel in a way the whole of life calls for tears. Melancholy is a key mental state and a valuable one, because it links pain with beauty and wisdom. Our suffering isn’t merely chaotic – a mark of failure, an error – it can be linked to admirable things. Often, sadness simply makes a lot of sense.

有时你会莫名感到难过,找不到原因。你感觉到的并不是正在被强烈的悲伤吞噬,而是一种令生活处处都引人垂泪的情绪[n1] 。忧郁是一种重要而珍贵的精神状态,它在痛苦和美丽、智慧之间架起一座桥梁。我们的苦难并不仅仅是一团乱麻——一个失败的标记,一个错误——它有时可以与令人向往的事物相连。悲伤经常是有深刻意义的。

We feel melancholy when we consider: The things we love are transient. Yesterday will never come back. Every day you take a step nearer to death. The people who cared for us when we were young are getting older. We’ll be following their path to decline soon enough.


This should not make us desperate, but rather more forgiving, kinder and better able to focus on what really matters, while there is still time.



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