
PageSeal:被PerimeterX并购 强化终端威胁防护

【190820  Israel business news】Israeli company PerimeterX, a developer of technology for identifying and blocking bots, has announced the acquisition of PageSeal, another Israeli company that specializes in client-side protection. Financial details were not disclosed, but up until the acquisition PageSeal reportedly raised $1 million from Alon Arabov and family office Clear Future.

PerimeterX was founded in 2014 by its CEO Omri Iluz, CTO Ido Safruti, and CFO Ophir Ashkenazi. It currently employs about 150 people, half of them at its Tel Aviv offices. In February this year, the company completed a $43 million fund raising round led by Scale Venture Partners. Altogether it has raised $80 million.

The company's technology is designed to provide protection against malicious bots of various kinds: bots intended to crack passwords of personal ecommerce accounts, as well as bots intended to skew election systems and online surveys. The system monitors a surfer's behavior, mouse movements, and finger touch on a smartphone screen, in order to discern when activity on the device is carried out an automated system rather than by a human being.

PageSeal was founded in 2016 by Samuel Botushansky and Nir Levi. In late 2017, Ken Zwiebel was brought in as CEO. Until the acquisition deal, PageSeal employed 15 people at its offices in Ness Ziona. It develops protection against malicious code on the client side. It enables Internet sites, chiefly ecommerce sites, to offer protection to their customers.

The PageSeal team, including Botushansky and Levi, has been integrated into PerimeterX. Zwiebel has been appointed General Manager at PerimeterX.

PageSeal's technology is the basis of a new product announced by PerimeterX at the same time as the acquisition. PerimeterX Page Defender is a client-side malware protection solution that blocks unwanted ads and scripts from redirecting web visitors so they can complete their intended path, resulting, according to the company, in more revenue for ecommerce sites.

“From day one, our vision has been to empower customers to grow their digital businesses, whether that means defending their websites from automated attacks, protecting their brand reputation, or helping them increase conversions,” said Iluz. “We are thrilled to further this vision with the addition of the PageSeal team and its technology to our expanding portfolio of solutions. This expansion helps ecommerce customers unleash the power of web applications to build their business.”

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