
Riskified:获融$165M 电商反欺诈

RefaellaGoichman 网络安全投资 2021-05-21

【191106 Haaretz】The Israeli startup Riskified, which develops technology to protect e-commerce credit transactions and prevent fraud, reported on Tuesday that it has completed a $165 million financing round that, according to the company, values the startup at more than a billion dollars (before the injection of funds).

【翻译来自谷歌 未经校对】以色列初创公司Riskified开发了保护电子商务信用交易和防止欺诈的技术,该公司周二报告称,它已经完成了1.65亿美元的融资,据该公司称,该初创公司的估值超过10亿美元(注入资金)。

Last year, Riskified had revenues of more than $100 million. It has been profitable for the past two years.


The latest funding round was led by the American investment fund General Atlantic, which has also invested in Airbnb, Facebook, the Chinese internet giants Alibaba and ByteDance, the latter of which was the developer of the TikTok app. Also participating in the funding were Fidelity Management & Research, Winslow Capital Management and prior investors Qumra Capital, Pitango Venture Capital and Entrée Capital. The company, which has offices in Tel Aviv and New York and whose prior funding round was in June 2017, has now raised a total of $229 million.

最新一轮融资由美国投资基金通用大西洋公司(General Atlantic)牵头,该公司还投资了Airbnb,Facebook,中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴和字节跳动,后者是TikTok应用程序的开发商。 Fidelity Management&Research,Winslow Capital Management和先前的投资者Qumra Capital,Pitango Venture Capital和EntréeCapital也参与了此次融资。该公司在特拉维夫和纽约设有办事处,之前的一轮融资是在2017年6月,目前已经筹集了2.29亿美元。

The online commerce market has been growing at an annual clip of 20%. In 2021, it is projected that it will be worth $5 trillion worldwide, according to the eMarketer forecasting firm. But the growth is also accompanied by a challenge to prevent online fraud. Riskified’s technology seeks to distinguish between real attempted fraud and legitimate orders by analyzing the consumer’s behavior, thereby reducing the number of genuine transactions that get rejected.

在线商务市场以每年20%的速度增长。根据eMarketer预测公司的预测,到2021年,全球价值将达到5万亿美元。但是,这种增长也伴随着防止在线欺诈的挑战。 Riskified的技术旨在通过分析消费者的行为来区分真实的欺诈尝试和合法的订单,从而减少被拒绝的真实交易的数量。

The technology examines the user’s ongoing activity and analyzes transactions as being either “good” or “not good” and also examines the information that the user provides in the course of the purchase transaction. The system looks at how long the user has spent on the site and which pages have been viewed. At the end of the process, the online merchant is informed as to whether or not the transaction is approved.


Riskified’s CEO and co-founder, Eido Gal, told TheMarker that in the past two years, the company has expanded its product to include contact with banks. “For good [consumers] who have been rejected by the system, we will offer alternative payment methods, for example a deferred bank transfer that goes through us,” he said.

Riskified的首席执行官兼联合创始人Eido Gal告诉TheMarker,在过去两年中,该公司已将其产品扩展到包括与银行的联系。他说:“对于被系统拒绝的优秀[消费者],我们将提供其他付款方式,例如,通过我们的延期银行转帐。

Riskified’s clients include Air Europa airlines, banks and the Wish and Prada websites.


The Israeli startup generates revenues by charging a fee for each approved transaction. The company has some 420 employees, most of whom work in Israel. It has just announced plans to expand its workforce to 600 or 700 within a year.


The company was co-founded in 2013 by Gal, who gained exposure to the issue of credit fraud while working at the Israeli firm Fraud Science, which was acquired by PayPal. The other founder of Riskified was Assaf Feldman, the firm’s chief technology officer. He is a graduate of MIT’s Media Lab program, where he focused on the credit field.

该公司由加尔(Gal)于2013年共同创立,加尔在以色列公司Fraud Science(后来被PayPal收购)工作期间接触了信用欺诈的问题。 Riskified的另一位创始人是该公司的首席技术官Assaf Feldman。他毕业于麻省理工学院的媒体实验室计划,专注于信用领域。

Riskified was in the news in February when the 4th Genesis venture capital fund sold most of its portfolio to Insight Venture Partners. The shares in Riskified were retained, however, on the expectation that it would go public within the next couple of years.

2月,第4个创世纪创投基金将其大部分投资组合出售给Insight Venture Partners时,Riskified成为新闻。但是,Riskified的股票仍保留下来,因为它有望在未来几年内上市。

Gal confirms that the company plans an IPO, calling it “a positive thing and right for the company.” He said he didn’t know when it would happen, whether it would take one year or two, “but the sum [already] raised provides flexibility at this stage for acquisitions and also regarding our expansion.”


In a news release on its latest funding round, the company said it would use its latest injection of cash “to accelerate our product development and further expand our geographic footprint.” Gal said the company would soon be opening an office in Shanghai.

在最新一轮融资的新闻稿中,该公司表示将使用最新的现金注入“以加快我们的产品开发并进一步扩大我们的地理覆盖范围。” Gal表示,该公司很快将在上海开设办事处。

“We have had a measure of success in China. There are several local companies that use our product and to provide them service, we need to be there. The office won’t only be used for sales but also to serve clients there,” he said.


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