
击杀新冠最前沿: 扎克伯格对话美国传染病大师Fauci医生

太乙玄门 2022-11-29







疫情里, 中国人民信任就属84岁的钟南山。无独有偶,在美国,也有一位老爷爷,为美国疫情奔波着。他的名字是:Dr. Anthony S. Fauci(安东尼·福奇),80周岁,美国联邦政府首席传染病专家、美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(NIAID)所长。


Facebook创始人扎克伯格以 陈-扎克伯格基金会的身份,通过连线直播的方式专访了这位美国“钟南山”福奇博士,主要谈了当下美国疫情的严重性,以及应对措施,同时也提到了疫苗的研发进展等话题。

Dr. Fauci和扎克伯格的对话摘要. Dr Fauci 是位非常靠谱和具有社会良知的科学家,在这个关键时刻坚持科学求实精神,乃美国之幸。


2)Fauci本人不同意 50% 的人最终会感染这个推论。很多pandemic 最多也只达到 15% -20%,只有在完全没有控制隔离的模式里,才有可能达到 50%。感染的人数最终决定于隔离的效率。

3)shelter in place: 重灾区的老弱人群,比如年长有慢性病正在接受化疗等,特别需要在家隔离。但是我们都在同一条船上。年轻人虽然极少重症,但是被感染的可能性是一样的。很多轻症状甚至是无症状的年轻人,很容易把病毒传给高危的人群。年轻人对社会应该有责任感,应该保护老弱人群,有症状的年轻人也要自我隔离。


5)虽然全国隔离现在只是15天,但是根据之后病毒的去向,可能更长。Fauci 觉得会多过15 天,因为其他国家需要更长时间才达到高峰。

6)当年 Sars 只维持了一个季节,就从此消失了, Fauci觉得新冠病毒因为传播更容易,可能回卷土从来,但是因为各种治疗疫苗的发展,而且很多人已经得过有免疫力,肯定没有第一波严重。


8)这次我们最大的教训就是 cdc 政府机关与私人经营的生产测试盒的公司没有一套迅速生产百万测试盒的方案,但是 lesson learned。

9)医院设备病房短缺问题,department of defense 正在确保提供医疗设备,也会调用 navy ship 做暂时病房。医院可以取消 elective medical procedure,让出更多资源应付情况。


11)我们现在有几种药正在试用,比如治疗 malaria的一种十分便宜的药,可能可以治疗新冠。

12)远期目标是一种可以对付不同冠状病毒的疫苗,SARS MERS cov-19。


14)long term carrier 长期病毒携带者还有 reinfected 重复感染,根据目前的各种证据,不太可能。Fauci本人推断,新冠和其他病毒一样,如果感染后治疗好,以后不会再次感染同样病毒。


The interview came just hours after Zuckerberg announced he was going live with "the nation's top infectious disease expert involved in leading our government's response" during the coronavirus pandemic.

When asked by the Facebook CEO about the potential use of hotels as medical facilities, Dr Fauci said: "We need to think about that seriously Mark and prepare for it."

Dr. Fauci added: "Including universities - where students are not coming back - that is certainly another possibility to consider."

He said the use of hotels needs to be thought about more and stressed the need for hospitals across the US to delay and cancel elective surgical and medical admissions.

"That's the way you chew up a lot of resources - beds, masks, personal protective equipment," Dr. Fauci said.

Zuckerberg recalled how people are worried about the spike in hospital patients, the shortage of beds, ICU ventilators, and masks.

Dr. Fauci confirmed that whenever there's an outbreak - "a full blown explosive outbreak" - supplies become an issue.

He said: "Right now we have a strategic stockpile that has ventilators and tens of millions of face masks."

The medical expert said its important we get the Department of Defense to put in a "considerable number of ventilators" - just in case the national stockpile isn't enough.

Millions of respirator masks will be available, he said.

In regards to having enough hospital beds, Dr. Fauci said: "Its a possibility we might have a problem."

As a precaution, Dr. Fauci said: "Two navy ships are being mobilized to the new york area - in case they get overrun with lack of beds - so non coronavirus patients can be put on the hospital ship."

Some of the questions Zuckerberg asked came from Facebook users' comments.

In response to when is it ok to interact with others after being infected, Dr. Fauci explained two tests will be needed.

He said: "If you are positive - you have the virus in you, you got a nasal swab and you cultured the virus - in order to feel safe and go into society you have to have two positive separate tests, 24 hours apart."

Another asked if people can be long term carriers of the virus.

"All the evidence in other situations, indicate that once you are infected and you resolve the virus, you are not infected anymore, Dr. Fauci stated.

He projected that once someone gets infected and recovers, they will not get reinfected with this exact virus.

Dr. Fauci's Facebook interview comes days after he had not been seen at any recent White House conferences.

His disappearance prompted "Where is doctor Fauci?" to trend on Twitter.


Anthony S. Fauci(安东尼·福奇)于1940年12月24日在美国纽约布鲁克林出生,是意大利裔美国人。其父亲在布鲁克林开了一家药店,全家人一楼经营药店,二楼自己居住。小的时候,Fauci就在药店里打杂,收钱、打包药、送药。小时候就读于天主教学校,高中就读于著名的瑞吉斯耶稣会高中(属纽约地区顶级私立学校,位于曼哈顿,离中央公园就5分钟距离)。

(左图Fauci家的药店 / 右图Fauci高中时还是篮球校队队长)


Fauci在1968年加入位于马里兰州的美国国立卫生研究院(简称NIH:National Institutes of Health)的临床实验室(简称LCI:Laboratory of Clinical Investigation,隶属于NIAID:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease美国国家过敏与传染病研究所)。1974年,他成为临床医学部主任,专门研究死亡率极高的自身免疫性疾病(autoimmune diseases)。作为该领域专家,Fauci经常与美国国家癌症研究所(简称NCI:National Cancer Institute)保持合作,因为很多癌症病人因为化疗(chemotherapy)而导致免疫系统受挫,更容易遭受机会性感染(opportunistic infection)


众所周知,癌症患者在接受大量药物治疗的同时,虽然杀死了癌细胞,但自身免疫系统也会遭到严重破坏。Fauci发现,用小剂量治疗癌症的药物治疗他自己的患自身免疫系统疾病的病人们,既可以保护患者免疫系统,也可以避免受到机会性感染。最终,之前治不了的脉管症(vasculitis syndrome),包括结节性多动脉炎(polyarteritis nodosa)肉芽肿性血管炎(granulomatosis with polyangiitis)淋巴瘤样肉芽肿病(lymphomatoid granulomatosis)的治疗方案,在Fauci的努力下,取得重大突破性进展



Goverment agencies were slow to respond to the crisis(政府部门没有及时行动)。当时第一批患者大多是同性恋男性或者通过静脉注射的吸毒者(intravenous drug users)。当时同性恋团体认为政府部门未及时行动的原因是对他们这个群体的歧视。


因为他的新官衔,人们就开始认为他是联邦政府的代言人“face of the federal government”,一些艾滋病患者群体开始因为政府不力而公开抵制他。抵制者认为国家对有效药的研究进展太慢,导致很多患者不得不死去。




在Fauci的持续努力下,美国研究出了一系列可以有效延长艾滋病患者寿命的药物(Importantly, NIAID research spearheaded by Fauci led to the development of a series of drugs that have made it possible for HIV-positive patients to live long and active lives, without developing full-blown AIDS.);同时,艾滋病患者如果用药降低了体内的病毒水平到无法测见的程度,那么其性伴侣可以免受病毒感染的危险( Also, today when a person takes anti-HIV drugs and brings down the level of virus in the body to below detectability by sensitive assays, the infected person cannot infect his or her uninfected sexual partner. ) This is referred to as “treatment as prevention”(治疗作为预防)。并且,如今,Fauci团队还在致力于研究艾滋病有效药、研发疫苗。

(2008年,小布什总统授予Fauci总统自由勋章 - 公民可获得的最高奖章)



除了Fauci获得的不计其数的奖章之外,today Dr. Fauci is among the most highly cited medical researchers of all time. He is a listed author of more than 1,300 scientific publications and textbooks and is an editor of Harrison's Principles of International Medicine. (Fauci是世界上被引用次数最多的医学研究者之一。他同时又是1300多家科技期刊及教科书的作者,也是《哈里森感染病学》编辑。)


In 2020, as concern mounted over the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, Dr. Fauci again took the lead in mobilizing American science to confront a deadly threat.








