
Cheq:获融$16M 广告反欺诈

Anthony Ha 网络安全投资 2021-05-21

【191120 TechCrunch】Cheq, a startup focused on preventing ad fraud and ensuring that ads run in brand-safe environments, has raised $16 million in Series B funding.

【翻译来自谷歌 未经校对】Cheq是一家致力于防止广告欺诈并确保广告在品牌安全环境中运行的初创公司,已筹集了1600万美元的B轮融资。

When the company raised its $5 million Series A last year, CEO Guy Tytunovich contrasted Cheq’s approach with what he called “first generation solutions for ad verification” — rather than identifying fraud and other issues after an ad has already run, he said Cheq is more proactive and can block ads from being served in real time.

当公司去年筹集了500万美元的A轮融资时,CEO Guy Tytunovich将Cheq的方法与他所谓的“用于广告验证的第一代解决方案”进行了对比-而不是在广告投放后识别欺诈和其他问题,他说Cheq更主动,并且可以阻止广告实时投放。

I caught up with Tytunovich yesterday, and he told me that this approach remains one of Cheq’s strengths.


At the same time, he also acknowledged that “refunds, rebates and make goods” are allowing advertisers to achieve a kind of retroactive prevention. So he’s increasingly focused on Cheq’s accuracy.


Tytunovich suggested that rather than simply relying on keywords (an approach that might suggest that a relatively innocuous article like “LeBron James killed it last night” isn’t an appropriate place to serve an ad), Cheq is examining 1,200 different factors, “looking for anomalies or looking where the fraudster did some sloppy work.”

蒂图诺维奇(Tytunovich)提出,与其仅仅依靠关键字(一种可能暗示相对无害的文章,例如“昨晚勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)杀死了它”,不适合投放广告)的方法,谢克还在研究1200种不同因素,异常或寻找欺诈者在哪里做一些草率的工作。”

He added, “We investigate every single impression in JavaScript. We are extremely deterministic to not cause this damage of false positives and false negatives.”


And Tytunovich said that despite the number of companies tackling the issue, fraud is still growing — he pointed to a recent report from Cheq estimating that fraud will cost advertisers $23 billion this year.


“You need to be smarter every day,” he said. “We’re definitely seeing in ad fraud, not just different types of sophisticated fraud — as the time goes by we see more and more of that organized crime type of ad fraud. Which is fascinating on the one hand, but also it’s kind of frightening if you really think about it.”

他说:“您需要每天变得更聪明。” “我们肯定会看到广告欺诈,而不仅仅是不同类型的复杂欺诈-随着时间的流逝,我们看到越来越多的这种有组织犯罪类型的广告欺诈。一方面令人着迷,但如果您真的考虑一下,那也会令人感到恐惧。”

The new funding was led by Battery Ventures  (which also led the Series A) and MizMaa Ventures. The latter is an Israeli firm that Tytunovich said already “helped tremendously” with things like introductions, even before making an investment.

新的资金由Battery Ventures(也领导A系列)和MizMaa Ventures领导。后者是一家以色列公司,Tytunovich表示,甚至在进行投资之前,就已经在介绍等方面“提供了巨大帮助”。

Cheq is also moving into new areas like connected TV and console gaming.


Ultimately, Tytunovich said he wants the company to become the “immune system of the internet” — which doesn’t just mean detecting ad fraud, but also becoming “a solution to everything that sucks about digital advertising specifically, things like fake news and how advertising relates to that.”


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