
BlueVoyant:获融$82.5M 安全托管及威胁情报

Jake 网络安全投资 2021-08-07

【190530 MyTechTV】The pace of malicious hacks and security breaches is showing no signs of slowing down, and spend among enterprises to guard against that is set to reach $124 billion this year. That’s also having a knock-on effect on the most innovative cybersecurity startups, which continue to raise big money to grow and meet that demand.


In the latest development, a New York startup called BlueVoyant — which provides managed security, professional services and, most recently, threat intelligence — has picked up $82.5 million in a Series B round of funding at a valuation in excess of $430 million.

在最新的发展中,一家名为BlueVoyant的纽约创业公司 - 提供托管安全,专业服务以及最近的威胁情报 - 在B轮融资中获得了8,250万美元,估值超过4.3亿美元。

The funding is coming from a range of new and existing investors that includes Fiserv, the fintech giant that’s acquiring First Data for $22 billion. (The startup is not disclosing any other names at this time, it said.) It has raised $207.5 million to date.

这笔资金来自一系列新的和现有的投资者,其中包括Fiserv,这是一家以220亿美元收购First Data的金融科技巨头。 (该创业公司此时并未披露任何其他名称。)迄今为止已筹集了2.075亿美元。

BlueVoyant has a notable pedigree that goes some way to explaining how the idea for the startup first germinated.


Co-founder and CEO Jim Rosenthal met his co-founder Tom Glocer (the former CEO of Thomson Reuters) when Rosenthal was COO of Morgan Stanley and Glocer was a director at the financial services giant (Glocer is still on the board). Glocer said that in 2012 and 2013, a fair amount of Rosenthal’s work involved cyber defense, and he came into close contact there with Glocer, who was chairing the operations and technology committee at the time.

当Rosenthal担任摩根士丹利首席运营官时,联合创始人兼首席执行官Jim Rosenthal遇到了他的联合创始人Tom Glocer(汤森路透的前首席执行官),而Glocer则担任该金融服务巨头的董事(Glocer仍在董事会中)。 Glocer表示,在2012年和2013年,相当数量的罗森塔尔的工作涉及网络防御,他与当时担任运营和技术委员会主席的Glocer建立了密切联系。

“Here was an incredibly strategic, smart fellow in charge of operations,” he said of Rosenthal. “When it came time for him to retire, he told me he wanted to do one more big thing, but in a more entrepreneurial fashion. I suggested to him that the next step could be to work on [cybersecurity], which we were focusing on at Morgan Stanley.”

罗森塔尔说:“这是一位非常具有战略意义的,非常聪明的负责运营的人。” “当他退休的时候,他告诉我他想要做一件大事,但是要以更具创业精神的方式。我向他建议,下一步可能是[网络安全],我们专注于摩根士丹利。“

Glocer noted that the bank was spending some $300 million annually on cybersecurity at the time. It effectively had all the resources of the world at its disposal to invest in tackling the risks, but the two were all too aware of how even that could prove not to be enough — and of course for any company with fewer resources, or that wasn’t billed as a tech company or with technology as part of its DNA.

Glocer指出,该银行当时每年在网络安全方面的支出约为3亿美元。它有效地利用了世界上所有的资源来投资解决风险,但是两个人都非常清楚这种情况怎么可能证明是不够的 - 当然对任何资源较少的公司来说都是如此被称为科技公司或技术作为其DNA的一部分。

BlueVoyant was built with those kinds of challenges in mind.


The startup has amassed talent from the world of private enterprise, but also a number of government organizations such as the NSA, FBI, GCHQ and Unit 8200 — which are alternately renowned and somewhat notorious for their work in cybersecurity and hacking. Its offices span a multitude of geographies that speaks to the customers that it has picked up in its quiet growth to date (which also gives some color to its valuation, too). In addition to the U.S., it has operations in Israel, the United Kingdom, Spain and the Philippines.

这家创业公司积累了来自私营企业的人才,还有一些政府组织,如国家安全局,联邦调查局,GCHQ和8200单位 - 这些组织因其在网络安全和黑客方面的工作而备受瞩目并臭名昭着。它的办事处遍布众多地区,这些地理位置向客户说明其迄今为止的稳定增长(也为其估值提供了一些颜色)。除美国外,它还在以色列,英国,西班牙和菲律宾开展业务。

Tapping that talent pool, the company focuses on three areas of service for its customers: threat intelligence, managed security and professional services (with the latter focused specifically on those related to security implementations and operations).


Within these, Rosenthal said in an interview that it both builds its own IP, and also brings in software from a range of trusted partners (which include many of the biggest security software companies around today). Key to the proposition, though, is also the implementation of that technology. The theory is that technology will only get a company so far: you need a multi-level strategy when it comes to cybersecurity, and part of that will involve people able to identify vulnerabilities and figuring out how to fix or defend around them.


BlueVoyant believes the opportunity for it is twofold: targeting small and medium enterprises — the pitch being that it can provide the same kind of software and level of services that large enterprises enjoy; and targeting larger enterprises that may already have large IT budgets and teams tasked with cybersecurity, but could still use supplementary work from a world-class team of experts that would be a challenge to amass directly.

BlueVoyant认为,它的机会是双重的:针对中小型企业 - 可以提供与大型企业相同的软件和服务水平;并且针对可能已经拥有大量IT预算的大型企业和负责网络安全的团队,但仍然可以使用来自世界级专家团队的补充工作,这将是直接积累的挑战。

“My view is that for firms with very good cyber defenses, external cyber intelligence is important because you can’t defend everything equally,” Rosenthal said. “Having good actionable defense makes it better.

“我的观点是,对于拥有非常好的网络防御的公司来说,外部网络情报非常重要,因为你无法平等地保护所有内容,”罗森塔尔说。 “具有良好的可操作性防御使其更好。

“Then for firms that are unable to afford an excellent cyber defense instructed by themselves and may not be able to attract the talent necessary, a managed security service is the right and important answer,” he continued. “That kind of managed security now needs to be available to companies of all sizes, not just the big ones but small and medium organizations, too. We have created a tech stack and level of talent capable of providing those.”

“那么对于那些无力承担自己指导的优秀网络防御并且可能无法吸引必要人才的公司而言,托管安全服务是正确而重要的答案,”他继续道。 “现在需要为各种规模的公司提供这种托管安全性,不仅仅是大型公司,还有中小型组织。我们已经创建了一个技术堆栈和能够提供这些技能的人才水平。“

The formula appears to be working. Since launching the first tranche of its offering, managed services, in 2018, BlueVoyant has picked up some 150 customers in verticals like financial services, manufacturing, municipal government and education.


Working with partners is one way that BlueVoyant plans to expand that customer base over time. Fiserv is backing the startup as a strategic investment and the two will collaborate on providing respective services to each other’s clients. Specifically, Glocer noted that many of the banks that Fiserv currently works with are typical targets: businesses that have a lot to lose in a breach, but may lack the size to ever adequately secure its infrastructure and other assets.

与合作伙伴合作是BlueVoyant计划随着时间的推移扩展该客户群的一种方式。 Fiserv支持创业公司作为战略投资,两者将合作为彼此的客户提供相应的服务。具体而言,Glocer指出,Fiserv目前合作的许多银行都是典型的目标:在违规行为中损失惨重的企业,但可能缺乏足够的安全基础设施和其他资产。

“The strategic alliance between Fiserv and BlueVoyant brings advanced cyber defense capabilities to banks and credit unions of all sizes,” said Byron Vielehr, chief administrative officer of Fiserv. “Our continued investment in BlueVoyant underscores the value these capabilities can bring to our clients.”

“Fiserv和BlueVoyant之间的战略联盟为银行和各种规模的信用合作社带来了先进的网络防御能力,”Fiserv首席行政官Byron Vielehr说。 “我们对BlueVoyant的持续投资强调了这些能力为我们的客户带来的价值。”

BlueVoyant is not the only big security startup to raise at a high valuation in recent times. Auth0 raised $103 million at a $1 billion valuation last week. In April, Bitglass closed a $70 million round. 2018 had seen a high-water mark for security funding, with startups raking in a record $5.3 billion in the year; it will be worth watching to see whether the ongoing march of breaches will see those figures rise again this year.

BlueVoyant并不是近期唯一一家高估值的大型安保创业公司。 Auth0上周以10亿美元的估值筹集了1.03亿美元。 4月份,Bitglass完成了7000万美元的回合。 2018年的安全资金水平很高,创业公司在这一年创下了53亿美元的创纪录水平;值得关注的是,正在进行的违规游行是否会使这些数字今年再次上升。

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【合规风控】SynapseFI:致力于银行与Fintech融合 获融$1700万

【智能安防】Latch:智能公寓门锁 获融$7000万

【数据安全】AirTrunk: 超大规模数据中心 获融$6.21亿

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【公共安全】智能城市及关键基础设施网安 iS5Com获融$1700万

【公共安全】深度威胁分析 HYAS获融$620万



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【数据安全】敏感数据自动化管控 Integris获融$1000万


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【安全检测】专注攻击溯源 中睿天下获融¥8000万

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【安全检测】 SafetyCulture获融$4650万

【区块链】漏洞检测 派盾宣布获融数千万

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【IoT】工业网安创企 Claroty获$6000万B轮融资

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【安全管理】以色列国防级SOC Cyberbit获融$3000万


【安全管理】安全运维自动化 Indeni获融$1400万

【身份认证】声纹识别 Speakin获融¥近亿

【区块链】区块链隐私创企 Starkware获融$600万

【代码安全】代码安全检测 Vulcan获融$400万


【反欺诈】企业防欺诈 Signifyd获$1亿D轮融资

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【安全管理】企业级移动安全管理 Corrata获融€130万


【身份认证】身份认证即服务 Auth0获融$5500万

【二级市场】360拟私募¥108亿 发力大数据、AI等九大方向

【移动安全】服务商数盟 获融¥2400万


【威胁检测】行为威胁检测 IronNet获融$7800万

【安全服务】网络保险创企 At-Bay获融$1300万

【应用安全】去服务器应用安全 Protego Labs获融$200万

【应用安全】SAP系统安全 ERP-Maestro获融$1200万

【IoT】无人驾驶安全 Regulus获融$630万


【数据安全】大数据安全创企 观安信息获¥1.3亿B轮融资

【移动安全】生物识别创企 SecuredTouch获融$800万

【数据安全】ATO防护创企SpyCloud 获融$500万

【智能安防】下一代视频监控 Verkada获融$1500万

【应用安全】企业级应用安全 Onapsis获$3100万C轮融资

【IoT】车联网及无人驾驶安全 Karamba获融$1000万


【IoT】去中介防护 Armis获$3000万B轮融资

【云安全】安全即服务云创企 OPAQ获$2250万B轮融资


【端点安全】下一代端点安全 Carbon Black拟在纳斯达克上市融资$1亿

【网络安全】软件即服务WAF Threat X获$820万A轮融资

【IoT】无人机探测雷达 Fortem获$1500万A轮融资

【威胁情报】网络空间测绘 白帽汇/华顺信安获融¥数千万

【区块链】金融数据安全 Spring Labs获融$1475万

【IoT】AI驱动无人驾驶安全 天瞳威视获融¥数千万

【数据安全】聚焦大数据安全 瀚思宣布完成B+轮融资

【IoT】嵌入式设备安全 Red Balloon获$2190万A轮融资

【智能安防】机器人保安 Cobalt Robotics获融$1650万

【端点安全】进程监控 实时防护 Virsec获$2400万B轮融资

【企业并购】Palo Alto将$3亿收购云安全创企Evident.io

【威胁情报】威胁情报网关 Bandura融资$350万

【云安全】混合云应用访问权限管理 Luminate获$1400万

【网安众测】众测白帽智库 Detectify获融€500万

【IoT】无人机驾驶安全 Airspace Systems获融$2000万

【威胁防护】通过无代码区识别恶意代码 Solebit 获融$1100万

【身份认证】行为生物识别 BioCatch获融$3000万

【安全检测】开源软件安全 Snyk获融$700万




【网安众测】 Bugcrowd 获得$2600万C轮融资

【数据安全】顶象宣布获过亿融资 嘉实投资领投



【网络安全】实时未知威胁防御 Vectra获融$3600万

【云安全】以插件代位WAF Templarbit获融$300万



【数据安全】基础设施安全创企 Aperio获融$450万

【数据安全】帮助企业应对GDPR BigID获$1400万融资

【IoT】轨道交通网安 Cylus获$470万融资


【数据安全】隐私保护 D-ID获$400万种子轮融资

【云安全】应用层安全 Tigera获$1000万融资

【端点安全】混合架构协调效率与安全 Hysolate获$800万融资




【区块链】硬件钱包 Ledger获$7500万B轮融资



【IoT】以色列创企VDOO获83North $1300万投资


【安全管理】外包SOC服务 Arctic Wolf获$1600万融资

【IoT】AI工控安全 Nozomi获$1500万B轮融资


【IoT】韩企Security Platform获软银$278万投资







【区块链】虚拟币安全 BitGo获$4250万B轮融资

【IoT】云车联网安全 Upstream获$900万A轮融资

【云安全】软件定义安全 ShieldX获$2500万B轮融资

【IoT】防护80亿个IoT终端 Cog获$350万A轮融资

【云安全】反恶意威胁云平台 Menlo获$4000万C轮融资

【区块链】代理二次认证 NuCypher获$430万融资



【反欺诈】反钓鱼 IRONSCALES获$650万A轮融资

【移动安全】实时APP防护 Prevoty获$1300万B轮融资





【物联网】Tortuga Logic获融$200万打造芯片级安全



【智能安防】AI视频监控平台 博思廷获融¥3000万A+轮融资







【暗网监控】Recorded Future获$2500万E轮融资






【物联网】AI助力摄像头安全 Flare获融€340万









【容器安全】Aqua Security获$2500万B轮融资


【暗网防护】Digital Shadows获$2600万C轮融资




