
CyberGRX:获融$30M 企业网络风控

【181128 businesswire】CyberGRX, provider of the world’s first and largest global cyber risk exchange, today announced that it has raised $30 million in Series C funding led by Scale Venture Partners. Existing investors Aetna Ventures, AllegisCyber, Bessemer Venture Partners, The Blackstone Group, ClearSky, GV, MassMutual Ventures, and TenEleven Ventures also participated in the round. In the last 12 months, CyberGRX has seen over 1,000 percent growth in both annual revenue, and in companies on the Exchange. The company will deploy the secured capital to support this explosive user growth, further extend augmentation capabilities with a market-leading analytics package, and advance the mission to build a community where enterprises can organize a collective defense against attackers. To date, CyberGRX has raised a total of $59 million in equity financing.

CyberGRX has transformed the way the market conducts third-party cyber risk management by replacing static and siloed methods with a dynamic and collaborative approach that unites third parties and their customers in the fight against cyber threats. While organizations and third parties face different challenges in third-party risk management, CyberGRX has proven that organizations are stronger when they work together. The CyberGRX Exchange breaks down barriers between third parties and their customers, enabling them to share dynamic data and create actionable insights on how to prioritize and reduce their collective risk. As more companies continue to join CyberGRX in an alliance against supply chain attacks, the benefits of the Exchange get stronger and organizations profit from a collaborative approach, including joint negotiation, community benchmarking and shared costs among users.

To help drive the company's enterprise growth strategy, Ariel Tseitlin, a partner at Scale Venture Partners, will join CyberGRX’s board of directors. “CyberGRX has redefined the traditional approach to managing cyber risk by launching an Exchange that standardizes the assessment process for enterprises and third-party customers,” said Tseitlin. “By using a dynamic and collective approach, CyberGRX enables both sides of the market to increase efficiencies while reducing risk. We are very proud to be a part of their growth and look forward to future successes.”

Named an Innovation Sandbox finalist at RSAC 2018, CyberGRX continues to gain momentum. The company has, and will continue to add essential sales, marketing and customer success positions to support their growth, including the recent hire of Brian Fegley, as CyberGRX’s Vice President of Customer Success. Fegley and his team will focus on ensuring the CyberGRX customer experience on and off the Exchange is conducive to helping third parties and their customers work together to reduce risk. Fegley and the CyberGRX customer success team will also manage the recently launched online TPCRM community, purpose-built to encourage cross organizational collaboration between risk professionals and IT teams who are struggling with the inefficiencies created by traditional approaches to third-party cyber risk management.

“Third-party cyber risk management is a challenge to all organizations, regardless of size or industry,” says Fred Kneip, CEO, CyberGRX. “Rather than reacting to breaches after they occur, companies need to take a more proactive approach to managing third-party cyber risk. This requires more industry collaboration, meaning organizations and their third parties must work together to mitigate the risk of potential breaches before they become a target for attackers.”

Any company that shares data with third parties is in a race with hackers. To take the lead, it is critical for organizations, big and small, to identify the vulnerabilities within their digital ecosystem before attackers do. The CyberGRX Exchange is the most cost-effective and easiest way to identify, prioritize and minimize risk, for both third parties and their upstream partners. The Exchange, built on a shared cost model, features comprehensive, standardized assessments as well as the advanced analytics to turn that data into actionable insights and augment teams to achieve more with existing resources.

【网安创企融资/第三方交流合作 加微junshao】


【云安全】ClearDATA:获融$26M 医疗数据云安全

【云安全】Netskope:获融$168.7M 云安全领导者&顶级CASB

【IoT】Dust Identity:获融$2.3M 钻石防克隆安全标签

【工业网安】Dragos:获融$37M 致力于工业网安

【数据安全】安华金和:获近亿¥元融资 布局数据安全

【整体并购】Bluefyre:Threat Stack将其并购 发力云安全

【业务安全】Shape Security:获融$26M 人工智能防黑客

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【云安全】极御云:获融$20M 云安全服务

【产业资本】Team8:追加募集$85M 加码行业网安

【整体并购】Dome9:Check Point$175M将其并购 加码云安全

【反欺诈】Area 1:获融$32M 打造根据反钓鱼数量收费新模式

【安全服务】易安联:获资¥数千万 致力云安全服务

【云安全】Wallarm:获融$8M 提供基于AI的自适应云安全

【数据安全】CybelAngel:获融$12M 致力于DLP

【数据安全】Demisto:获融$43M 致力SOAR

【业务安全】Egnyte:高盛领投$75M 协同文档安全

【整体并购】Imperva:Thoma Bravo $2.1B将其并购 致力云安全

【安全管理】CloudKnox Raises:获融 $10.8M 防止权限管理失控

【整体并购】RedLock:平底锅$173M将其并购 布局云安全

【终端安全】Hysolate:获融$18M 混合架构兼顾终端安全与效率

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【网络安全】Darktrace:以投后$1.65B获融$50M 机器学习抵御网络威胁

【移动安全】Shape Security:获得E轮融资 致力于移动应用恶意攻击防护

【开源安全】Snyk:获融$22M 发力开源代码安全

【网络安全】Protocol 46:获融$1.1M 面向中小企业的军用级深度防御

【数据安全】数篷科技:获经纬$5M 专注隐私保护

【数据安全】美创科技:获融¥100M+ 专注数据安全


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【反欺诈】Ravelin:获融$8M 用机器学习对抗电商欺诈

【IoT】HawkEye 360:获融$5.3M 专注射频数据分析

【代码安全】Sonatype:获融$80M 专注开源安全检测

【网络安全】AnchorFree:VPN创企 获融$2.95亿

【合规风控】SynapseFI:致力于银行与Fintech融合 获融$1700万

【智能安防】Latch:智能公寓门锁 获融$7000万

【数据安全】AirTrunk: 超大规模数据中心 获融$6.21亿

【数据安全】Cloudian:企业数据管理 获融$9400万

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【IoT安全】物联网安全 青莲云获融¥数千万


【云安全】基于AI的云安全平台 Lacework获融$2400万

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【数据安全】大数据安全 Exabeam获融$5000万

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【安全检测】专注攻击溯源 中睿天下获融¥8000万

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【应用安全】去服务器应用安全 Protego Labs获融$200万

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【应用安全】企业级应用安全 Onapsis获$3100万C轮融资

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【安全检测】开源软件安全 Snyk获融$700万




【网安众测】 Bugcrowd 获得$2600万C轮融资

【数据安全】顶象宣布获过亿融资 嘉实投资领投



【网络安全】实时未知威胁防御 Vectra获融$3600万

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【数据安全】基础设施安全创企 Aperio获融$450万

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【IoT】轨道交通网安 Cylus获$470万融资


【数据安全】隐私保护 D-ID获$400万种子轮融资

【云安全】应用层安全 Tigera获$1000万融资

【端点安全】混合架构协调效率与安全 Hysolate获$800万融资




【区块链】硬件钱包 Ledger获$7500万B轮融资



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【安全管理】外包SOC服务 Arctic Wolf获$1600万融资

【IoT】AI工控安全 Nozomi获$1500万B轮融资


【IoT】韩企Security Platform获软银$278万投资







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【IoT】云车联网安全 Upstream获$900万A轮融资

【云安全】软件定义安全 ShieldX获$2500万B轮融资

【IoT】防护80亿个IoT终端 Cog获$350万A轮融资

【云安全】反恶意威胁云平台 Menlo获$4000万C轮融资

【区块链】代理二次认证 NuCypher获$430万融资



【反欺诈】反钓鱼 IRONSCALES获$650万A轮融资

【移动安全】实时APP防护 Prevoty获$1300万B轮融资





【物联网】Tortuga Logic获融$200万打造芯片级安全



【智能安防】AI视频监控平台 博思廷获融¥3000万A+轮融资







【暗网监控】Recorded Future获$2500万E轮融资






【物联网】AI助力摄像头安全 Flare获融€340万









【容器安全】Aqua Security获$2500万B轮融资


【暗网防护】Digital Shadows获$2600万C轮融资




