

Dean Takahashi 网络安全投资 2021-08-07

【180715 VentureBeat】Better late than never. First, the U.S. special counsel indicted 13 Russian nationals for committing cyber fraud to advance Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. And now Israel’s Toka is announcing it has raised $12.5 million to help countries strengthen their cyber defenses.

Tel Aviv-based Toka has raised the seed round from investors including Andreessen Horowitz; Entrée Capital; Dell Technologies Capital; Launch Capital; and Ray Rothrock, CEO of cyber analytics firm RedSeal.

The company’s cofounders include retired Brig. Gen. Yaron Rosen, former chief of Israel Defense Forces cyber staff; Alon Kantor, former vice president of business development for Check Point; Kfir Waldman, former CEO of cyber and mobile companies Kayhut and Go Arc; and Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.

“Transforming one’s cybersecurity posture takes more than buying one piece of software. It takes the right technologies, plus having the right people, processes, systems, and strategies in place,” said Yaron Rosen, in a statement. “Our Cyber Designer Team will help nations develop the strategic capabilities, an operational approach, and an ecosystem of software products tailored for them. And if there isn’t a product on the market that meets our client’s needs, we will build it with our R&D team — Toka Cyber Labs.”

Toka will help governmental agencies tasked with keeping citizens and government institutions safe transform their cyber-defenses.

“The proliferation of connected devices and the rise of IoT have transformed the digital and security landscape, creating new threats, as well as opportunities for those entrusted with keeping their people safe. Governmental, law enforcement, and security agencies are in the process of adapting to this new cyber era, creating a huge market need,” said Yair Snir, managing director at Dell Technologies Capital, in a statement. “The team at Toka has unparalleled experience at the highest levels of cybersecurity, and with their technical and strategic know-how, combined with this investment, they can fill this need and build a great business.”

To ensure appropriate protection, Toka will design, build, and manage a tailored ecosystem of cyber capabilities and software products for each client.

“Today, too many countries still do not have the cyber capabilities they need to protect themselves and their citizens, and it’s become an imminent global problem that’s spurring demand,” said Ran Achituv, managing partner at Entrée Capital, in a statement. “Toka is filling this gap, and in doing so, has the potential to make the whole world much safer.”

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