
双语译文 | 美国将对进口金属征税,或将对部分国家豁免

2018-03-17 TYV 有译思

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将提高进口钢材与铝材的征税,声称欲借此重振本国钢铁与铝工业。中国、欧盟等对此均作出了反应。


US President Donald Trump has said steel products will face a 25% tariff, with 10% on aluminium goods. He is expected to sign the plan on Thursday.The exemptions - on national security grounds - included Canada, Mexico, spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

Reports, however, suggested the apparent softening of the US stance would last for only 30 days.

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,美国将对进口钢铁产品和铝制产品分别征收25%和10%的关税。预计该计划将于周四签署。出于国家安全考虑,美国将加拿大和墨西哥列为豁免国家,白宫发言人莎拉·桑德斯如是说。但根据报道,美国方面的豁免申请期限仅为30天。

Meanwhile, China threatened an "appropriate and necessary response" in any trade war with the US. Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China and the US should strive to be partners rather than rivals. The EU has proposed retaliatory measures against a number of US goods including bourbon and peanut butter.


Despite opposition at home and abroad, Ms Sanders said the US president would sign the measures in by the end of the week.

But she added: "There are potential carve-outs for Mexico and Canada based on national security, and possibly other countries as well based on that process. That would be [on] a case-by-case and country by country basis."


President Trump has previously suggested that planned tariffs for Canada and Mexico could be abandoned if a "new and fair" North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) is signed.White House trade policy adviser Peter Navarro said on Wednesday that the tariffs would start in 15 to 30 days' time and there would be "a clause that does not impose these tariffs immediately on Canada and Mexico". Both countries knew the president was not "messing around in this", he added.


Why is Mr Trump doing this?


Mr Trump has railed against the US trade deficit, arguing that other countries have been "taking advantage of" the US for decades.One of his campaign promises was to rebuild the US steel and aluminium industries which he said has suffered "disgraceful" treatment from other countries, in particular cheap Chinese imports. Last week he dismissed concerns he could trigger a trade war, instead saying "trade wars are good" and were something the US would easily win.


What's the reaction been?


The US plans have sparked worldwide alarm and jolted stock markets. Critics argue that the tariffs would fail to protect American jobs and would ultimately raise prices for consumers. International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde warned "nobody wins" in a trade war, saying it would harm global economic growth.


The EU has set out tit-for-tat plans to impose import duties on bourbon, peanut butter, cranberries, orange juice, steel, and industrial products. Other countries are also considering retaliatory steps.Members of Mr Trump's Republican party are concerned too, with House Speaker Paul Ryan saying he wanted to see tariffs that were "more surgical and more targeted".


Tuesday saw the departure of top White House economic advisor Gary Cohn, who is a strong supporter of free trade.







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