

The following article is from 浙江大学ZJUI Author 求是创新的

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UIUC英文写作比赛(Rhetoric Student Essay Contest)是基于写作通识课开展的针对全校学生的比赛,每学期由专家评选出10~20名获胜者。获奖的文章或将被选入教材,成为范文供未来学生学习。

▲ 方骏洲

“说实话,我之所以参加这个比赛,得益于Mary老师的鼓励”,方骏洲向我们娓娓道来他的参赛经历。据悉,这篇得奖的文章实际上是他进入ZJUI后,英语写作课的第一次大作业。该次作业得到了Mary老师的强烈肯定与推荐。于是,抱着试一试的心态,他稍加修改后便投稿参赛了。此次参赛的文章名为《我写作经历中的剪影(Photographs Taken in My Writing Life)》,他在文章中回忆了自小学到大学的写作经历,并讨论了在不同时间段写作的不同特点与意义,也提出了对大学写作的理解。

▲ Mary老师对方骏洲文章的点评

“几个月后,当UIUC发来入选邮件时,我觉得既惊讶又幸运。对我而言,这次比赛是一种鼓励,让我对用写作技巧表达出我的思想更有信心。同时,我也必须感谢我的老师Mary Hays。她是一个很可爱的老师,她一字一句认真地审阅我们的文章并提出非常细致的修改建议。她敬业的精神也鼓舞我们精益求精。”方骏洲说道。

▲ Mary老师的Rhetoric课堂

其指导老师ZJUI兼聘教师、UIUC资深教师Mary Lucille Hays得知方骏洲获奖时,表示很激动,但并不惊讶,她向方骏洲上学期的成绩表达祝贺之余,也期许他收获更好的未来。“在文章中,方骏洲使用了鲜活的视觉隐喻作为框架,也在其文章题目中首尾相应,以照片剪影的隐喻切入来描写自己的写作经历。他说自己的写作旅程‘以创意开始,以模板和规则强化,最终形成成熟的思维模式’。”Mary评价方骏洲的文章时说,“引人入胜的开头,不断深入的分析和贴切的比喻,严密的逻辑都使他的文章笔酣墨饱。他还提出了一个精彩的类比——以写作模板类比人的骨骼,以作者的创意想法类比血肉,骨骼支撑整个身体,而血肉使人生机勃勃。一篇好的文章,就像一个真实的人一样,需要两者。”

谈起Rhetorical Writing这门课,方骏洲认为虽然课程主要在讨论引用、总结和各种逻辑分析法等写作技巧, 但实际上它更本质的意义在于为学生提供了更为广阔的思想与思路。“举个例子,课程对引用的格式问题非常重视,花了几节课的时间来讲解引用页(work cited page)格式。于此我们不仅仅掌握了格式问题,更重要的是,它强化了我们的学术规范意识,教我们学会尊重其他人的成果,深刻认识抄袭的严重性。”方骏洲说,“同样的,在学习如何用图尔敏分析法看懂别人的文章时,我们也会在自己写文章时习惯性地用这种方法思考,以使自己的行文逻辑更严密。


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A ZJUI freshman was awarded the Winner 

of UIUC Rhetoric Student Essay Contest

Recently, Mr. FANG Junzhou (‘26, Computer Engineering), participated in the Fall 2021 UIUC Rhetoric Student Essay Contest with native speakers and was eventually selected as one of the Winner of the contest with his fascinating writing style, rigorous logical argumentation and excellent essay organization.

It is reported that UIUC Rhetoric Student Essay Contest is based on its general writing course for the whole students who participate in the Rhetoric Program (RHET), and there are only 10~20 winners which are selected by experts of each semester. Essays of the winners may be published in the UIUC textbook I Write: A Writing Guide for the Undergraduate Rhetoric Program at the University of Illinois.

“To be honest, the reason I took part in the contest was when I submitted the essay as an assignment, Professor Mary Hays insisted me to post the essay to the contest in her feedback.” FANG Junzhou talked about his experience of taking the competition. According to FANG, his entry named “Photographs Taken in My Writing Life” and was actually the first writing project after he entered ZJUI. It was applauded by Professor Mary. Thinking of having a try, he submitted his composition after polishing. In the essay he recalled his writing journey from primary school to university, talking about different characteristics and meanings of these time periods, and ended by his understanding of academic writing in university.

“That was why I was quite surprised when UIUC sent me a congratulation email several months later. To me, the contest is a kind of encouragement, making me be more confident to express my ideas in English. Meanwhile, I want to deliver my sincere gratitude to Professor Mary, a kind lady who reads my essays carefully and provides the most detailed feedback.” FANG said.

Mary Lucille Hays, ZJUI Adjunct Faculty Professor and UIUC Senior Lecturer, was thrilled but not surprised when she heard her student declared a winner of the Fall 2021 Rhetoric Essay Contest. She congratulated FANG Junzhou on his excellent work last semester and looked forward to his future success. Mary commented that “FANG used a lovely visual metaphor as a framework, which was echoed in his title: ‘Photographs Taken in My Writing Life.’ He said his journey started ‘with creativity, strengthened by templates and rules, and eventually formed a mature thinking pattern.’ At the beginning of the essay, he made his readers hunger for more, and then satisfied that hunger with continuous in-depth analysis, more of his apt metaphors, and a description of his growth from a student who ‘despised’ the structures and templates for writing, to a mature student who could see some benefits from these writing patterns and ‘found that there was still some room for creativity.’” One of FANG’s most stunning sentences was,

I believed that those writing templates are bones to a person, and my personal ideas are flesh and blood. Bones support the whole body, while blood and flesh make the person vital. A good piece of writing, like a real person, needs both.

When it comes to the course Rhetorical Writing, FANG claimed that although Rhetorical Writing mainly talks about writing skills like citing, summarizing, and analyzing, it actually shows us multiple ideas and logics. “For example, the course emphasized on format of citation, spending much of time talking about work cited page. It was conveying an idea that we should respect other’s works and avoid plagiarism.” Fang explained and added, “When learning Toulmin Analysis to understand articles, we would gradually apply the method to our own essays to make them more logical.”



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